Chapter 966 Perseverance
"Why don't you say it?" On the ground in the wilderness, the stranger squinted slightly and looked at the two men lying on the ground in front of him, and asked slightly angrily.If he can't see that the man who is answering in front of him knows something and doesn't want to say it, then he can just die stupid.

The man next to Hanzi trembled involuntarily when he heard the stranger's voice. After a while, he dared to look up at the stranger in front of him. He stammered and forced a smile: "That, my lord, I don't know what to say."

"Need I remind you of the question I just asked?" The stranger squinted his eyes, looked at the man and asked another question, then turned his head and glanced at the other people behind him who were cleaning up the mutant beast. Only then did he put a smile on his face, turned to look at the man, moved his body to the side, and said, "Did you see that over there? That mutant beast is about to be decomposed. I'll take these." People don't like to be idle, if you don't say something that satisfies me, I can't guarantee that what I just said will be realized. I said this, do you understand?"

When Hanzi heard the words he had never met before, his body froze instantly, then he turned his head to look at the man beside him dumbly, and said dryly, "Brother, why don't you just say it!"

The man lowered his eyes, feeling the sweat on his forehead coming out little by little, gathering together, then dripping down on the ground, moistening the dry soil on the ground, and finally disappearing.
"Shouldn't you say it?" The stranger's voice was obviously a little impatient. Looking at the two men in front of him, seeing that they didn't intend to speak at all, he took a deep breath, and then turned to the man next to him. Thirteen said: "Have you found the person who ran away over there? Just leave one or two alive for questioning, and follow the rules for the rest. I was thinking about accumulating some blessings or something. It seems that this is not forced Let me do it, they won't know how to be good."

The low-level residents violated the regulations of the federal government. To be honest, the mutant beast hunters in the black group in front of them were all killed by them. It is estimated that no one can pick a thorn.This is the punishment for lowly residents and unruly!Thirteen, who had this kind of cognition in his heart, nodded lightly after hearing the stranger's words, and then said to the people behind him: "Since these two don't want to listen to the young master, then don't ! Ask the brothers over there to be gentle, and just keep two alive."

"Yes!" A male voice replied in a low voice, and then the fool saw a beam cannon aimed at them, and the handsome man in the lead in front of him turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait. Wait, my lord, let's talk. Let's talk about everything! Don't kill us!" Hanzi didn't dare to think about anything at the moment, and shouted directly at the stranger: "My lord, We promise, promise to say anything! Don't kill us! Don't kill us!"

"My lord, my lord! I was wrong, I was wrong! Please let us go!" The man next to Hanzi also came back to his senses, and immediately crawled in a direction he had never met before, and was kicked by Thirteen After kicking back, he hurriedly said again: "My lord, please accumulate more blessings. Please accumulate more blessings! Let us go, I will tell you everything I know, I will tell you that I have seen and seen the suspension car There is one, judging from the traces, it should have crashed only a few days ago, not more than a week."

"You said it crashed." The strangers didn't want to talk to these two mutant hunters at first, but after hearing the man's words, they immediately turned around, looked at the man sharply and asked : "You mean, that suspension vehicle crashed? In that suspension vehicle." Is there a body?This sentence is really hard to ask for strangers!

He only felt that at this moment, his heart was being twisted by an unknown force.
"My lord, do you want to ask if there are any corpses in the suspension vehicle?" The man immediately answered when he heard the stranger's words, and then said directly, regardless of whether the strangers nodded or not: "That suspension vehicle basically They were all dismantled and crushed. We just took a brief look at the situation. The suspension vehicle was crushed by at least dozens of mutant beasts, and many parts were missing. Our boss. The boss said, There must have been situations where mutant beasts snatched food. Therefore, we think that even if there were people in that suspension vehicle, they would probably have been eaten by mutant beasts."

"You nonsense!" The stranger immediately yelled when he heard this, stared at the man with red eyes, then took a deep breath, and said loudly to the surrounding soldiers: "Look, give us Go out and look for them all!! Take this man and go to the suspension vehicle together to find them for me. I don’t believe it, I don’t believe they will be eaten by mutant beasts!! If you want to live, you want to see people and if you die, you want to see corpses. I found a result, we will not go back!"

