Chapter 962
South Osu District.

The mutated beast hunters who came here voluntarily to hunt the mutated green beasts and rats have been exhausted for the past few days.I thought that after a few days of killing, those mutated green beast mice would basically be wiped out by them, but who knows, overnight, the mutated green beast mice came out from nowhere, and even brought A lot of flying mutated blue beast rats came!This fact came so suddenly that even the mutant hunters and the officers of the federal government army couldn't believe it.

Generally speaking, the mutated beasts have been killed like this, no matter what, they should retreat and go back to the wilderness!How could it be so stubborn to stay in the city?Moreover, they also came from so many branches of ethnic groups, and rushed into the city in one breath. Judging from the battle, it seemed that they would not give up until they completely occupied the Nanaosu District!This situation is very unscientific!

The officers of the federal government who were in charge of leading the entire suppression team to hunt and kill the mutated green beast rats in the South Aosu area had some headaches!They reported the situation to the federal government at the first time, but they still did not get any response after waiting for several hours. They still have enough food reserves. After all, there are still so many corpses of mutated green beast rats. If they are frozen, they are all edible; but, what they are most worried about now is the issue of weapons!At the beginning, the federal government had only five days to clear them up. Within five days, the mutated green beast rats had to be wiped out, and then the major families were allowed to help them clean up the mess. The name was to let the major families share a share soup!

However, how many mutated blue beast rats can be divided among them?Who doesn't know?So generally speaking, if there is no oil and water, there will not even be a family to help clean it up.And if the major families really got a lot of benefits in the process of cleaning up, the top executives of the federal government would not be happy again!No one wants to let those families grow and get more benefits, right?However, the current situation is not optimistic.

Just when they thought that the mutated blue beast rats were about to be wiped out, these mutated beasts suddenly increased in number.In five days, they are almost running out!If the federal government still delays the time and let them, like the military, continue to wipe out the mutated green beast rats, they will face a problem: they don't have enough weapons and ammunition.
Thinking of this, the faces of several officers in the military department are not very good-looking.

The news went out for a few hours, but there was no news from the federal government. They are now in a dilemma.Either, ignore everything when the expected time comes, and just follow the original plan, stop immediately and leave; or, just stay here and wait for definite news.

"Let's decide by voting!" A man in military uniform with a bearded face thought for a long time, then sighed and said to the other officers, "No matter what the result is, we will decide it together."

The rest of you looked at me and I looked at you, but none of them spoke first.It was a young officer in the corner of the room who struggled for a long time before he summoned up his courage and said, "Sir, I think we don't need to be in trouble. There are still people in the city who have more authority than us."

"Who are you talking about?" The bearded officer frowned and asked suspiciously.

"I heard that people from the 'Skyhunting Beast' appeared in the southern area, and it seems that the flying ship is still parked there!" The young officer said in a relaxed tone, "The news I received yesterday is that That's what I said. It's just that I thought those hunters would come over soon to take over here, but until today, there seems to be no news from them. I wonder if they are delayed by something in the southern district, or Said, what are they here looking for?" Seeing that everyone was looking at him, the young officer had a pensive look on his face, and suddenly he gained more courage, and then continued: "Everyone knows the group of hunters. They will not move out easily, and if they do, they will definitely clear the field. However, according to the news I got yesterday, there was a team of ordinary mutant beast hunters in the southern area who were hit by them, but they were not silenced in the end. Instead, they were asked to dig and rummage nearby together.”

"You mean, the Skyhunting Beasts are still looking for something anyway, so we can go to them to make a decision. If there is any doubt at that time, we can push it directly to their On him?" An uncle officer in his 40s thought for a while, his eyes lit up and he immediately said, "You have a good idea! Who doesn't know the virtues of the hunters? Just say that they are looking for something , We were asked to clear the venue and leave, are they responsible for the blame? If this is the case, we have something to explain.”

When the other officers heard this, they immediately smiled with comprehension, and everyone looked at each other tacitly, and then looked at the bearded officer on the chief seat, waiting for him to speak.

