The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 960 Who is good to whom?

Chapter 960 Who is good to whom?

When Ji Xiaoyan opened her eyes again, the scene she saw was no longer the place full of mutant animal feces before she fell asleep.There was a dark place all around, and there was a thick piece of dry grass under her body. Yu Qisi, who was lying beside her, was resting with her eyes closed at the moment, with a tired expression on her face. There was a small bonfire not far away. Besides, Ji Xiaoyan didn't see anything in this place.

Barely propped up, and after seeing that there were indeed only these things nearby, Ji Xiaoyan secretly heaved a sigh of relief, touched his face, and began to recall the previous things.It seems that she was still talking to Yu Qisi at that time, and then fell asleep. By the way, what else was going on before falling asleep?Ji Xiaoyan patted himself on the head, and only remembered after a while!That's right, it's the man Lu Wu! !Where did he go?
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan quickly looked around again, but there was still nothing but the bonfire.She vaguely remembered that when Lu Wu left, they surrounded her and Yu Qisi in a pile of mutated animal excrement and made her a more comfortable bedding, and then Lu Wu disappeared.After that, she was talking with Yu Qisi, and she lost consciousness. Her cold seemed to be much better now! !With this understanding, Ji Xiaoyan instantly felt a lot more relaxed! !As long as you don't get sick, you can relieve Yu Qisi and Lu Wu a lot of burden.
But, now that Yu Qisi is with her, where is Luwu?Did he come back after he left?Where are she and Yu Qisi now?Ji Xiaoyan has no way of knowing the answers to these questions. He was thinking of waking Yu Qisi up to ask questions, but when he turned his head and saw Yu Qisi's tired face, Ji Xiaoyan still didn't have the heart to hold it up. Body, stood up, with the small bonfire, explored the space where they were staying now.

The result surprised Ji Xiaoyan.

The place where she and Yu Qisi are staying now is actually a cave, and according to the results of her exploration, they are in the cave at the moment, not just staying near the entrance of the cave.With such a result, Ji Xiaoyan was really shocked.Both Yu Qisi and Lu Wu said that in the wilderness, it is basically impossible to find a cave to take shelter from the rain and rest, unless you can drive away all the mutant beasts that have been entrenched in the cave all year round or It is killing!Otherwise, there is only one end in entering the cave, being eaten as food.
But now they are in the cave, seeing Yu Qisi's appearance, sleeping very peacefully, then there is a problem.How could Luwu find such a comfortable place alone?However, if someone came out to rescue them, they would have taken them away long ago, so how could they be allowed to stay here?Thinking of these unknown questions, Ji Xiaoyan felt an urge to know the answer urgently
Fortunately, reason told her that there are some things not to worry about.Wait a minute, maybe there will be results.
Sitting next to the bonfire, looking at the eye-catching fire, Ji Xiaoyan closed his eyes and compared it with the scene in the game, but felt that the mood at the moment was more real than in the game.In the game, no matter what kind of environment she encounters, she is not too scared, because she knows that if she dies, she still has infinite chances of resurrection; but, in reality, if she dies, then But it really hangs up.Who knows if she can be resurrected to a body in another world after she dies?There are some things that you can't gamble on, right?

When Lu Wu came back dragging a small mutated beast thigh, what he saw was Ji Xiaoyan who was in a daze in front of the campfire, wondering what he was thinking.

"Miss Xiaoyan, are you awake? Are you okay?" Lu Wu's face was obviously a little surprised. After approaching Ji Xiaoyan, he asked carefully. He continued: "Are you hungry? Look, I grabbed the meat of a mutant beast outside. I will roast it for you right away, and you can eat it in a while!!"

"Yeah!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded obediently, looked at Lu Wu and began to work with a smile, and then asked: "Lu Wu, what's going on here?"

"What are you talking about? A cave?" Lu Wu was stunned for a moment, then smiled knowingly, and then said: "This cave is very good, the entrance is very hidden, and the entrance is not big, generally a larger variation Beasts can't get in. I followed a small mutant beast to find this place. Fortunately, the mutant beast just passed by here, and didn't know there was a cave here. It’s strange, that’s why I mustered up the courage to come in and take a look, but who knows, this place gave me a big surprise!!”

"That's because you are very lucky!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled slightly, and said something to Lu Wu, watching him busy by the campfire, peeling off the mutant beast's meat piece by piece with a dagger, and putting it on the fire On a nearby stone, Ji Xiaoyan asked curiously after listening to the high temperature on the stone roasting the meat slices: "Lu Wu, won't we attract mutant beasts if we make food like this?" ?”

