Chapter 969 Luck?

In the end, the young officer of the federal government stood on the spot and thought for a long time before leaving resentfully.When he came out of the city, all he thought was that he had never met them before, and they would definitely agree to him after he finished talking about his intentions, so he didn't bring many weapons, firepower and manpower.Now, if something really happens and everyone gets upset, he will be the one who suffers.

However, the mutant beast hunters who were brought out together with the beards were not so lucky. They were brought out and brought back safely.

"My lord, if I need help, tell me." The bearded man held back for a long time, spit uncomfortably in the direction where the young officer left, and then said with a flattering smile in the direction of the strangers. One sentence.Just kidding, if you don't please the group of "hunters of sky beasts" in front of you, maybe they will be silenced directly, or they will be thrown into the wilderness directly.

They didn't have a suspension car, if they really walked back with their legs, they probably would have been besieged and eaten by mutant beasts before they reached a safe place!So, it is still necessary to hold your thighs when you have time.

"Only you?" Shisan sneered at the bearded man, and after seeing that he hadn't shown anything before, he let out a breath and said to them: "Forget it, it seems that you are still a little bit useful. Come on, let's look for it together! You all knew what to look for when you were in the city? Don't I need to say it again?"

"No, no, two women and one man, we remember it very clearly!" The bearded man hurriedly said something to Shisan, and as soon as he finished speaking, he said to the brothers around him, and he didn't need Thirteen to arrange it, it was very straightforward Carefully began to look around the hovering vehicle.
The strangers glanced at the bearded couple, and then looked at the people around them who were busy looking for clues. Then they relaxed a little, took a deep breath, and looked at the gradually darkening sky overhead. , although knowing that the hope is very slim, he still couldn't help but murmured in a low voice: "Xiaoyan. I hope you are all fine! You must hold on."

But at this moment, Ji Xiaoyan and the three of them are in a very bad state.

Because of the injury, Lu Wu couldn't see what was going on at the beginning, but after hurriedly walking through the cave, the injury became a bit out of control.

"Qisi." Ji Xiaoyan helped Yu Qisi hold up the faintly glowing solar lighting lamp, looked at Yu Qisi who was lying down slowly with Lu Wu in a little at a loss, and called out in a low voice .

"Miss Xiaoyan, we may have to rest for a while." Yu Qisi looked at Ji Xiaoyan sweating profusely, and said apologetically, "Lu Wu must have some infection and inflammation. After he fell into a coma, he doesn't know when We won’t be able to wake up, and we’ll definitely not be able to take him on the road like this.” What’s more, Yu Qisi’s cold condition has not yet fully recovered, and he was forced to follow along on this journey, but now even Lu Wu has collapsed , if it is really impossible for her to climb the gaps in those stone piles with Lu Wu on her shoulders!

"Well, well, I know, I know!" Ji Xiaoyan felt his eyes blurred, and when he heard Yu Qisi's words, he nodded quickly, and then asked, "Then Qisi, where do you have medicine for Lu Wu? ? In this case, should there be any medicine that can suppress the inflammation and infection?" For example, what kind of antibiotics?Otherwise, in the situation of Green Five, if he got some kind of tetanus or rabies, would he be hanged up?The mutated beast is carrying the rabies virus, right?
But speaking of it, with the current development of the world, these treatments should be very developed, right?Thinking about it, a few medicines should be able to cure Luwu, right?
Ji Xiaoyan looked at Yu Qisi expectantly, but saw that she never raised her head to answer her, she just kept wiping the sweat from Lu Wu's forehead, so Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but A little heavy.Yu Qisi didn't have medicine on him, so what should he do now?

Ji Xiaoyan felt something gushing out of his eyes, stretched out his hand to wipe his eyes, raised his head and looked around, after a while, he gritted his teeth and said to Yu Qisi: "Qisi, take care of Lu Wu, I'll go ahead and have a look!" If they had stayed in the cave, it would be impossible for them to be rescued, maybe they would have found them now that the fallen leaves were flying?Lu Wu's situation is not very good, and Yu Qisi has not fully recovered yet, and she, who usually doesn't work hard, can just help out now and come in handy.At least, she also has to go to the front to see if there is any groundwater in this cave. It is always beneficial to bring some back to Lu Wu.
"Miss Xiaoyan" Yu Qisi heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, immediately grabbed her, and then refused to let go of her, "Miss Xiaoyan, you can't leave! Whether there is any danger in this cave is still uncertain. !You better stay with us! I can't let you leave alone"

"Qisi!" Ji Xiaoyan took a deep breath, and said to Yu Qisi very seriously: "You and Lu Wu have been taking care of me all this time, and now that both of you are not in good condition, do you still have to let me You take care of me? I am now in the best mental and physical condition, I can no longer let you keep protecting me. Besides, in this situation, I can only recover if you are all recovered! July [-]th, I will not leave If it's too far away, I'll be careful! I just want to go ahead and see if I can find some water source or something, otherwise, what will I do in the future with Lu Wu like this?"

