Chapter 973

"Why do you come here?" Seeing those mutant beast hunters and the men in blue uniforms brought by the strangers to remove the stones outside the cave, Ji Xiaoyan remembered to ask the strangers He said, "Are you guys out to kill mutant beasts?" And then just happened to be lucky enough to run into her?

According to Ji Xiaoyan's imagination, the only ones who could run out of the city and look for them in the wilderness were the fallen leaves.Others, think about it, they don't have so much time to waste so much manpower and material resources.
"How is it possible!" The stranger was still immersed in Ji Xiaoyan's closeness with him, and he didn't recover. Hearing her question, he was still dizzy about how to answer, and went to the suspension car next to him. Thirteen, who brought food and water to Ji Xiaoyan, happened to be near Ji Xiaoyan, and immediately said: "Do you think our young master has so much free time to drive a flying ship to kill mutant beasts in the wilderness all day long? It's not because I heard the news of your accident, my young master ran out to suffer for several days without thinking about food and drink, and then I found you, okay?"

"Thirteen!!" Hearing this, the stranger frowned, and immediately stared at Thirteen, then turned around to see Miss Ji Xiaoyan staring at him with puzzled eyes.After thinking about it, the stranger smiled at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "Speaking of which, I'm still ashamed that I've been in the game all this time, and I didn't know anything happened to you. If Fallen Leaves hadn't contacted me and asked me to help you find you, I guess I still don't know Xiaoyan, I'm really sorry, I don't care about you too much."

Ji Xiaoyan was a little speechless.Speaking of which, even though he did not know each other and expressed good feelings to her, she did not give him a good look and there was no relationship between them. In reality, she was not willing to keep in touch with him or anything.To put it bluntly, it is quite right for her to be willing to spend time, manpower and material resources to find her in such a dangerous place like the wilderness after being treated like this by her before!Now, the man in front of me, who obviously has a good family background and character, actually apologized to her, saying that he didn't care about her too much.
Speaking of which, she is the one who is most embarrassed, okay?
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan immediately shook his head, and quickly said to the stranger: "Vegetarian, if you say that, I have to find a crack in the ground to get in! I am already very grateful to you for coming out to find me! To be honest, if I hadn’t met you, July Fourth and I don’t know how long we would have to wait for the people who came to save us in this wilderness. The three of us can’t afford it. Maybe we can hold on for a few more days. If it is not discovered and killed by the mutated beast, it will also die of illness, starvation, or thirst."

"Don't talk nonsense." Hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, he was a little excited when he heard Ji Xiaoyan's words.Thinking about what happened this time, Miss Ji Xiaoyan will definitely not treat him as nonchalantly as before, but with a smile on her lips, she said to Ji Xiaoyan: "This time I just rely on my family They have the identity of the military department, so they can come out to find you first. The fallen leaves are actually eager to save you, but the federal government has regulations. Before a certain time limit, they are not allowed to enter the South Aosu area. Yes, about this, I think Yu Qisi and the others have told you too, right?"

"Well, I said it! That's why we've been waiting all this time." Ji Xiaoyan nodded and said something to the stranger.The favorability of strangers in my heart has indeed increased a lot.If it was an ordinary person, even if Flying Leaves begged them, they would not be so willing to come out to help, would they?What's more, Thirteen also said that they were strangers and suffered a lot this time.
Seeing Ji Xiaoyan's slightly apologetic eyes and her obvious closeness, the strangers instantly felt joy in her heart.He just said, Falling Leaves Flying's request for help can't be erased, and he took all the credit for himself. Otherwise, when Miss Ji Xiaoyan heard the news, wouldn't she think that he was too overjoyed?At that time, the impression will definitely be worse in an instant. Look at how good it is now! !This trip, the suffering and effort are all worth it
Thirteen, however, looked at the completely different expression of the stranger, and rolled his eyes speechlessly.A few days ago, the young master of his family who seemed very difficult to mess with, very powerful, and super personable temperament suddenly disappeared?Instead, the young master who had the same brain problem as before is back again?
"Open it, open it, dig it out!" Just as the strangers were enjoying themselves, the mutant hunters not far away suddenly shouted excitedly, and then shouted at them: "My lord! .My lord, the cave has been dug! I have dug it. Shall we go in now?"

