The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 964 Disappointed Situation

Chapter 964 Disappointed Situation

The bonfire that was destroyed by the mutated beast was completely unrecognizable at this moment.The unburnt dry firewood was broken everywhere, and there was still black charcoal ash all around. The mutated animal meat left by Ji Xiaoyan and the others was completely gone at this moment. It is no need to think about it, it must have been mutated by the group just now. The beasts ate it.

Standing by the bonfire, Yu Qisi looked at the ground, then at the entrance of the hole emitting a faint light, and after a while, he turned to Lu Wu and asked: "The sound of the light wave cannon outside means that someone is coming, should we Go out and have a look?" If Flying Leaves sent someone to look for them, then they would be saved now; however, there is another possibility, what if the people outside are not Flying Leaves from them!You know, generally in the wilderness, if a mutant beast hunter encounters any trouble, it doesn't mean that if he meets other people, he will be saved or get help.
This point, Yu Qisi is very clear in his heart, so he is also very confused at the moment!The wilderness is such a dangerous place. Generally, few people who come to hunt wild animals in the wilderness are soft-hearted.If what they saw when they went out at this moment was actually a group of strangers, then, with a bit of luck, they could walk with them for a while, and then when they encountered a valuable mutant beast, they would be used as bait and sent out forcibly to die If you are unlucky, if you meet mutant beast hunters who don't want to trouble you, then the worst result for them is to kill them immediately and feed them to the mutant beasts as food.

No matter what the result is, as long as they are not acquaintances or people with good relationships, they will never be rescued.So, thinking of this possibility, even if he knew that the light wave cannon outside the cave was carried by humans, Yu Qisi didn't dare to let Ji Xiaoyan go out for an adventure together, so he turned his questioning eyes to Lu Wu.

"The entrance of the cave is not big. Compared with other ordinary mutant beast caves, this cave entrance is actually very small." Lu Wu thought for a while, and then said to Yu Qisi and Ji Xiaoyan: "Those mutant beasts who came in just now probably have a lot of trouble. Just open the hole a little bit. According to the understanding of ordinary people, such a place will not be regarded as a lair of mutant beasts. Therefore, relatively speaking, we still have a little advantage. Moreover, those mutant beasts just now were not there. I found us here, and I don’t want to come here again. So, we just need to look at the outside situation at the entrance of the cave. Of course, on July [-]th, you should look for rocks near here, and we will open the entrance of the cave by the way. Make it smaller." 'Hmm! Yu Qisi nodded, and immediately found a stone with Ji Xiaoyan in the dark, while Lu Wu bent over and carefully reached the entrance of the cave to check the situation outside.

Just as Lu Wu and the others guessed, there were traces of humans outside the cave, and it looked like there were dozens of mutant beast hunters carrying weapons like light wave cannons.At this moment, they are concentrating their firepower, attacking fiercely towards the large mutant beast.

"Lv Wu, how is it? Are the people outside Master Jiang Xia and the others?" Yu Qisi and Ji Xiaoyan put the stone they found beside Lu Wu with some nervousness, and then asked, "We have been out for so many days Well, Young Master Jiang Xia's people should have come out to look for us, right? Those people outside are just here to look for us?"

"No!!" Lu Wu's expression was a little dignified, he shook his head, and while laying stones towards the entrance of the cave, he said to Yu Qisi in a low voice: "Those outside should be some private hunting teams. Look at their appearance It should be because I am used to doing these things, I don’t know where I bought a large light wave cannon, and I came out to poach mutant beasts.”

"Lu Wu, how did you find out? What if they came to look for us? What if they were in disguise?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Lu Wu unwillingly and asked.Now she finally understands why everyone is trying to earn money and upgrade their resident status to live in another place.Places like the wilderness and the outskirts of the city are really dangerous, and if you are not careful, you will be killed. She was out of luck this time, and finally found a relatively safe place to live. Who knows, she met a The lunatic man actually lured all the mutant beasts into the city, which directly led to the fall of the whole city.

Now I don't know what's going on in the South Osu area.
When Lu Wu heard Ji Xiaoyan's question, he didn't answer immediately. Instead, he kept using stones to block the hole until it was only the size of a fist. Then he observed the situation outside through the small gap, and lowered his head. Said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Miss Xiaoyan, if they usually go through the formal procedures and come out to hunt mutant beasts after applying from the federal government, they basically won't have so many people! A large mutant beast hunter group, They all carry flags and other markings to warn other people around them not to grab things. But, look at the people outside, there are people holding weapons and vigilant around them. They are not vigilant against other mutant beasts. But other mutant hunters! As long as they are discovered, no matter what your intentions are, they will kill you directly. These are the most obvious manifestations of the black group of mutant hunters. If it is a regular team, they are responsible for vigilance The team members are all assigned suspension vehicles, and they are on guard tens of meters away from where the team hunts."

