The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 967 News from the Other Side

Chapter 967 News from the Other Side
Only a few days after the Nanaosu area was captured by the mutated green beast rat, Diablo finally got the news.

Speaking of which, Nightmare Foil Displaced felt that this world was too ridiculous.I thought that people in reality should tell him what happened in reality, but who knows, it was the NPCs in the game who revealed the news to him.
When he heard that Qingwan and Lockerbie of Qingcheng had been arrested, Yanfoil Wandering was still chatting with an NPC resident in a corner of Qingcheng.After the system announcement finished, he breathed a sigh of relief, exchanged pleasantries with the NPC resident of Qingcheng, then turned and left, heading towards the City Lord's Mansion.I thought that in the fastest time, after the Qingwan and Lockerbie city lords were both arrested, Ji Xiaoyan could successfully take the position of the city lord, and when the time came, his Emerk NPC master would find him as soon as possible. past
In the end, who knows, until Yan Foil wandered outside the city lord's mansion and saw the large crowd of crowded and noisy players, he still didn't hear the news that Ji Xiaoyan became the city lord of Qingcheng. Of course, he didn't hear the news from the system either. Remind him that his NPC master has caught Ji Xiaoyan.

Therefore, Yan Foil, who felt a little strange, did not rush into the City Lord's Mansion recklessly.After all, even though the two city lords were arrested, that doesn't mean that the city lord's mansion is a place where they can come and go as they please, doesn't it?If you want to go in, it is probably very difficult. The city guards who guard the city lord's mansion are not vegetarians.

After waiting for several days of game time outside the City Lord's Mansion, there was still no news from the City Lord's Mansion, so Yan Foil Liuli felt something was wrong.Looking at the dusty name of Miss Ji Xiaoyan on the friend list, Yan Foil Liuliu was still a little worried in the end, and thought of a way outside the city lord's mansion, and planned to go inside the city lord's mansion to have a look.

After waiting a few more days for the game, Yan Foil Liuli finally found the figure of the man in the Nightmare Cleaner. He was being dragged out of the gate of the Santo's Mansion with his nose bruised and his face swollen by the old man Qingmi holding him up by his collar.

After carefully looking around, he didn't find the NPC of Aimoke, so Yan Foil Liuli ran to the old man Qingmi and the others at a very fast speed, and called out in a low voice: "Nightmare. Uncle Qingmi"

"Liu Li. Liai!! Help me! Help me!" As soon as the Nightmare Cleaner came to its senses, it immediately yelled at Yan Foil Liuli. Before he could say anything, he was slapped by the old man Qingmi Face, so, immediately silenced.

Afterwards, Yan Foil Liuli saw the old man Qingmi turned his head to look at him with a bad face and said: "Yan Foil Wandering Boy? Why did you appear again? What are you here for?"

"Master Uncle Qingmi." Yan Foil Liuli just yelled, when the old man Qingmi waved his hand directly at him, and then said: "Okay, let's talk about what's up later"

"Don't, don't! Liuli, save me!" The Nightmare Cleaner immediately ignored the pain on his face when he heard the old man Qingmi's words, and cried out: "Liuli, save me quickly, It's not my fault! I just saw that the battle was too fierce, so I went offline and had a meal. I ran away without grabbing the key. It's not my fault that Xiaoyan didn't get the position of the city lord immediately."

"Don't blame me!" The old man Qingmi slapped the Nightmare Cleaner hard again, then pulled him forward while saying, "If you don't see profit and forget righteousness, you will Disappeared after getting the key? Hmph, I guess if it wasn't for you kid who found out that you couldn't open the treasure house with the key, maybe you wouldn't automatically send it to your door? Don't think about being able to shirk any responsibility, if it wasn't for you kid The key has been taken away, if Xiaoyan is not given to her in time, she will already be the city lord of Qingcheng. So, all this is your fault."

"It's not me, it's not me! My wife asked me to eat, I have to go," the Nightmare Cleaner loudly argued.

"Where is the lack of making up, even a guy like you can get a wife? Hmph, let's dream!" The old man Qing Mi said with a look of contempt, looking at the nightmare cleaner.

"Master Uncle Qingmi, let's talk about things, don't look down on others! Why can't I have a wife? My wife treats me very well. A guy like you who doesn't have a wife can't understand!" Nightmare Cleaner One Hearing old man Qingmi's words, he immediately said something to him in a panic.Then, I saw old man Qingya looking at him with cold eyes.
Then, the Nightmare Cleaner heard the system prompting him that he was severely injured in the face and could not speak.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." the Nightmare Cleaner whimpered, with tears in its eyes, and yelled at Old Man Qingmi in a defiant manner. Seeing that he didn't speak, it turned its attention to Yan Foil Liuli.

