Chapter 971

Speaking of which, finding water in the wilderness is a very painful and difficult thing.

On the one hand, one has to be alert to whether there are mutant beasts wandering around, and on the other hand, one needs to look for places such as bushes that can hide at any time, so as to avoid the dangers that may appear at any time.Therefore, Miss Ji Xiaoyan's road to find water is quite difficult and arduous.

After avoiding several groups of mutated beasts resting on the ground, Ji Xiaoyan stumbled and watched a small mutated beast walk from one direction with its wet body, and left over her hiding place.After waiting for a while, seeing that the surrounding environment was finally safe, Ji Xiaoyan followed the direction of the mutant beast, and found a puddle about tens of centimeters in size, saw the muddy muddy water and Some small insects floating in the water.

Regardless of the purity of the water source in front of him, Ji Xiaoyan, who now fully understands how important water sources are in the wilderness, rushed towards the puddle at an extremely fast speed, and immediately threw Cong Yu Qisi Where did I get the water bottle and put it directly into the puddle, listening to the sound of water entering the bottle, I raised my head and looked vigilantly at other places outside the grass
The capacity of the water bottle is not large, so Ji Xiaoyan quickly filled it up and put it away.Reaching out to hold a handful of water in the puddle, frowning and swallowing the strange-smelling water, Ji Xiaoyan heaved a sigh of relief, stood up full of hope, and moved to follow the way he came back. Go to the cave and deliver water to Yu Qisi and Lu Wu.

However, Ji Xiaoyan didn't go far along the way he came, when he heard a strange sound in the air.There were buzzing sounds, roaring sounds, and not even the weird and loud calls of many mutant beasts. Carefully raised his head and crossed the grass, Ji Xiaoyan quickly looked ahead, only to see several beasts in the distance. The huge mutated beast seemed to be attacking something, and occasionally, flashes similar to those caused by the explosion of a light wave cannon could be seen.

"Is someone here?" Ji Xiaoyan murmured, stopped and looked at the place for a few seconds, but after seeing nothing in detail, he let out a sigh of relief, turned around and continued in the same direction left.No one could tell what was going on in the distance, those things that looked like explosions might just be her hallucinations!She didn't even see a single figure, nor did she see any hovering vehicles. Who knows if the group of mutant beast hunters who were on the other side of the cave not long ago came here again.
Lu Wu's situation is very bad now, if something happened to her, Lu Wu and the others would feel guilty to death.She doesn't know anything, she can't help much, she doesn't know how to heal, and she can't find herbs to treat Lu Wu. She can only find dirty water to send back to Lu Wu and Yu Qisi to quench their thirst. So, she Be sure to do this well!Thinking of this, he glanced at the loudly roaring mutant beasts in the distance, Ji Xiaoyan quickened his pace, and ran in the direction of the cave
After finally spending about an hour running to the vicinity of the cave, Ji Xiaoyan failed to return to the cave.Because just in the gap of the small cave she came out of, a huge mutant mountain bear appeared, and was digging the gravel at the entrance of the cave.
"How come there are mutant beasts here?" Ji Xiaoyan was a little dumbfounded when he saw the situation in front of him.Shouldn't the cave he came out of be abandoned, without mutant beasts?Why does the mutated mountain bear in front of him seem to plan to break through the rocks and run into the cave?If this mutant mountain bear enters the cave, can she go back?Are Yu Qisi and Luwu still safe?
Thinking of the consequences of the mutated mountain bear entering the cave, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help shivering, and anxiously crawled in the corner of the grass, and anxiously began to think of a way through the gaps in the grass, how to get rid of the mutated mountain bear in front of him. Bears chased away
"Look, there's a mutated mountain bear over there." Just when Ji Xiaoyan was a little desperate and out of breath, a rough voice suddenly rang out in surprise: "That, my lord, can we take That mutant beast was also killed?" The voice stopped for two seconds, and then continued: "My lord, it's not right to look at this mutant mountain bear. Look, it seems to want to dig the hole very much. Could it be that the person you are looking for is inside and was discovered by the mutant mountain bear, so it must go in so anxiously?"

"Yes, yes, yes! My lord, we also think this possibility is very high! Otherwise, why is this mutant mountain bear so obsessed with digging through rocks to get in?" Another male voice hurriedly answered flatteringly. One sentence.

