The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 961 Danger and Injury

Chapter 961 Danger and Injury
I don't know if it's because the smell of barbecue in the cave is too strong, or because Yu Qisi has almost slept.Just when Ji Xiaoyan and Lu Wu finished roasting another round of mutated beast meat, Yu Qisi woke up, and before he even had time to tidy up his clothes, he rushed to Ji Xiaoyan's side and said to her, "Xiaoyan Miss, how can you let you do this kind of thing!! Lu Wu, how can you let Miss Xiaoyan do this."

After finishing speaking, Yu Qisi snatched the wooden stick from Ji Xiaoyan's hand, began to turn over the mutated animal meat on the stone slab, and then said to Lu Wu with some scolding: "Lu Wu, you just called me It’s good to wake up! How can I let Miss Xiaoyan do it?”

"Qisi, I'm willing to do it myself! It's not the same as before, and I don't hurt my arms or legs." Ji Xiaoyan smiled at Yu Qisi, not seeing the faint smile on Lu Wu's face, and continued: "Besides, there is nothing wrong with doing it yourself! Qi Si, are you feeling better now? Lu Wu said that he got us some herbal medicine, so we got better so quickly? Do you still have that herbal medicine? Go and get me something to eat."

"Yes, yes, yes! I still have some!" Yu Qisi immediately nodded when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, and then looked at the wooden stick in his hand, a bit embarrassed and unwilling to throw it away!
Ji Xiaoyan laughed a bit, and after reaching out to snatch the wooden stick back, he said, "Hurry up and get the herbal medicine! Make sure our illnesses get better as soon as possible, otherwise Lu Wu will be alone to take care of the two of us in the future. But it's troublesome! Go, go, Qisi, my head still hurts right now."

"Really? Miss Xiaoyan, what's wrong with you?" Upon hearing what Ji Xiaoyan said, Yu Qisi immediately reached out and touched her forehead, then looked at her with concern and asked.

"It's all complications!" Ji Xiaoyan turned over the meat on the slate, and said to Yu Qisi: "Go and get the medicine out for me to chew, maybe I can recover faster!"

"Okay, okay, I'll go right away!" Yu Qisi got up immediately, and after standing there a little dizzy, he ran unsteadily to the haystack where she fell asleep just now, and started flipped over.

Lu Wu took a look at Yu Qisi, then turned his gaze back to the raw meat in his hand, peeled off the pieces of meat bit by bit with a dagger, and listened to Ji Xiaoyan sizzling on the slate Meat, smelling the aroma of sliced ​​meat in the air, I don't know what to think.

Within 2 minutes, Yu Qisi found the herbs.

"Come on, Miss Xiaoyan, chew a few first!" Yu Qisi sat down next to Ji Xiaoyan, handed a handful of green grass leaves to Ji Xiaoyan, and then took two grass leaves to chew. After a few times, he turned to Lu Wu and asked, "Where did you get the meat?"

"Followed a large mutant beast to hunt and snatch it!" Lu Wu's answer was so relaxed that Ji Xiaoyan couldn't imagine the thrill of it at all. He only thought that Lu Wu might have followed a large mutant beast and then became a Take the fisherman and get a small profit.

When Yu Qisi heard what Lu Wu said, his face changed a little, and then his tone improved a lot. Looking at Lu Wu, he continued to ask: "Then where did you get hurt?" Just kidding, he succeeded in grabbing food from the mutant beast How could it not be injured?It's good if it doesn't hang up! !

Hearing the words, Lu Wu stopped the movement of his hands for a while, and then said slowly: "It's nothing, it's just being caught on the back a few times!!"

That's why Ji Xiaoyan knew that Lu Wu was actually injured in order to bring back such a little meat for them to eat.

"Green Five, why didn't you tell me earlier that you were injured?" Ji Xiaoyan felt that her lacrimal glands seemed to have collapsed, and tears began to slowly accumulate in her eye sockets.

"Hehe, Miss Xiaoyan, don't worry about me, it's just a small injury! Think about it, if I was seriously injured, I could still drag this meat back to you, and sit here with you to roast the meat for half a day Is it really serious, I must have collapsed!" Lu Wu said a few words to Ji Xiaoyan with a big smile on his face, then turned his head to look at Yu Qisi with a smile and said: "Besides, Miss Xiaoyan, isn't there still July Fourth? I just thought that when she wakes up, I'll just ask her to apply some medicine for me! Our medicine box is still in her hands Don't worry, it's nothing serious!"

"Really?" Ji Xiaoyan obviously didn't believe it.

"Really!!" Lu Wu nodded with certainty.

"Then you show me?" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, and immediately put the wooden stick in his hand, with a face that looked like he was going to check it immediately, and the frightened Lu Wu hurriedly waved his hand, with a shy expression on his face: "Miss Xiaoyan, what is this?" No way, no way! This man and woman are not close. You better stop watching!! Let Qi Si come, and Qi Si come and take a look!"