"No way!" Lu Wu shook his head, with the most relaxed smile on his face in the past few days, turning over the meat slices with a wooden stick, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "I've already looked at this carefully. This cave should be the territory of a certain small mutant beast in the past. Afterwards, they all migrated for some reason, so this cave was left behind. But judging from the scale of the cave, this mutant beast The population is still very large, otherwise, the space inside would not be so large...Moreover, the best thing about this cave is that it is deep enough, and the smell inside will basically not spread out to the entrance of the cave , basically floated directly into it, and then slowly diluted in the cave! So, I think this is why this cave is basically not discovered by mutant beasts. Even though there are a large number of weak mutants living here Beasts, their smell will not attract other mutant beasts to hunt..."

"Hmm!! I don't really understand these things, as long as you say it's good here!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded fiercely, but his eyes stayed on the few pieces of meat on the stone.It smells good. . . . . .

Lu Wu smiled, turned over the meat with a wooden stick, then picked up a piece of meat, handed it to Ji Xiaoyan, and said: "Come on, Miss Xiaoyan, you eat first, I'll get some more! "

Ji Xiaoyan felt a little embarrassed, Lu Wu finally found the cave, and brought her and Yu Qisi here to hide, and went outside to find food.Now that the meat is ready, let her eat it first. . . . . . .Ji Xiaoyan opened his mouth, wanting to let Lu Wu eat some first, but after smelling the fragrance from the mutated beast meat, he couldn't help the glutton in his stomach, reached out and took the stick, and then Somewhat ashamedly said: "The green five, I will eat a piece first, and I will help make it together, and then everyone will eat together!"

Lu Wu stared at Ji Xiaoyan for a moment, then nodded with a smile, and then said, "Okay! Just follow what you said, Miss Xiaoyan... Hehe, no wonder Qisi has always said that if you can always Follow Miss Xiaoyan, that's all right!"

"What do you mean?" Ji Xiaoyan swallowed the meat whole, while feeling the rich taste of the meat slices, he looked at Lu Wu strangely and asked.No wonder those mutant beast hunters were going to the outskirts of the wilderness to hunt mutant beasts. The meat tasted really good, tenderer and more fragrant than any meat she had eaten before. . . . . .As long as it can't be sold at a price, it's strange.

Lu Wu was peeling the meat seriously, and when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, he had a very happy expression on his face, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Only by following Miss Xiaoyan, can we feel that we are not appendages, can be sacrificed, and can be used at will. I am not afraid of making fun of you, Miss Xiaoyan! We are really flattered by you treating us like this... No matter which family you are in, servants like us, under no matter how difficult the environment , must be sacrificed for the master... However, Miss Xiaoyan, you are always very polite to us. Sometimes I even feel that if one day I get used to being by your side and then I am called back, I will definitely die Not long..."

"Why?" After Ji Xiaoyan swallowed the meat in his mouth, he looked at Lu Wu in surprise and asked.

"Because of you!" Lu Wu seriously put the freshly peeled meat slices on the stone, and picked the roasted meat to the side, and then continued to say with emotion: "Because it is easy to go from being frugal to extravagant." It's hard to be extravagant and frugal... To put it bluntly, you respect us too much! We are servants, how can we deserve to be treated like this by our master? Look at you, I'm bored at home, After knowing my situation, he asked Qisi to buy me a game helmet and allowed me to earn money in the game... Hehe, let’s not talk about it, Xiaoyan Xiaoyan, I still earned money in the game during this time Three silver coins. I went to the trading hall and exchanged [-] federal coins... came out to escape, as servants and guards, we must protect you well, so that you will not be subject to any Hurt, but look, what we have made of you! Now that we can get food, it should be after you are full first, and then we will eat, you don't have to do it at all... ... But, looking at you, it seems that you are still a little embarrassed that you ate the meat first?"

"Where is it?" Ji Xiaoyan lowered his head and said something sophistry.But I don't know how the sour feeling came from.Is she really good to Yu Qisi and Lu Wu?That's right, if compared with those family members who are naturally favored in this world, she is indeed much better.However, she actually took the care and respect of Yu Qisi and Lu Wu for granted. . . . . . .Speaking of it, maybe she is also very hypocritical, right?

 PS: Thank you "Luo Luofei" for the pink ticket!Chongqing is really hot. . . . .After taking the train for two days, did you really come here to take a sauna? ? ?

(End of this chapter)

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