Afterwards, Ji Xiaoyan heard a somewhat familiar voice sneering and said: "I think you are getting more and more courageous, right? Don't forget why we asked you to come!! Don't think that my young master agrees to let you You restrain the mutated beasts you hunted along the way and go back to sell them, and you bring the mutated beasts to find a way to lure them over, and let us kill them for you. Let me tell you, time waits for no one, and if you waste time like this, in the end If there is any trouble, don't blame us for being cruel, go back to the city to investigate, and find your relatives and friends by the way, and pay for your lives and let us vent our anger."

"My lord, we dare not, dare not." A male voice said quickly.

"My lord, we don't! We absolutely don't." The male voice who spoke at the beginning said quickly, "There is some truth in what we say. That mountain bear is definitely something strange. As for the waste of time you said, my lord , you have wronged us, there is nothing we can do when we encounter a herd of mutant beasts along the way! We definitely didn’t do it on purpose in order to go back and sell the mutant beasts. people"

"Okay, it's useless to talk!" The familiar voice said impatiently, "Since you think there is something wrong with that mutant mountain bear, then kill it!"

After finishing speaking, Ji Xiaoyan heard a few strange voices, and a moment later, through the gaps in the grass, he saw that the mutated mountain bear who was digging stones was suddenly hit by a few light yellow light cannons, and then The mutated mountain bear immediately stopped in anger and pain, turned around and roared in another direction, ran into the grass in the direction where the light cannon came out, and disappeared from Ji Xiaoyan's sight
The roar of the mutated beast, the excited laughter and talking of humans, and the explosion of the light wave cannon all mixed together, regardless of whether Miss Ji Xiaoyan was willing to accept it or not, they all fell into her ears. She was lying on the grassy ground, not daring to move.She was afraid, she was afraid that if she made any noise, she would be directly killed by the light wave cannon, and she was even more afraid that if she was discovered, she would be directly captured alive by those men.
Gritting her teeth, Ji Xiaoyan didn't dare to make any movement to care about the situation of the mutated mountain bear. She could only listen to the surrounding sounds through her ears at the moment. Pray, hope that the current battle can end as soon as possible, and those humans around can leave quickly! !
"Quick, quick, quick! That mountain bear is about to run away! Stop it quickly!" Time seemed to pass very slowly, and when Ji Xiaoyan was sweating nervously on her forehead, it seemed that what she was most worried about was about to happen.A man's voice rang out nervously and excitedly. After a while, Ji Xiaoyan had a very bad premonition in his heart. Will the mutant mountain bear run towards her and run away?

"Over there, over there!! Hurry up and give it a shot, and it will definitely not be able to escape." Another man's voice suddenly shouted excitedly.

Sure enough, a few seconds later, Ji Xiaoyan felt rustling sounds coming from the grass not far away. It was obvious that something was rushing over there! !
With this understanding in his heart, Ji Xiaoyan didn't dare to lie still on the spot with a fluke feeling.After moving his body and taking a deep breath, Ji Xiaoyan immediately began to crawl carefully towards the grass next to him.The bushes that used to grow so thick that they could perfectly cover her body were not so pleasing now.Because as long as her movements are larger, it will be easy for people outside to see the movement of the grass and find her.

Therefore, Ji Xiaoyan's crawling speed is very slow, basically it can be said that he is racing against a snail!But even though she was so careful, she still couldn't cover up her movement in the end.

After she climbed two steps, a boy rang out in surprise: "Hey, there must be some other small mutant beasts watching. I went over and killed that little thing."

"Don't worry about it. Just kill the mutated mountain bear!" Another voice said with some displeasure.Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but hugged her hands, growled and prayed in her heart: Yes, yes, yes, big brother, please don't come here! !Let me go, just kill the mutant mountain bear. . . . .

"Okay then..." The voice that made Ji Xiaoyan somewhat annoying paused for a few seconds, and then he responded with some reluctance, and before Ji Xiaoyan had time to rejoice, suddenly and excitedly He yelled: "Hey, look, the mutant mountain bear is not a vegetarian. He knew that there was movement over there, so he must have discovered that there is a little mutant beast over there... Did it go to find rescue? Brothers, let's destroy them together later..."

Ji Xiaoyan's heart tightened for a moment, what did that man mean?The mutated mountain bear ran towards her?Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but looked up behind her, and then saw the mutant mountain bear covered in blood running towards her with a grin. . . . . .
 PS: Thanks to "[Dian Dian]" for the pink ticket!Thanks to "ulaer" for the great sachet!
(End of this chapter)

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