Chapter 970
There are many rocks in the cave, and it is very difficult to walk.

Holding the lamp, Ji Xiaoyan climbed over the rock piles little by little while observing the environment along the way, and then she came to a conclusion.The stones in this cave were all piled up not long ago. Many grasses and moss that grew in the cave were pressed to the ground by the rocks. Many stones have new marks that were just dug out and split. This proves that , this cave should have been very smooth before, but for some unknown reason, landslides blocked the road!

But fortunately, Ji Xiaoyan didn't encounter any mutant beasts except for the occasional skeletons of mutant beasts buried under the rocks along the way, and he found a gap with a light source safely.

After deeply understanding how difficult it is to survive in the wilderness, Ji Xiaoyan was not so stupid and rushed to the light source to remove the piled stones, and then rushed out.She approached the gap of the light source very carefully, looked out with her eyes, and tried her best to observe the situation outside carefully, and when she confirmed that there were no mutant beasts or dangers, she turned off the lighting for lighting, bit by bit. Start digging out the rocks at the entrance of the cave.
After digging for an unknown amount of time, Ji Xiaoyan made the gap at the entrance of the cave large enough for her body to crawl, then crawled out cautiously, stood beside the stone pile at the entrance of the cave, took a deep breath, and finally Turning her head to look at the surrounding wilderness, she chose a place she thought might have a water source, and slowly searched in that direction bit by bit.
At this time, Ji Xiaoyan never thought about what Lu Wu and the others told her back then, where there is a water source, there will be the problem of mutant beasts
At this time, the strangers had already searched all around the place where the suspension car fell. Except for some traces of mutated animal feces that Ji Xiaoyan and the others made during their march, they had no other clues. could not find it.This made the strangers very impatient.

"Young Master, why don't you drink some water first?" Seeing the stranger's appearance, Shisan immediately handed over a bottle of water, smiled and said something to the stranger, seeing him stretch out his hand to push away, this time Only then did he suppress the smile on his face, and said to the stranger with some earnestness: "Master, you can't do this! You have to take care of your body so that you can find the energy to find that girl Ji Xiaoyan and the others. If you Something is wrong with your body, Thirteen, even if I disobey your order, I will resist you back."

Hearing Shisan's words, the stranger who had never met before glared at him, a little upset.

"Young master, don't think Shisan is joking!" Shisan said to the stranger with a straight face, "To Shisan, you are the most important thing, Master. So, if you don't take care of yourself Even if you want to beat and punish you in the future, Thirteen will take you back forcibly. Besides, young master, you should feel relieved now. Judging from what we have discovered now, the girl Ji Xiaoyan and the others They're pretty smart, at least they know how to avoid mutant beasts in the wild, right? Judging from this situation, they have a very high chance of surviving." What Shisan didn't say was that he always felt in his heart that Ji Miss Xiaoyan looks like a cockroach that can't be killed, and she will definitely not die early.
After listening to Shisan's words, the strangers glared at him fiercely. After a while, they reached out to take the water in Shisan's hand, took a deep breath, and then turned their heads to look at the bearded man and the boy. The group of idiots and the group of mutated beast hunters asked: "Do you have any clues? Have you figured out the general direction they can go?"

The bearded men didn't dare to answer. They still don't have enough experience in surviving in the wilderness.So, after hearing the words they had never met before, the bearded people fell silent collectively, turned their attention to Hanzi and his group of black mutant hunters, and waited to hear what they had to say.
"This... my lord, this wilderness is so big. We don't know if they encountered any special circumstances when they left here. It's really hard to guess which direction they went." Hanzituan The leading man in the house thought about it for a long time before he said: "However, according to our guess, they must need food and water after staying in this wilderness for so many days. Food is something other than hunting and killing mutations. Beasts can only eat some grass roots to satisfy their hunger, which is not easy to find. If it is a source of water, we remember that there are several puddles near here, basically no mutant beasts occupy it. It has been raining every day for the past few days. If they are around here, they will definitely go to those puddles to try their luck and get some water to drink."

