Chapter 968 Clues
By calculation, it has been six days since the mutated blue beast rat invaded the South Osu area.Finally, on the sixth day, the federal government finally couldn't withstand the pressure and the news of the help from the military headquarters in the city, let go of the dictatorship of the South Aosu District, and allowed the major families to enter the South Aosu District to help.

Therefore, as soon as this news was sent out, the major families who had been waiting outside the South Aosu District rushed into the city immediately, and began to search in every corner.The mutated green beast mouse is a luxury meat product no matter now or in the future, and there is nothing wrong with having more in stock.What's more, if you catch a live one, you can sell it at a sky-high price in the future.

Although mutant beasts are very dangerous to humans in the entire Federation.However, the more dangerous the thing is, the more unbelievers and rich people want to raise it to show their own strength. Therefore, the mutant beasts all over the street are not to be underestimated by all major families. wealth!Although, when they entered the city, they estimated that there were no mutant beasts in the city, but no one was willing to give up such an opportunity.

You know, the man who brought in the mutated green beast rats to attack the city has not yet been found. What caused the mutated green beast rats to attack the city so angrily, and even did not leave for a long time, is still a difficult mystery to understand .The last place that man appeared was in the city in South Osu District. As long as everyone went in, they would not believe that they could not find traces of this man.As long as the reason for the mutated beast attacking the city is found, maybe...maybe it will be able to strengthen a lot of research on the mutated beast in the future, and it may not be possible to find a way to control the attack of the mutated beast!
This is the final reason why many families and the federal government are so strict about the siege of mutant beasts.

And where is the man who caused this great commotion at this moment?Maybe no one knows except himself.

It was not until the seventh day after the mutated beast attacked the city that the man who sold the mutated green beast cubs finally showed his whereabouts, and was spotted and reported by a young man from a small family, and appeared in various places. In the sight of the big families and the troops of the federal government.As a result, the target direction of the families and troops in the entire Nanaosu area was instantly shifted away from killing the mutated blue beast mouse, and they began to search for that man in the whole city.

After hearing this favorable news, Fallen Leaves Flying, Yeguang Fine Wine, Nightmare Foil, and the subordinates sent by Miss Qingyuxi to help find someone finally breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to actively work in the city. I started searching in the ruins, but the search process was very difficult, but I still didn't get any news.

Outside the wilderness, the temper of the strangers is not as calm as it was at the beginning.

Originally, after catching Hanzi and his gang of mutant beast hunters, and knowing that Ji Xiaoyan and his group's crashed levitation vehicle might have gone down, his heart was heavy, but he was relieved anyway.It's better to have news than to know nothing, to search blindly, right?

It's just that what the strangers didn't expect was that a large group of them had just arrived at the wreckage of the suspension vehicle, and before they had time to check the situation carefully, the bearded and the young federal government officers chased them into the wilderness and located them. They had never met before, where they were standing, unsteadily got off the suspension vehicle, and said hello.Then the young officer didn't care what kind of expression he had on his stranger's face, he just explained the reason for his visit.
"Get out!" The stranger's face turned dark for a long time, and then he spit out a word, sprayed it at the young officer, and then said directly to Shisan: "Go and check the situation. As for the idlers, you should How to deal with it is up to you!"

"Yes!" Thirteen replied with a serious face, squinted at the young officer, and directly whispered a few words to the soldiers in blue uniforms next to him, watching them run towards After checking the situation with the suspension vehicle, he turned his eyes back to the officer, and said indifferently: "We 'Skyhunting Beast' have our own affairs to be busy, if you have nothing to do, please leave. As for you We Skyhunters will not take over the things in the city you mentioned! If there is any problem, your military department can solve it by yourself, don't think about throwing this mess to us. We Skyhunters are not fools."

"Our military department doesn't mean that!" When the young officer heard this, he glanced at the stranger, and said to Thirteen and the stranger in a hurry: "We just thought that you should be in the city. If you are willing to accept our leadership, it will certainly be easier for you to do things."