"Qisi is also a woman! She can see, why can't I?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Lu Wu with obvious doubts, pointed at Yu Qisi and said.

This time, Yu Qisi did not follow Ji Xiaoyan's words, but after looking at Lu Wu, he turned his face to Ji Xiaoyan and said: "Miss Xiaoyan, Lu Wu is right! You should stop reading it." , I’ll go and have a look! You roast the meat first, and after I put the medicine on it, it’s ready to eat. Hehe, after sleeping, I’m going to starve to death! The meat of this mutant beast It's my first time, I really don't know what it's like!"

Ji Xiaoyan looked at Yu Qisi, and then at Lu Wu's swearing-to-die look, and suddenly realized something in his heart.I'm afraid that Lu Wu's injury must be serious. I guess Lu Wu wanted to take medicine first when he came back, but who knows that she woke up instead. For such a long time, she must have been holding back to accompany him.Otherwise, why do you act like you don't want her to know?Ji Xiaoyan doesn't know what it's like to fight for food with the mutant beast!Because she has never seen it, nor has she tried to snatch it, but she has seen the disciplinary films of the beasts eating in the previous life. the beasts
Green five, this is taking care of and protecting them with their lives! !

But what could she do for them?While turning over the sliced ​​meat, Ji Xiaoyan began to meditate.

Seeing that Ji Xiaoyan no longer asked to see Lu Wu's injury, Yu Qisi on the other side sank his face, took the medicine box, walked behind Lu Wu, and saw his so-called minor injury!

"There's not much medicine left! Maybe I can just apply it to you like this." Yu Qisi's voice trembled slightly, and he whispered something to Lu Wu.

"Well, it's okay!" Lu Wu nodded without changing his face, and then said: "It's just a small injury, I can still resist it!"

Yu Qisi nodded, didn't say anything else, just opened the medicine box silently, and then began to clean Lu Wu's back.Lu Wu's injury was actually quite serious. There were three big bloody gashes on the entire back, covered with some mud and other colored liquids. It is estimated that Lu Wu immediately found something to give first aid after the injury, while stopping the bleeding, On the one hand, it is used to cover up the smell of one's own blood, and beware of being chased and killed by other mutant beasts who ask about the smell of blood.However, covering the wound with these things is very unhygienic, and it is very likely that it will become inflamed and festered. However, if they want to clean it up, they have no conditions now.

They don't have clean water!

Yu Qisi's eyes were a little blurry!If they can't wait for rescue, they will probably have to bury their bones in this wilderness!She and Lu Wu have nothing to do with each other. It is already very good that this life can live up to now. There are not a few people in the family who died earlier than them.But what will Miss Xiaoyan do?Let her die like them in this wilderness?that's not okay
Thinking of this, Yu Qisi's eyes could not help but sink, and he said to Lu Wu in a low voice: "Lu Wu, you have to persevere! What would we do without Miss Xiaoyan? Are we leaving her here to live on her own?" Self-destruction? You must resist!"

"Hehe, I know! Don't worry, since I, Lu Wu, brought you out, I must bring you back!" Lu Wu smiled, but secretly determined in his heart: Even if I can't bring you Send Ji Xiaoyan back, and watch her leave this wilderness safely and reach a safe place!

"Yeah!" Yu Qisi responded, and while applying wound medicine to Lu Wu's back, he dug out some medicine from the medicine box and handed it to him, "You'd better take some medicine! Try to avoid any accidents." Until the injury recovers! Only in this way can Miss Xiaoyan and I be safe in the future! You don’t want to rob mutant beasts in the future. The gain outweighs the loss!”

Lu Wu nodded with a smile, "It's just that I met it. I was going to find something else to eat, but who knows, I saw two mutant beasts hunting at once. I bought more than 20 mutated scorpion sheep! How can I eat up those two mutated scorpion sheep! I saw a mutated scorpion sheep very close to me, so I sneaked over. I was eating, but I didn't see me. Later, a mutant beast appeared from nowhere to snatch the food, and I was discovered. I got a paw, but it was okay. The three probably looked I'm too weak, but I fought with each other on my own, so I had time to run away. Hehe, I just thought, the food we ate these days is not very nutritious, and it's hard for some mutated beasts to eat meat. It's still good”

"Well! But don't do this in the future!" Yu Qisi didn't say anything more, just nodded, and then saw Ji Xiaoyan suddenly turned his face to the side, with a vigilant expression, and immediately asked nervously: "Miss Xiaoyan, what's the matter?"

"It seems that there is something moving at the entrance of the cave." Ji Xiaoyan frowned, and whispered something with his ears propped up.

 PS: Thanks for the two pink tickets for "FF Final Fantasy"!

(End of this chapter)

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