Chapter 959

In South Osu District, the bearded hunter and his group were led by the "Skyhunting Beast" army. They searched the city day and night for a day and a night, and basically turned the entire area over. After the upside down, apart from finding the bodies of some unidentified residents and the stumps of some mutated green beast rats, there are still no clues about Ji Xiaoyan and Yu Qisi.

"Brother, we haven't rested all day and night. In such a place, it is basically impossible to have a living. Who are these army hunting beasts looking for? Is it very important to the federal government? A character? You have survived for several days in such a place, and are you still alive?" A man next to the bearded man looked at the bearded man very exhaustedly, and asked a dying question. Before he had time to say more, suddenly He saw a few men next to him immediately look at him in horror, and after that, he felt that there was a lot on his face.

After seeing that the other people around him had already covered that person's mouth, the bearded man secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then said in a low voice: "You bastard, do you want to kill us all or something? Can you talk about these things everywhere? You don’t know who these people are around us? Go yourself if you want to die, don’t drag us down!!”

"That's right, that's right, if you dare to talk nonsense again, we don't want to take you with us!!" The other people beside him quickly nodded and said something, and after seeing the man blinking and nodding, he let him go .

"I just said that I won't do it in the future!!" The man took a quick breath and said something to the others.

"Yeah!" The bearded man nodded lightly, seeing the surrounding soldiers who hunted the beasts meticulously looking for the wreckage of the surrounding buildings, he sighed and said, "Everyone don't Too much to complain about! This can be regarded as our bad luck, being caught by these evil spirits. It’s good that they didn’t directly clear us, just find someone, it’s considered a helper for nothing! We’ve passed, and we’ve almost found this area, so we’ll be able to leave soon.”

"That's the only way to go now!" Everyone nodded, sighed helplessly, and looked around dully.There was a mess everywhere, how could it be possible to find three living people from such a ruin!However, if the person the hunters and the soldiers were looking for had really died here, then even if they found the body, they probably wouldn't be able to survive, right?
Therefore, the only thing they hope for now is that the three people they need to find will have better luck and more tenacious vitality. .Live to be taken away by that pretty beauty in the Skyhunting army before dying
Thinking of this, the bearded man suddenly regained his energy.

Today is already the fourth day after the mutated green beast rat attacked the city. If there are people who are still alive, then they probably won't be able to survive for long.Therefore, if their current group of people wants to survive, they must find out the people who are needed by the three hunting beasts in the army as soon as possible, and let them take them away
"Brothers, let's go faster. As long as we find the person, even if we only have one breath, we can complete this matter. Otherwise, the meat of those mutated green beast rats we hoarded a few days ago is probably So I can only take advantage of others." The bearded man said excitedly to several other people, "Brothers, do you want to get rich? Do you want to go home safely? Be active, find someone, and we can go back."

When the men heard the words, you looked at me and I looked at you, they all nodded cautiously, and they immediately buried their heads and began to search.

It's just that when they are actively looking for people in the city.

The strangers staying at Ji Xiaoyan's house had already checked all of Ji Xiaoyan's house with Shisan, and they finally found some clues.The window was open and the glass wasn't broken at all.So this shows a problem, they have a suspension car! !
Thinking of this possibility, Xin, who had never met before, suddenly breathed a sigh of relief for some reason, and felt that the whole person was much more alive.Standing outside the window, he looked at the left, right, front and back, and looked at the colorful suspension car tracks that had resumed operation in mid-air. After drawing up a few routes in his mind, he asked Thirteen to recruit a lot of partial suspension vehicles, and recruited a few Individuals scattered and flew out in different directions.

"Young master, I guess they can't find it like this. If they had a hover car, they would have flown away long ago!!" Thirteen pursed his lips, sighed and looked at the profile of the stranger, while driving the hover car , and said to him: "Master, in fact, if you want me to say, it's better for you to stay in the city. You can't run around for these things. And, you bring out all the hunters of the sky beasts." , and even brought out the flying spaceship. This matter has not been reported to the family or the military department, and there will still be a lot of trouble if it is reported by someone with a heart!!"

"Is it for you to worry about these things?" The strangers didn't even look at Thirteen, their eyes kept scanning the ground, hoping to find some clues, and said lightly: "The federal government is very concerned about this time. I haven’t said clearly enough about the mutated beast attacking the city? Free hunters can come to help, why can’t our team of hunting beasts come? As for the flying ship, it’s not the first time I’ve launched it randomly, so what’s there to be afraid of? of?"