"How many puddles are there around here?" The stranger frowned, with a hint of distress in his eyes.Thinking that Ji Xiaoyan and the others couldn't eat enough in the wild, they still needed to drink the dirty water in the puddles, and the soil that those mutated beasts stepped on, mixed with the bacteria and small bugs that might have lived in the puddles, swallowed them into their stomachs. It feels a little uncomfortable for those who don't know each other.If he could have known the news earlier and found Miss Ji Xiaoyan and the others, maybe they would not have suffered so much.
"The larger ones can store water, there are only about five places! As for some smaller puddles, judging from the amount of rain in the past few days, it is estimated that there will be no water! If they are nearby If we are familiar with the situation, we estimate that we will go to those five places to get water." The leader of the black group thought about it, and told the stranger about this matter.

It is very important that there are no water sources occupied by mutant beasts in the wilderness. Generally speaking, if someone knows the location of the water source, and is not familiar and trusted, he will not say it easily, but it is used to save lives!If it weren't for the vicious looks on the faces of the people in the military department in front of them, the lives of myself and the team members were in their hands. If the people in the military department were dissatisfied and would always say that they would silence them, the black group's The boss is determined not to reveal this situation! !
"Five places." The stranger looked up at the sky, and then asked, "Where are these five places in?"

The leader of the black group pointed his fingers, and then said: "There are three puddles in the same direction, and they are not far from each other. The distance between the other two puddles is relatively far, and the amount of water is not very large. It's not far from where you came here just now."

"Master, it's better like this! Let's do things separately! Let us go and have a look at the puddle on the side of the flying ship. By the way, you can go back to the flying ship to eat something and replenish your energy. You are not good these days." I only ate a little bit, but I couldn't bear it," Shisan suggested, looking at the stranger with some worry.Ever since he went to the place where Miss Ji Xiaoyan lived and saw the situation inside, his young master was basically not in the mood to eat.Two days have passed, if he doesn't eat something to supplement, who knows if his young master will fall down directly in the future!
Thinking of this, Thirteen's eyes couldn't help being determined.If his young master disagreed, he would risk being punished and drag him back to the flying ship! !Anyway, if his young master wants to deal with him, he has to go back to the family.At that time, the old men in the family will speak for him, and he will not be afraid to think that those old men in this family will definitely save him from the punishment of his young master because of his eagerness to protect his master. Thirteen couldn't help secretly heaving a sigh of relief, and then looked at the stranger.

The result is not bad, and I am not the kind of stubborn person who does not listen to people's advice.After hearing Thirteen's words, the strangers thought for a while, then nodded and agreed: "Then make the decision! Thirteen, let each pair calibrate the signal of the communicator, and then Let's go!"

Thirteen nodded happily, and then he took a deep breath when he heard the stranger before, then turned to face the others and said: "As long as you find any clues, you must report them immediately! No matter who you meet in the wilderness Is it the person I am looking for, as long as it is a human being, you must take good care of it and bring it to me! Do you understand?"

"Understood, I understand! Don't worry, my lord, we won't mess around!" The two groups of people, the bearded man and the leader of the black group, nodded and said as soon as they heard the stranger's words.But tacitly began to complain in my heart: Do they dare to mess around?I don't believe that the group of soldiers in front of me will let them move around on their own. Not every team will send people from the military department to follow them. Can they have a chance to mess around?

"That's how it is!" The stranger closed his eyes, "I hope you can find me the person before it gets dark today!"

If it takes one day, there is a danger of one day, strangers don't want to see the result he doesn't want to see when they find Miss Ji Xiaoyan again.Glancing at the two teams of mutated beast hunters, they didn't know each other and thought about it for a while, but they still gave them a sweet treat that they could look forward to, that is, promised to give them a certain amount of federal currency rewards after returning as long as they found them, by the way They can also open a back door for a one-year tax-free peripheral hunting license, plus some military-made weapons. Therefore, the bearded men and the mutant hunters of the black group became enthusiastic in an instant.How much is the one-year tax exemption?What's more, there are military-made weapons and federal currency rewards. This is really another village! !I thought it would be good to save my life and go back to the city in despair, but it is actually beneficial. This is a rare and good thing. I really don’t know what kind of identities those people who are looking for are.
However, these are not what they care about. The only wish in their hearts now is to find those people smoothly and quickly!Of course, it must be alive
(End of this chapter)

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