The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 965 Say it or not

Chapter 965 Say it or not

In the end, Ji Xiaoyan and the others still endured the pressure caused by the darkness in the cave and the mutant hunters outside the cave, holding their breath and walked into the depths of the cave.
Green Five made it very clear!If they had been hiding near the entrance of the cave, the danger would still be great.No one can say for sure whether those mutant beasts who ran out of the cave will suddenly summon a large group of other mutant beasts; Find
So, after much deliberation, Ji Xiaoyan finally made a more risky and safe decision: go to the cave!Of course, the premise is to carefully check whether there will be more ferocious mutant beasts in the depths of the cave.If they do meet, it can only be said that their luck is too bad.
But at the moment outside the cave, the group of mutant beast hunters from the black group were fighting in full swing.However, just when they saw the huge mutant beast was about to fall to the ground, and the harvest was successful, a huge flying ship landed on their heads
"Boss, boss..." A mutant beast hunter raised his eyes immediately after feeling the shadow above his head, and was stunned for a moment. After two seconds, he stumbled to a man who was directing the battle. Pointing to the sky and shouting: "The federal government sent people to arrest us"

The leading man was stunned for a moment, then Shun raised his head to look at the sky, immediately opened his eyes wide in panic, and then murmured in disbelief: "How is it possible, how is it possible that we just ran away without applying It’s nothing more than hunting mutant beasts, the big deal is going back to make up some federal coins. How could it be possible to send out flying ships to catch us? Impossible, impossible”

"Boss, boss..." The man next to him saw his boss's panic-stricken look, and quickly grabbed him and shouted, "Boss, what should we do now? We should continue to kill the mutant beasts and turn back and fly on the flying ship." Let’s talk to our army, or run away first?”

"Of course I run first! You idiot! Don't know who can use the flying ships? You still think you can discuss with them how to divide the spoils later? How the fuck are they going to clear us!! "The leading man seemed to come back to his senses suddenly. When he heard what the man next to him said, he immediately slapped him, and then shouted at the others: "Level [-] combat readiness escape state. Level [-] Combat readiness and escape state. Quickly close the gun and leave"

"Boss, this mutated beast is going to die. If we leave now, wouldn't it be a waste of all our work?" A sweaty man immediately looked at the leading man and asked a question before he could say anything. More words, I saw that the other teammates who were still beside him just now had already put away their guns, then tore their clothes indiscriminately and ran in the direction of the leading man.

Two seconds later, all the mutant beast hunters ran away, except for the man who was still in a daze, holding the beam cannon and staying where he was reluctant to part with the mutant beast.
"Boss." The man stretched out his hand, and stood there blankly for a while as if wanting to keep the others, only then did he hear a sudden gust of wind behind him, accompanied by the painful howl of the mutated beast , he just reacted.At this moment, there is a huge mutant beast behind him! !
While screaming inwardly, the mutated beast hunter also knew that there would be no good results for him in the future.So, when he closed his eyes and waited for the painful moment, the man was still thinking: Why did they run so fast without waiting for him, or find someone to force him? Alright, now, I'm completely screwed! !
"Boom!" A huge explosion sounded loudly.

The man near the mutated beast only felt a burst of blazing heat sweeping towards his back, and his body floated up involuntarily. After a few seconds of weightlessness in the air, he felt himself fall to the ground.However, luckily, except for the severe pain in his back, all his limbs are sentient, not disabled, just injured! !
"Thank God, thank God!" The man lay on the ground, grinning secretly thankful, struggling to get up, ready to run away.As a result, when he got up, he heard two more violent cannon shots.

"Boss, they are really loyal enough, they still want to save me!" The man thought to himself a little moved, then turned around and glanced behind him, but he was very surprised by the result.

None of the figures in their black group were seen, but which flying ship was attacking the giant mutant beast at the moment!

"My mother. Am I right?" The man looked shocked. He never thought that one day, the flying spaceship of the federal government would rescue him! !If you take this matter back and talk about it, how many people will envy him to death, that is a flying ship!A flying ship that will clear the field as soon as it is shot! !How could it be possible to save him?How is it possible, how is it possible! !
The man was stunned and stood there in a daze, until he watched the huge mutant beast crash to the ground by the large light wave bombardment on the flying ship, finally he came back to his senses and stared blankly. Looking at the flying spaceship that was slowly descending, I don't know what to think.