However, Nightmare Foil Wandering didn't know what he wanted to say.However, fortunately, the general meaning is clear, so he put on a faint smile, and Yan Fengliu turned his attention to the old man Qingmi, and then pleaded: "Master Qingmi, the nightmare is not intentional either. Yes, just forgive him."

"There is no excuse for such a troublemaker! If he hadn't disappeared, Xiaoyan wouldn't have disappeared too!!" The old man Qingmi glared at the nightmare cleaner in his hand angrily, and pulled him away. Easy to reach the inner city river in Qingcheng, no matter what Nightmare Foil said, he just threw the Nightmare Cleaner into the river.

"Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" the nightmare cleaner tossed and yelled in the river, looked at the NPCs and players on the riverside who were pointing at him and laughing, and finally thumped a few times in a hurry and came back to his senses Swimmed back toward the river.I can't help but rejoice in my heart, fortunately, fortunately, he can swim.
"Master, you don't need to be so fussy!" Yan Foil Liuli breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the opportunity to clean up the nightmare, and said something to old man Qingmi, who got a big white eye from old man Qingmi.

"What? You still want to be a good person? Hmph, I'm going to forgive you if you beg for mercy?" Old Qing Mi looked at Yan Foil Liuli with some disdain, and when he saw that he didn't speak, he snorted coldly. Looking at him, he asked: "I remember that you and Xiaoyan are friends, right? Do you know where she went? After she went to the space given by the Lord God to rest, she hasn't appeared again for so many days. Where can you go to see her?" Is something delayed?"

Yan Foil Liuli was stunned for two seconds when he heard old man Qingya's words, before realizing what the NPC in front of him was talking about.Miss Ji Xiaoyan hasn't been online since she went offline?How many days has it been?Did something happen in reality and got stuck?Thinking of this, Yan Foil Liuli couldn't help but asked the old man Qingmi carefully, and only then did he know that since the day Qingwan City Lord and the others were captured, Miss Ji Xiaoyan has never appeared since she went offline.So far, it has been four days in total.
"Boy, something must have happened to Xiaoyan girl. As long as you call her back, Qingmi promises that I will never embarrass you in the future." Qingmi old man had a condescending expression on his face, very serious Facing Yan Foil Wandering said: "If you see that girl, tell her, if you have any troubles, come back to see Master Qingmi. No matter how big it is, we will cover her with Qingshimen, so don't worry her! And, Qingcheng is such a big place waiting for her to accept it, let her deal with things quickly and come back quickly."

"Okay!" Yan Foil's wandering face was tense, and he nodded seriously to the old man Qingmi, and after saying a few words, he went straight to find a safer place and went offline to understand the situation.

The result is far from ideal!From the news reported by the housekeeper at home, it was only then that Nightmare Foil Liuli knew that the South Aosu area had been captured by the mutated green beast rat.

"Why didn't you report to me immediately when something happened!" Yan Foil Liuli felt that his breathing was a little difficult, and when he looked at the servants standing beside him, he immediately roared angrily.After a while, he took a few deep breaths, restrained himself and arranged for the rest of the people: "Speed ​​up the staff, as soon as the federal government releases the restrictions, it will immediately take people into the South Aosu area to see Depends on the situation, I’m going too! Please arrange it quickly. The rest of the people go to prepare food, supplies and medicines, and then find someone to ask about the current situation there. Didn’t they say that there are survivors? I'll find a list and come back with details."

After Yan Foil had arranged everything, he fell down on the sofa weakly, looked at the white carpet on the ground, and began to pray in his mouth: "Xiaoyan, I hope you're okay."

He knew about Miss Ji Xiaoyan's moving.Where she moved, the specific address is unknown, but he still knows the general location of the city.Therefore, as soon as he heard about the accident in the South Osu District, Yan Foil Displaced Immediately had a very bad premonition.In addition to what the old man Qingya said, Miss Ji Xiaoyan has not been online for several days. Thinking about the time when the accident happened in the South Aosu area, Yanbo drifted away and suddenly felt that his world had collapsed, and he was so oppressed that he could hardly breathe. up.

He lay motionless on the sofa for a while, and after hearing that the servant who came back handed him the list of survivors and read it, Yanbo's heart became even heavier.Miss Ji Xiaoyan's name is not on the list!So, how is she doing now?Could it be that they have been rescued by Flying Leaves, so they are not on the list?

Thinking of this possibility, Yan Foil Liao immediately dialed a call connection to Flying Leaves, and only then did he learn the latest situation.Ji Xiaoyan's whereabouts are unknown now, the man who never knew him has already got the news from Flying Leaves, and went to the South Aosu District in person, and went in to investigate as his military identity
However, so far, no news has come back! !

 PS: Thank you "Fengqing Renzi" for the evaluation votes!Thank you "Ziyan Liuli" for the safety talisman!Thanks to "xxxxxxjj" for the two pink tickets!

(End of this chapter)

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