The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 972 Take a sigh of relief

Chapter 972 Relieved

Sometimes strangers feel that life is really wonderful.Moreover, God really loves him very much and can hear his prayers!Come to think of it, strangers who have never met in this whole life will never forget that the person he has worried about for so many days and has been thinking about for so long will appear in his sight so suddenly
"Be careful!!" Thirteen's voice suddenly rang out sharply, attracting the attention of the strangers who were not too concerned about those mutant beast hunters at first, and then the strangers listened. To Shisan made an unbelievable voice, looked at a bush in the distance, and shouted: "Miss Ji Xiaoyan"

The strangers still remember the feeling that his heart almost stopped beating at that time, and how the sense of surprise that he hadn't felt for a long time enveloped him and almost suffocated him.

"Be careful, be careful!! Mutant beasts, let them go away!!" Shisan looked very excited, while yelling at the mutant beast hunters to tell them not to look at the monster. The injured mutated mountain bear fired the beam cannon, and hurriedly shouted to the other soldiers in blue uniforms: "Hurry up, get rid of all the dangers around." After speaking, Thirteen immediately turned towards the strangers He yelled in surprise: "Master. Master, we have found Miss Ji Xiaoyan. Come and see, Master."

Hearing Shisan's words, the strangers still couldn't believe it, and after a while, they were full of surprise and excitement, mixed with a trace of fear. He couldn't see the situation in the grass in front of Shisan, so he didn't know At this moment, is the girl Ji Xiaoyan found by Shisan still alive?If Ji Xiaoyan in the grass had stopped breathing long ago, would he really be able to bear such a fact in front of him?Yes, speaking of it, the number of times he and Miss Ji Xiaoyan met in reality is very small, but for some reason, he just has an inexplicable love for her!

Some things in the game, sometimes people will really keep it outside the game!It's just that some things in reality don't go as smoothly as in the game
The world outside the game is also different from the virtual world in the game.In the wild, it is not easy for the player character in the game to survive for so many days. The player character needs food, water and even potions, and also has to worry about monster attacks in the wild. Similarly, the real world outside the game is the same, food, medicine, clothes, water , and even weapons are quite important necessities!Miss Ji Xiaoyan and the others landed in this wilderness on a levitation car, so they must have had no time to prepare these things, right?So, what will Ji Xiaoyan, who has been in the wilderness for so many days, look like now?Thirteen found that she was still alive or
The stranger who had never met before suddenly felt timidly afraid to go to Shisan's side to check.
"Young Master?" Shisan looked at the stranger who was standing still and didn't move in a puzzled way, and after yelling in a low voice, he turned his head and glanced at the man who was hiding in the grass at the moment, his face full of embarrassment, his body Ji Xiaoyan, whose head was covered with mud and grass clippings, and whose clothes were not clean, thought for a while, and then asked a stranger who was a little puzzled: "Master, do you think that Miss Ji Xiaoyan is like this now?" It’s too ugly, so.” So you don’t want to come over?
Thinking of his young master's previous actions, Shisan felt that he had guessed right and continued, "Then young master, you can just stand there, and I will take Miss Ji Xiaoyan to the flying ship to clean it. This is good Yes, young master, you have found someone, we can hurry back to the city, Miss Ji Xiaoyan, do you need me to help you?"

"No need..." Ji Xiaoyan's voice sounded a little suspicious, and after a while, it rang out in a low voice.
"Alive and still alive" The strangers, after hearing the voice of Miss Ji Xiaoyan, finally regained their senses from the state just now, and then rushed towards the direction of Thirteen excitedly!Miss Ji Xiaoyan is still alive, judging from Shisan's current attitude, she hasn't even suffered any harm. This, this is simply a miracle! !

"Boss, what's the situation over there?" A man in the black group of mutant beast hunters who managed to kill the mutant mountain bear not far away glanced at the stranger's movements. After I went to disassemble the brother who disassembled the corpse of the mutated mountain bear, I curiously approached their leader and asked in a low voice, "We've come all the way, but that handsome man in the lead has never shown such an expression before?" I've always felt that the man's attitude must be a cold mountain, and nothing can impress him. What kind of character is that man in the grass we just saw, who can make that man so panicked? jump over?"