"Fool, what are you still doing in a daze? I've been looking for you for a long time, and I thought you were leaving with us, but you're still f*cking here!! How did you become like this? Is this an injury? "At this moment, a man suddenly jumped out from nowhere, hugged the dazed man, and then shouted: "It's okay, it's okay, the injury is not too serious, it's just that he was shot by fire." It's been involved for a while, go back and ask the boss to find a doctor for you, I guess you will be fine after a few days of recuperation, hurry up, boy, the troops on the flying ships are about to come down, if we are cleared in a while , that would be an unjust death. Those bastards must have come to snatch the mutant beast from us."

"Did you see it just now?" The man called the fool was shaken several times, but his expression remained unchanged. He just pointed in the direction of the flying ship and asked dully to the man who came back to pull him. Said: "Did you see it just now? The people on the flying ship rescued me. I was rescued by the people on the flying ship. They didn't directly bomb me to death!!"

Needless to say, how powerful the light wave cannon on the flying ship is, basically everyone in the Federation knows something about it.It is possible for a large light wave cannon to blow up half of the city directly.However, Hanzi understands very well that if the troops on the flying ships just wanted to kill him, it is absolutely impossible to just fire such a small light wave cannon. After opening him, they can kill the mutant beast .They directly fired out a medium-sized light wave cannon, and blasted him and the mutant beast into scum, so there was no pressure at all.

"Hanzi, are you really stupid, or are you just pretending to be stupid? That's a flying ship, a flying ship! How can I save you!" The man next to Hanzi frowned, looking at Hanzi like a monster , No matter what he was still saying, he just pulled him away and said, "You are so stupid! Go, go, go, hurry up! Boss, they all ran away , if we don't leave, we will be killed by those people on the flying ship."

Before the man could finish his words, the flying ship stopped at a height of about five meters from the ground, the hatch opened instantly, and a few men jumped out of it. Yes, you read that right, yes Jumped directly from the flying ship!
"Fool, go, go!!" The man hurriedly withdrew his voice, grabbed the fool, and ran straight into the wilderness in a panic.It's just that before they ran far, a large net shot from a capture gun instantly enveloped them, entangled them directly, and fell to the ground.
"Son, you killed me this time. If I knew I wouldn't have come back to look for you!!" The man looked at the man with pain and yelled a few words, then turned his head towards those The men in blue uniforms who were walking towards them shouted: "We didn't see anything, don't clear our field, don't clear our field, please let us go. It's not easy for us to come out and earn some money!" I swear, I swear, after I go back this time, I will never go to the outskirts of the wilderness to hunt and kill mutant beasts without paying taxes. I swear, please let us go."

"Go and catch those who escaped over there!" Hanzi stared blankly at the men in blue military uniforms who walked in front of them. He didn't recover for a while, until he heard a cold voice from behind. After issuing the order, through the gap, I saw the man who is more beautiful than a woman, but also cruel
"I don't care what you are doing here. I just need you to answer me a few questions. If I am satisfied, I can let you go. If I find out that you have something to hide, hehe." That beautiful man in red and black military uniform Squinting his eyes, he said lightly.

"We said, we all said!!" The man next to Hanzi nodded quickly, and said with a look of amnesty: "My lord, what do you want to ask?"

"How long have you been here?"

"Ten days!"

"How far have you traveled? Do you know the situation around here?"

"I know, I know! My lord, we've been around here for dozens of miles around here."

"Well, have you seen that besides you, there are two women and a man in this wilderness. Have you seen a hover car?"

The man next to Hanzi was about to open his mouth and nod to say that he saw it, when he suddenly paused and lowered his eyes.Say?Or not?They have seen the wreckage of the suspended vehicle, and it seems that it should be just a few days.The people from the military department in front of them are looking for two women and one man, that is to say, they are all in the suspension vehicle.However, when they saw the wreckage of the levitating car, he didn't think there would be any survivors in that horrible scene!
If this is the truth, wouldn't these people in front of them be allowed to live?
(End of this chapter)

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