The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 963 The Sound of the Light Wave Cannon

Chapter 963 The Sound of the Light Wave Cannon
Not surprisingly, the group of mutant beast hunters with big beards was captured by the army of the federal government.

Of course, when they were panicking, the group of soldiers just caught them and asked about the "Sky Hunter" soldiers, and after asking where they were going, the bearded man saw the young officer in the lead After frowning and staring at the sky for a long while, he turned his head and said to them, "Since that's the case. They went to the wilderness, let's go and have a look too!"

"Ah?" The bearded man's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

"Ah..." The rest of the men were also shocked. Looking at the smile on the young officer's face, they suddenly felt like crying: "My lord, did we hear it wrong? How could we do it in the wilderness?" go."

"That's right, that's right! My lord, the wilderness is not something that people like us can go to." The bearded man answered immediately after hearing this.Just kidding, who doesn't know how dangerous it is in the wilderness!Moreover, if these free mutant hunters want to go to the wilderness, they must apply in advance. After the federal government gives them approval, they can step out of the city's defense line and go to the outskirts of the city to hunt Mutants.If he did not get the approval of the federal government, if he went out, the mutant beasts he hunted back would be confiscated, and they would most likely be punished, or even executed for violating the regulation of the federal government.
Thinking of this, the bearded man immediately opened his mouth to tell the young officer of the army about the situation, but before he could open his mouth, he saw the officer take out a piece of paper from his pocket with a big The red seal of the federal government, and then said to him: "Did you see what is written on it? You just need to cooperate with me now. You don't have to worry about other things. When you leave the wilderness, all you hunted and killed Mutated beasts can be taken away as your trophies! However, you also need to be responsible for your own safety. Of course, if you come with us, you still need to take care of each other. How about this condition? "

The bearded man looked at the officer with some interest, and then turned his face to look at his team members.

"Of course, if you don't agree." At this moment, a young officer suddenly smiled, and then said: "I will also take you away by force, but all the conditions just now are void. I am still It’s very humane, so I can give you 1 minute to think about it!!”

As soon as the words fell, the bearded men burst into tears.

Is this a negotiable attitude?This is typical of forcing them to go!If they go, they still have a little hope. If they kill the mutant beast, they can drag it back and make some money; Without their share!Isn't that a big loss?So, whether to go or not, they all have to go, what else is there to consider?
There is only one answer, and that is to go.

The bearded man let out a sigh of relief, and then hurriedly said to the young officer: "My lord, is there any need to think about it? Let's go! Let's go! But, my lord, we still want to ask, do we really need to go out?" What to do? When can I come back?"

"This is actually very simple." The young officer smiled lightly, "We only have one mission this time, and we can safely talk to the people on the hunting beast side and ask them something. As long as this We can come back when our goal is achieved. Of course, if you can find a way to call them back now, then we don’t have to go out.”

The bearded man burst into tears in his heart and didn't dare to answer.If he has the ability to call those people back, can he still stay here?It is estimated that he went to live in a high-end residential area 800 years ago.
After 3 minutes, the young officer with the beard and the others got on a few suspension vehicles and ran straight into the wilderness, chasing them in the direction they didn't know.

It's just that there is definitely no way to compare the speed of the flying ship with the speed of the hover car.Therefore, whether the bearded men can catch up with them who have never met before is really hard to say.
But at this moment, Ji Xiaoyan and the others in the wilderness cave were a little flustered.

There were some slight noises outside the cave, from the rustling at the beginning to the back, there was a sound that was about to break through.

"Lu Wu, at the entrance of the cave, have you taken any measures?" Yu Qisi quickly applied the medicine to Lu Wu's back, and then wrapped him up with clean gauze before asking .

"There must be! The entrance of the cave is only for one person to climb in. When I came in, I found several big rocks to block it. There should be air outlets in other places in this cave. Don't worry about the air problem, so I Just block it tighter, to prevent other mutant beasts from finding this place." Lu Wu frowned, put down the mutant beast meat in his hand, and said something to Yu Qisi, then stood up, clutching Dagger, said: "You wait here, eat the meat by the way, replenish a little energy, I will go to the entrance of the cave to have a look"

"Be careful!" Seeing Lu Wu's movements, Ji Xiaoyan hurriedly said something, moved all the meat on the slate aside, and said to Yu Qisi: "Qisi, you eat first, and I will follow to see Look!"