"Do you really think you can catch those bastards of Skyhunting Beast?" The bearded officer frowned, and said with some disapproval: "The bastards of Skyhunting Beast are not fools, so they can be fooled by us like this? I didn't think about what would happen if I didn't get them over, but aroused their dissatisfaction instead."

"This..." all the officers, you looked at me, and I looked at you, and stopped talking.

The young officer looked at the people in front of him who were all of higher rank than him, and felt a little disdainful.Don't even dare to take such a risk, still want to take advantage?How can there be such a good thing in the world?These people in front of them don't have any courage at all, and they still feel very good about themselves, thinking that they are all heroes of the Federation?

With a cold snort in his heart, the young officer suddenly stood up, looked down at the other officers in the room and said, "Anyway, we can only wait for the news or wait for the time to come." That’s all. The Skyhunting Beast’s whereabouts were discovered by my subordinates anyway, so let me take a look! Just treat it as a greeting from my subordinates, I’ll take the time to ask and see what they say! Now I just hope to get an answer from you, sir, if they are willing to come and take over, do you have any comments!"

The bearded officer took a serious look at the young officer, smiled suddenly, and then said: "Okay, boy, you have a temper! You go, if the people from the hunting beast are willing to come and take over, then we Absolutely will not have any opinions, immediately retreat to the second line, and when the time comes, we will go back collectively to report!"

"Okay, your words are enough, sir! I'll go and ask!" The young officer smiled easily, saluted the other officers in the room, turned around and left forcefully.

"What's this kid's name? Come back and find me his resume!" The bearded officer leaned back on the chair with a relaxed face, looked at the back of the young man leaving, and said to the rest of the officers: "This The boy is very good, determined, and courageous! Hehe, he can see the situation clearly, and he left a deep impression on us all by using such an opportunity. Hehe, the future is boundless."

Several officers glanced at each other, but did not answer, but turned their eyes to the direction where the young officer left, not knowing what to think.
And the hunting beast here.

After the strangers already had a clear target direction in their hearts, they immediately sent people back to gather all the soldiers who were still hunting for Ji Xiaoyan and the others in the city, and then drove the flying ship directly to He flew directly in the direction of the wilderness.The mutant hunters with big beards finally breathed a sigh of relief, and sat down on the mottled ground, watching the flying ship getting smaller and smaller in their sight
"Brother, are we going through this?" A man in the team finally couldn't help crying, grabbed his beard and shouted: "Brother, we won't be silenced, right? We don't have to be Forced to recruit, right?"

"Yes, yes, we made it through! Those people are gone, all gone!!" The bearded man hugged the man excitedly and said loudly.I was afraid that if I said it lightly, this matter would not be true.

"Brother, let's get out of here quickly!" The men next to us wiped away their tears, took a deep breath, and said to the bearded man, "This place is probably at odds with our aura, so we We encountered bad luck as soon as we came here, so we should hurry up and change places and change our luck! Otherwise, if the army turns around and sees the flying skyship from Hunting Beast's side and comes over as soon as it leaves, we won't be sure. We're going to be interrogated again. When the time comes, we won't be able to rest again!"

"Yes, yes, yes!" The bearded man immediately wiped away the tears on his face, and then pulled up the crying man who was hugging him and said, "Go, go, go, let's hurry up!" leave here!"

The men nodded without hesitation, cleaned up, and left immediately.

They turned out to be a little late.

Just turning around a building, I heard movement behind me.The bearded men looked at each other a few times, and they all had a tacit understanding in their hearts: It's over, trouble is coming again!Sure enough, just when they stepped up and tried to find a place to hide, several voices suddenly sounded behind them: "Sir, are there a few people fleeing over there, do you need to arrest them for questioning?"

"Yeah!" A vague voice sounded, and then the bearded people heard the voice behind them suddenly and loudly: "The few in front, stop quickly and accept interrogation, otherwise we will be accused of violating military management." , directly execute you on the spot.”

"MD, what a bad luck!" The bearded man roared in his heart, but in the end he had no choice but to stop, watching the soldiers behind him quickly approaching them with weapons.

(End of this chapter)

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