"Stop gossiping, are you going to die?" The leader of the black group is also looking at the strangers at the moment, but after hearing what his subordinates said, he immediately glared at him, and then warned Said: "What's the situation now, do you still want to gossip? Don't be afraid to talk too much, and we will suffer together later. No matter what the people who just hid in the grass over there are like with their army of hunting beasts It doesn’t matter, you just need to remember! We have found the person and passed all the dangers. When we return to the city this time and sell all the harvest, everyone will be rich! But, I I don't want any news about this operation to be spread in the future. Are you all clear?"

"I know, I know, don't worry, Boss!!" The men nodded tactfully when they heard the words of the head of the black group, and agreed, and then they didn't dare to cast their eyes in the direction of the strangers. It's time to honestly divide up the corpse of the mutated mountain bear
And the strangers here ran to Shisan's side, and saw Ji Xiaoyan who was in a mess and almost couldn't stand still, and finally felt a feeling of returning to her body. .He stretched out his hand to support Ji Xiaoyan, ignoring Shisan's surprised expression as he watched his movements, and felt his eyes get wet when he had never met him before!It's okay, it's okay, although Miss Ji Xiaoyan looks pale and her health is not in good condition, but fortunately, there are no other problems, no injuries, and no death.
"Xiaoyan, do you have any discomfort?" The stranger looked at Ji Xiaoyan with concern and asked, looking at her disheveled hair, stretched out his hand to caress her distressedly, and saw the surprise and surprise in her eyes. After being pleasantly surprised, he hurriedly said, "Let's go, I'll take you to the flying ship to clean it. Are you hungry now? What do you want to eat? I'll send someone back to prepare it for you first."

"No, no need." Ji Xiaoyan shook his dizzy head, and immediately said something to the stranger, and then immediately said, "I still have two friends who are not in a good situation now."

"It's Yu Qisi and Lu Wu that Luoye said?" The stranger asked immediately after hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words.I really want to understand why Ji Xiaoyan is the only one who appears here at this moment, holding the bottle of water that looks turbid at first sight. Those two people who should protect her are probably at this moment. The situation is already very bad, otherwise, Ji Xiaoyan will definitely not let Ji Xiaoyan come out to take risks alone.
"Hmm!" Ji Xiaoyan immediately grabbed his arm with his backhand when he heard the stranger's words, looked at him as if seeing a life-saving straw and said, "Vegetarian, save them."

"Okay, okay, okay! I will save it, I will save it!" Seeing Ji Xiaoyan's anxious expression, the strangers immediately agreed, and then wrapped her arms around her shoulders and let her lean on him , patted Ji Xiaoyan's shoulder to comfort him, and asked, "Are they around here? What's their situation now? Tell us all the details, and I'll send someone to take them away immediately." rescued them all."

When Ji Xiaoyan heard it, he immediately looked at the stranger gratefully, and after thanking him several times, he picked up the important information and told the situation and location of Lu Wu and Yu Qisi.

"Go in through this hole, then turn right and climb in, right?" Thirteen listened to Ji Xiaoyan's words, thought for a while, and then confirmed to her, "That Lu Wu was injured and infected by a mutant beast, and fell into a coma! The other one was caught in the rain, had a cold and hadn't recovered from it, and besides the lack of water, there was no food, that's the way it is, right?"

"Yes, yes!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded weakly at Shisan, and when he saw him nodding at her understandingly, he turned his head and greeted several men in blue military uniforms, and then I greeted a few men who had just been chasing after the mutated mountain bear and gave a few low words, and then let them start digging the entrance of the cave
"Xiaoyan, do you want something to eat now?" The stranger watched with satisfaction after Shisan had arranged everything, then he breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and asked, "Where will I take you?" Let’s take a rest on the suspension car next to it? It will take some time for them to go in and find someone. You’re not in the right shape, so you should take a good rest. Just eat something to supplement it, and then take some medicine later. This will be good for you. in good health"

"No." Ji Xiaoyan shook his head stubbornly, looked up at the stranger and said, "Green Friday and July [-]th don't know what's going on now, how can I rest at ease by myself, I want to go in with them and rescue them .If it wasn't for them on this journey, I would have died long ago."

 PS: Thank you "TEN" for the pink ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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