"But, young master, the one you drove out this time has the logo of the military department, okay?" Thirteen was crying in his heart!He really wanted to yell at this stranger, but seeing the look on his face, Shisan had no choice but to swallow the words silently, and then prayed loudly in his heart: I hope Can quickly find Miss Ji Xiaoyan and the others!As long as he finds someone, his young master can come back! !At that time, it may not be that the family members have not discovered this situation. At that time, will his young master not receive any scolding and punishment?
But, is it really that simple?Thirteen knew it very well!That is impossible.However, he still couldn't help but fantasize about it.

Sighing deeply in his heart, Shisan received the news of a hovering vehicle passing through: In another direction out of the city, on the ground some distance away from the rainbow track, several crashed hovering vehicles were found, and there were several other vehicles nearby. The corpse of a mutated blue beast mouse that can only fly.
Flying Mutants! !In other words, even if there are suspension vehicles, not many people in those cities will survive!Such a thought suddenly popped up in Thirteen's mind, and he turned his head to look at his young master, and suddenly felt an inexplicable sadness in his heart!Is the young master going to die of grief this time?

Ji Xiaoyan, it's all that Ji Xiaoyan! ! !

Thirteen gritted his teeth and roared in his heart: Miss Ji Xiaoyan, if you really die and make our young master sad, I will definitely not let you go, in the next life, in the next life, I will arrest you ! ! !
"Fly over and have a look!!" Just as Shisan was roaring in confusion, the stranger's voice seemed very calm, and he said something directly to Shisan, and nothing could be seen on his face .

Thirteen opened his mouth, didn't dare to say anything, and directly drove the hover car to the side where he just got the news.

A few minutes later, they stopped on the wreckage of a hover vehicle.

"Master!" A man in a sky-blue military uniform saluted the stranger expressionlessly, and then directly reported: "There are four people in this suspension vehicle, two men and two women, a boy and a boy. They are only about ten years old, they should be a family, not the three you are looking for, young master! Judging from the direction they are flying, they should be planning to escape to the docking point of the airship, and the power of the suspension vehicle does not support their growth. It’s reasonable to fly to other cities so they encountered the flying mutated green beast mouse. There are also a lot of crashed suspension vehicles in front of us. We have already checked them out. There is no one you are looking for, young master. As for the characteristics of the airship, it was basically captured by the mutated green beast mouse, and no hovering vehicle successfully reached there."

"Yeah!" The stranger responded lightly, without looking at the wreckage of the floating car on the ground, just looked around, and then asked: "Then what do you think, if there is a floating car looking around here? After seeing the crashed cars, if you know that you can’t go to the other side of the airship stop, where will you go?”

The soldier thought for a while, then turned around and pointed in one direction and said: "If you calculate the power of the hover car and the surrounding conditions, I guess they will either keep flying towards the docking point of the airship to touch it." Try your luck, or you can only go back to the city. If you are more adventurous, you can only go to the wilderness over there to see if there is a glimmer of life!"

"Wildness." The stranger whispered, looked at the direction the soldier was pointing at, and after thinking for a few seconds, he immediately turned to Thirteen and said, "Contact them immediately and ask them to bring their weapons. Bring some supplies and medicine, and let's go out into the wilderness."

"Master!" Shisanyi immediately widened his eyes when he heard the stranger's words, and said with some surprise and disapproval: "You can go to that kind of place! There are mutant beasts everywhere, if you get hurt If so, how can I explain to the masters!! Let the Sky Beast hunters handle this kind of thing, you can just look for it in the city, and wait for the news! Maybe Ji Xiaoyan and the others will just go back to the city I don’t know where I’m hiding!!”

 PS: Thank you for the evaluation votes of "Feng Zhiyanhuan"!Thank you "Luo Luofei" for the pink ticket!Thanks to "Sister き Smoke Flavor" for the pink votes and evaluation votes!Thank you for the three pink tickets of "Broken Heart 33" and such a green He's Bi. Touched ING. . . .There are also children's shoes who have been brushed down below and voted for Qianqian who did not see it, and those children's shoes who silently voted for Qianqian every day, thank you for your support.

(End of this chapter)

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