"You don't need to worry about this!" Shisan immediately interrupted the young officer, and said directly: "Don't you know what the situation in the city is like? Who doesn't know your little thoughts? These days , The firepower of the military department is exhausted too fast, can't it hold up? So you just want us to take over the command, and if something happens in the city later, you don't have to take responsibility, right? Let me guess, it's because the higher ups didn't respond to your request and tell you clearly whether you need to stay or evacuate?"

The young officer's complexion was a bit uneasy. Hearing Shisan's words, he held his breath and didn't dare to say anything. He just stared at the stranger.

"Don't think of us as fools. I think you all know our style of hunting beasts. We don't want to make any big moves this time and cause any trouble. Therefore, if you leave now, this matter is fine." It's gone!" Thirteen glanced at the face of the stranger before saying something to the young officer.

"You really don't think about it? We have five thousand soldiers in the city, and that's not counting the mutant beast hunters. If you hunters take over the command of the city, you want us all to help you find It’s easy to think of things.” The young officer narrowed his eyes and said unwillingly, “It’s not easy to find things in such a big city with just such a small number of you.”

"Master, the situation of the suspension vehicle has been investigated." Just when the young officer was about to say something, a man in a blue military uniform walked up to the stranger with a serious face and said loudly: "There are no bloodstains or clues showing that someone was killed in the car. I have also checked the surrounding area. There are some things missing on the suspension car. According to our guess, the people in the car should have landed safely and left after dismantling some things. .”

"Are you sure?" There was a hint of surprise in the stranger's expression.

"Yes, master!" The soldier nodded with certainty, and then continued: "As for the current situation of the suspension vehicle, it should be caused by mutant beasts coming here to grab food. However, there are probably The range of activities of the mutant beasts, this suspension vehicle has been scrapped for several days, if someone is still alive, the situation is probably not too good! It should be raining frequently in the past few days, at least once or twice a day, And there are no safe caves in the wilderness to provide shelter from the rain, so they are very likely to get sick! If they are inexperienced, they will be buried in the belly of mutant beasts, and the possibility of being eaten is also very high."

"That said, it's still very dangerous." The stranger murmured, Shun fixed his gaze, turned his head to look at the black group and said, "I think you still cherish life, right?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" The boss of the black group mutant beast hunter who was caught together nodded immediately when he heard the stranger's words, and said with some dog legs: "My lord, we need to do something, you say, You said. We will do it!"

"En!" The stranger nodded, and was about to explain in satisfaction, when the young officer interrupted immediately.

"It's just some mutant beast hunters of unknown origin. Do you really want to entrust them to do things? According to me, as long as you hunters are willing to accept the command of our military department, we can immediately eliminate thousands of troops to help. Even you I just want to wipe out all the mutant beasts that are dozens of miles away, that's all possible!" The young officer glanced at the group of black mutant beast hunters arrogantly and disdainfully. Acquaintance said.

"Hmph, are you that sure?" The stranger didn't speak, but Thirteen looked at the young officer with a sneer and asked, "Can you guarantee that you have enough weapons and firepower to kill the mutant beasts? Don't hit the swollen face to pretend Fat man, if you have so many weapons and firepower, you still need to beg us to take over the command in the city? Huh, I guess you will definitely not want to talk to us. So, please go back and stop wasting your tongue here You can solve the affairs in your city by yourself, don't bother us, otherwise, you also know our style of hunting beasts. If this careless makes us unhappy and does something, don't blame us Oh"

"You threatened me!" Hearing this, the young officer immediately glared at Thirteen and asked him back.

"Hehe, I'm threatening you, what do you want!" Before Shisan opened his mouth to answer, he heard the stranger sneer twice, and then said very bluntly: "I give you 5 minutes to leave, otherwise , I was accidentally injured for a while, and I won’t compensate afterwards!!”

An army that doesn't even have enough weapons and firepower, no matter how many people come to help, it's useless. Maybe, after encountering mutant beasts, they have to draw out their manpower. It's better to find people who are wandering around here now In a few days, the mutant beast hunters who knew better about the situation came together to find it safer.
 PS: Thanks to "Kitten 66" for the pink ticket!Thanks for the pink ticket to Daydreaming!

(End of this chapter)

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