"Yes!" The men in sky-blue military uniforms responded bluntly, sorted out their luggage and weapons as quickly as possible, then twisted Hanzi and ran directly to the wreckage of the suspension vehicle with that man Direction passed.As for the strangers, he and Thirteen stayed where they were, looking at the large mutant beast not far away that had been completely disassembled, not knowing what they were thinking.
At this moment, Ji Xiaoyan and Lu Wu were still walking slowly in the cave.

Their luck was very good. After walking for a long time, Lu Wu finally told Ji Xiaoyan a good news after going through the investigation.In the cave they are staying in now, only the front part has been organized by mutant beasts, and the deeper places inside are purely natural, and the gaps in many places cannot accommodate mutant beasts to enter and exit.Therefore, relatively speaking, it is very safe. If you go all the way inside, you will not encounter other mutant beasts.

"Then Lu Wu, do we still have to go inside?" Ji Xiaoyan, who was relieved, followed Lu Wu and the others for a while, then leaned on a rock and asked, "" Why don't we just wait here? Maybe the mutant beast hunters outside will leave after killing the mutant beasts?"

"Miss Xiaoyan, sometimes I don't believe in luck too much!" Lu Wu shook his head, said something to Ji Xiaoyan, and then said: "If you are tired, Miss Xiaoyan, we can take a rest here. I think After looking at the situation here, if we go further inside, there will definitely be other exits!"

"How far does it have to go?" Ji Xiaoyan asked after taking a deep breath.The way they walked was not smooth, the road inside the cave was full of potholes, or there were piles of stones. They all climbed all the way, and it was very difficult to get here.If Lu Wu hadn't said that they should not be in danger for the time being and asked Yu Qisi to turn on the lights, their journey would have been more difficult
As for insects, ants, snakes, and the like, Ji Xiaoyan and the others saw a lot of them after walking this way, but fortunately, those things were fairly long and normal. A huge ant or a snake mouse came out.
"Where is the exit here? Could it be that we encountered a mutant beast at another exit when we went out?" Yu Qisi looked at Lu Wu worriedly and said.Regarding survival in the wilderness, to be honest, Yu Qisi still has no ideas in his heart!
"Then it depends on our luck!" Lu Wu thought for a while, then suddenly put on a smiling face and said, "Qi Si, you should not be so pessimistic! Look at us now, we don't have light wave cannons, nor do we have suspension vehicles. I got here safely after being hunted down by the mutated green beast rat all the way. After so many days, you are sick, hungry, and I am still injured. We are still alive. This shows that we are still alive. Big one, as long as we get through here, we can go back and live a good life. July [-]th, you have to have this awareness and belief!!"

If they don't have faith, how will they get through the next days!Lu Wu thought with some bitterness in his heart!So, no matter what the situation, what they need is to have a strong belief to support them to carry on and live on!wait until someone comes to rescue them
"Yes, July Fourth! Green Five is right!! We have gone through so much and are still alive, we will definitely be able to persevere! Didn't you say everything? Luo Ye Yu Jiangxia will definitely come to us, so we just need to Just hold on until then!!" Ji Xiaoyan forced a smile on his face and said to Yu Qisi.Then he turned his face to look at Lu Wu and asked again: "By the way, Lu Wu, we are hiding here. If they really find us in the wilderness, how can they know where we are? Are you outside?" Make a mark or something? Did you make a distress signal?"

Lu Wu saw that Ji Xiaoyan and Yu Qisi were both looking at him, and quickly said: "There must be! Miss Xiaoyan, don't worry, I have thought of these things a long time ago." He also made a small hole at the entrance of the cave. Marked, it turned out that there were some black group mutant hunters outside, in order to avoid being discovered, he had to erase those marks.
"Then I'm relieved!" Ji Xiaoyan and Yu Qisi immediately smiled comfortably when they heard Lu Wu's words, they both breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at each other, then Ji Xiaoyan turned towards Yu Qisi and Lu Wu Said: "Okay! Let's work hard! Maybe we won't be able to see the people who came to save us as soon as we go out from here? Qi Si, Lu Wu, we will definitely be able to go back."

(End of this chapter)

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