"That's impossible!" Yu Qisi immediately grabbed Ji Xiaoyan and said, "It's too dangerous, Miss Xiaoyan, you'd better wait here with me."

"But." Ji Xiaoyan was about to resist, when Lu Wu also echoed: "Miss Xiaoyan, Qisi is right. I don't know what's going on at the entrance of the cave. If there is any accident, I still need to protect you, so you should wait here for my news!"

After Lu Wuyi finished speaking, he immediately smiled at Ji Xiaoyan, then turned around and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

Ji Xiaoyan took a few glances unwillingly, but finally had no choice but to sit back patiently by the bonfire, and let Yu Qisi calmly roast the meat for her.After struggling for a few minutes, Ji Xiaoyan heard Lu Wu's eager footsteps. Shun straightened his body, looked in Lu Wu's direction, and asked him, "How is it? Five, what's the situation at the entrance of the cave?"

Lu Wu's figure quickly appeared from the darkness, and then he said to Ji Xiaoyan and the others with an uneasy expression, "Miss Xiaoyan, we probably need to find a place to hide first."

"What's going on?" Yu Qisi immediately asked after hearing Lu Wu's words. Seeing that Ji Xiaoyan didn't want to eat the mutated beast meat, he quickly stuffed meat into his mouth to replenish his strength while looking at Lu Wu. Wu asked: "Is there a mutant beast?"

"Yeah!" Lu Wu nodded, and said with an uneasy expression: "I looked through the gap, and it was a group of small mutant beasts, and they seemed to smell the smell inside. I just blocked a few more Stones, but, I guess they will break in after a while. So we need to go a little further into the cave. As for these mutated beast meat, I guess we can’t take it! So, Miss Xiaoyan, eat as much as you can , after 1 minutes, we will go inside immediately.”

"Okay!" Yu Qisi nodded quickly, and after saying something to Lu Wu, he looked at Ji Xiaoyan again, and after seeing her shaking her head to indicate that she was full, she passed some meat to Lu Wu and watched him gobble it up Afterwards, the three of them immediately extinguished the fire, then groped in the dark, and slowly groped into the cave.
There was basically no light in the cave. After Ji Xiaoyan got used to it for a while, he could barely see the black shadows of some rocks in the cave.Green Five seems to be very adaptable. After walking for a while, he found a hiding place on a relatively high rock, and directly asked Ji Xiaoyan and Yu Qisi to climb up to hide, and then staggered up there. On the rock wall in the cave.Just after hiding, Ji Xiaoyan and the others heard the cries of mutant beasts coming from the cave.

"They came in?" Ji Xiaoyan was taken aback and couldn't help asking Yu Qisi in a low voice.Afterwards, Yu Qisi hummed in a low voice, and Lu Wu immediately silenced them and held their breath.

After a while, Ji Xiaoyan saw a few moving black shadows appearing in the darkness. Compared with the mutant beasts she had seen before, they were much smaller in size, basically the same size as some calves, with pointed beaks and tops of their heads. It seems that there are ears or sharp horns growing on the body, the body is relatively thin, and a ball-shaped tail is dragging behind it. At the moment, it is a little anxious to sniff around in the cave.
Ji Xiaoyan turned his head to look at Yu Qisi and Lu Wu worriedly. Seeing that their bodies hadn't moved a bit, he held his breath and turned his gaze to the mutant beasts who were approaching their hiding place step by step. Worried about whether those mutant beasts would smell them.

But, I don't know why.Just when the mutated beasts were about to approach Ji Xiaoyan's hiding place, there was a sudden roar from outside the cave, and a moment later, a huge explosion sounded.The mutated beasts in the cave froze instantly, turned around and rushed out of the cave very quickly.

"Qi Si, what happened to those mutant beasts? What happened outside?" Ji Xiaoyan immediately grabbed Yu Qisi and asked after watching those mutant beasts leave quickly.Then I heard Lu Wu's voice sounding in surprise: "Miss Xiaoyan, it's the explosion of the light wave cannon. It's the light wave cannon, there must be someone outside."

 PS: Thank you "Book Friends 130628142943332" for the peace talisman! !

(End of this chapter)

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