"What's the difference between the black group and the ordinary hunting group?" Ji Xiaoyan asked again with some confusion.She suddenly realized that if she hadn't fled to the wilderness with Yu Qisi and the others this time, she probably would never have known about these things, right?Speaking of which, she really doesn't know much about this world!
"The black group, to put it bluntly, is a group that goes directly out of the country to hunt mutant beasts without the approval of the federal government, and then returns to make a profit. As for the regular hunting group, if they want to apply for hunting, they will first waste a lot of time. Not to mention the federal government's application, but you still need to pay taxes later. After hunting the prey, you still need to pay a part of the money to the federal government. It is called contributing to the border defense. In fact, many large teams don't want to defend this area. After all, if you leave the country secretly, any prey you get can be sold by yourself, and you can get all the funds without spending money to support the federal government." Green Five frowned, looking at the mutant beasts outside the cave entrance The hunters kept bombarding the huge mutant beast, feeling a little complicated in their hearts.

The mutant beasts who just ran out of the cave did not know if they were discovered.If the people outside saw it, they might come here to find out, see if they could find some cubs in the cave, and bring them back to the city to sell! At that time, they might be discovered .

He didn't think that if the three of them were discovered by outsiders, they could be safely escorted to the city.Either they are used as bait for mutant beasts; or they are killed directly and then robbed of everything
Thinking of this, Lu Wu's mood instantly became a little heavy.

"Miss Xiaoyan, before the battle outside is over, let's make more plans!" Lu Wu pondered for a while, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan and Yu Qisi in a deep voice: "Those people outside seem to be ready to fight!" It is quite sufficient, basically there is no pressure for them to kill the mutant beast, it is just a matter of time. However, when those mutant beasts heard the sound of the light wave cannon just now, they all went out from here and returned to their own The lair has gone. I don’t know if those people outside have seen them go out.”

"What do you mean?" Ji Xiaoyan didn't understand the meaning of Lu Wu's words, so he looked at him and asked.I guessed in my heart, could it be that Green Five wanted them to strike first?Go out and fight those people?Together with that large mutant beast, just like in the game, attracting monsters to destroy the player?Or in other words, sneak out to see if I can escape?

Lu Wu didn't know what Ji Xiaoyan was thinking at all. Hearing what she said, he immediately went on to say: "I saw the situation in this cave when I came in. The cave is very deep, so I don't know what it is. It was formed naturally, or it was dug by mutant beasts the day after tomorrow. But one thing is for sure, there are other vents in the cave besides this one. Therefore, in order to avoid being caught by those outside, we also It’s better to hurry up outside and continue exploring in the cave.”
"Continue to go inside?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at the deep dark hole with some worry, feeling a little apprehensive in his heart.

To be honest, she was scared by those mutant beasts when she went in a little deeper just now.And they didn't go too far, so with the hole as a reference, she thought about it and thought it was okay, and she wasn't too scared.However, if she said that she would continue to walk inside, she was really scared.No one knows what is in the depths of this cave and what will be there.
Caves are generally accompanied by fear and various dangers.What kind of mountain ants, poisonous snakes, scorpions and beasts, which one of them didn't suddenly appear from the dark place!She didn't think it would be unrealistic for them to find some kind of peerless treasure, paradise or other place in the cave as they walked in the novel, and then return home in such a way.

"Lu Wu, have you thought about what will happen if we continue to go inside?" Yu Qisi slumped, looked at Lu Wu and asked, "We have such a small source of fire, but it's impossible How long will it last? If the situation inside is very bad, if we have no fire source, and we can’t see anything, have you ever thought about what will happen to us? No one knows if there will be mutant beasts inside, maybe, we I didn't meet them when I came in, it was just because I was lucky, those mutant beasts are still resting?"

"We have only two ways to go now! Qi Si!" Lu Wu's expression didn't change much. After listening to Yu Qi Si's words, he just said lightly: "One, wait here, if people outside don't come to check, We are safe, but if we are unlucky, I don’t need to say the consequences; second, we go in and explore, maybe we can find another exit. Of course, there are also risks.”

(End of this chapter)

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