"No, no, Miss Xiaoyan, the front is too dangerous!" Yu Qisi kept shaking his head and said.

"Dangerous? Qisi, we will be in danger if we stay here forever!" Ji Xiaoyan stretched out his hand to break Yu Qisi's hand, and said, "We have to trust Lu Wu's judgment. If there is really danger ahead, we will Why keep going forward? Are you right? I am not a fool, and I will not rush forward in a foolish way. I promise, I will be careful along the way, and if I find anything suspicious, I must come back quickly .”

"No, Miss Xiaoyan, no." Yu Qisi was pulled away from her body by Ji Xiaoyan, and suddenly his whole body went limp and he shouted: "If something happens to you, how can I explain to Young Master Jiang Xia?"

"Qisi, I will be careful, I promise!" Ji Xiaoyan knelt down, held up the light, and said seriously to Yu Qisi: "Qisi, if I don't go, we will end up because Died due to lack of water. Do you really have the heart to let the three of us die here just because you are afraid that I will be in danger?"

"But, Miss Xiaoyan" Yu Qisi yelled unbearably, then looked at the comatose Lu Wu, unable to say anything else for a while.

"Give me the water glass! July [-]th!" Seeing that she was a little loose, Ji Xiaoyan hurriedly said, "I'll go to the front to have a look, and come back after getting some water! I will definitely pay attention to safety, no one wants to die Isn't it?"

After a long stalemate, Ji Xiaoyan looked at Yu Qisi and handed her the water glass with some worry, and after babbling a lot of instructions to her, Ji Xiaoyan took another lamp and started The space they were in now climbed up towards a gap along the direction of the pile of rocks.Finally, when he finally climbed to the gap, he looked down and took a look.

Yu Qisi was holding the weak lighting lamp, looking at her motionless, his eyes full of worry; while Lu Wu was lying on the ground beside Yu Qisi, with his eyes closed and lifeless.
She must find the water source, and she must wait for the falling leaves to come to their rescue! !This is not only for herself, but also for Yu Qisi and Lu Wu, the two people who wholeheartedly protect her and survive.
Gritting his teeth and taking a deep breath, Ji Xiaoyan turned his face away from Yu Qisi and Lu Wu without looking back, and crawled over the gap, then turned over another pile of stones, stood on the ground, and looked at There are caves with bifurcated intersections on the left and right sides in front of me, and I feel tangled in my heart.

It never occurred to them that there are actually two roads on the other side of the cave.

"Go left or right." Ji Xiaoyan stood on the fork in the road, a little embarrassed.There is a pile of thin small stones at the entrance of the cave on the left, and the road inside is also very rough, basically full of piles of rocks; the right side is much smoother.However, the smoother road, who knows if the mutant beast helped clean it up?If she ran into a few mutant beasts when she walked there, she wouldn't even be able to run away.
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan became even more embarrassed.After standing there for several minutes, Ji Xiaoyan suddenly felt a cool breeze blowing from the opening of the rocky cave on the left, mixed with the scent of grass.
Green grass, breeze. Ji Xiaoyan's heart suddenly shuddered.Does this mean that the mountain cave on the left is connected to the outside world?Otherwise, why would there be a scent of grass and openings for ventilation?She didn't believe that there could be mutant beasts breathing in it and smelling like green grass.

Looking at the smooth entrance of the cave on the right hand side, looking at the dark and deep cave inside that made people's feet tremble and his heart chilled, Ji Xiaoyan finally decided to take a gamble.go left! !The road is difficult to walk, but it is better than the easy-to-walk on the right, but it makes people feel nervous!If you are lucky, she said that you may not be able to find the way out from the hole on the left, maybe you can see the fallen leaves flying and their rescue team when you go out. If you are not lucky, there is no way
God, I hope she finds some hope in life
With boundless expectations, Ji Xiaoyan climbed up to the opening of the cave on the left, and stumbled all the way inside.What she didn't know was that the cave on the other side was actually not deep at all, and there was a huge mutant mountain bear sleeping inside.
 PS: Thank you for the pink ticket of "Dark.Sombra"!

(End of this chapter)

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