"Nonsense!!" Thirteen rolled his eyes at those people, then turned his head, and said calmly to the stranger, "Master, you and Miss Xiaoyan are staying here?" Or do you want to go in together? ah?Thirteen didn't say the last sentence. After all, Miss Ji Xiaoyan said at the beginning that she wanted to go in and find someone together. However, seeing his young master like this, Shisan still couldn't bear it and complained about Ji Xiaoyan. .

This girl knew that her young master had a different attitude towards her, so she didn't think about it for his young master.She even opened her mouth to go into that dark cave to find someone, why can't his young master accompany her?She won't find a way for his young master at all, so she just said, how good it is to stay and wait!Thinking of his young master going into the cave and walking around in embarrassment, Shisan felt like a knife was cutting his heart, and he couldn't help but said to Ji Xiaoyan: "If you want me to tell you, Miss Xiaoyan, you are still with my young master. Wait here for us together."

"No. I'll just go in and show you the way!" Ji Xiaoyan was unusually firm, and said something to Shisan, then quickly took two bites of the food that Shisan had just handed to her, and then moved to the side, Leaving the unfamiliar shoulders, he walked directly towards the direction of the cave, and said as he walked, "If I lead the way, everyone will go faster, and there is no need to take any wrong roads to waste time. You don't have to worry about me. , I'm in a good state now, if I hadn't met you guys, wouldn't I have to wait for that mutated mountain bear to leave, and then find a way to go back to the cave?"

"Wait for the mutated mountain bear to leave? I don't know how long it will take." Shisan said with a cold snort in his heart.

Then I heard the strangers and immediately followed Ji Xiaoyan's words: "Since you are worried about Xiaoyan, then let's go in and find Qisi and the others together. However, if you have any discomfort, you must tell me. Follow me after entering, don't leave."

"Okay!" Ji Xiaoyan didn't try to say no to it, she was strangers and she had good intentions, if she didn't know good and bad, maybe Shisan standing next to her would kill her with his eyes!
The stranger nodded before looking at Thirteen, and while following Ji Xiaoyan towards the cave, he ordered in a low voice: "Tell them to be careful in front. There is something wrong with that mutated mountain bear outside the cave. It says there may not be anything strange, so please don’t be careless.”

"Yes, master!" Shisan Yi immediately changed his face when he heard this, and immediately ran to the cave after a reply, and told the words to the cave before the mutant beast hunters and the army of hunting beasts entered the cave. They ordered it again.

On the other hand, Ji Xiaoyan said naively after hearing the stranger's words: "There shouldn't be any problem with that cave, right? I climbed out of it all the way, and I didn't encounter any danger."

"Then maybe it's because you're lucky?" The stranger said to Ji Xiaoyan in a good mood, "Didn't you just say that? When you came out, you saw another cave in the cave. The cave is very clean, basically there are no stones."

"Well, it's like this. What's the problem with this?" Ji Xiaoyan asked humbly.

"I can't tell now, but the side you came out of is connected to the outside, so the other hole doesn't necessarily lead to the other side." The strangers smiled and looked at the mutant beast hunters with expressions on their faces. Excited to enter the cave, while reaching out to protect Ji Xiaoyan, he said to her in a low voice: "The roads here are basically all stones. Judging from the conditions in these places, the collapse of the entrance of the cave should have happened not long ago. Go in here, the other cave you mentioned should be directly opposite to this place, right? The cave has collapsed rocks, but the other side is clean, this is not normal."

"What's the problem? Does anyone still live there?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at the stranger and asked suspiciously.

"Someone is basically impossible, but it is definitely possible to have mutant beasts." The strangers thought for a while, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "If it is a mutant beast, the cave is its old nest, and it will definitely make the nest The surrounding rocks have been swept away."

When Ji Xiaoyan heard this, his face turned pale in an instant, and he looked at the stranger beside him in surprise and asked, "Then you mean that there are actually mutant beasts in this cave? Then, Qisi and Lu Wu, won’t it be very unsafe for them to stay here? Do those mutated beasts come to them when they smell human?” If that’s the case, it’s not that Lu Wu and Yu Qisi are dangerous in the cave ?One of them was injured and the other was sick. If they really encountered a mutant beast, they would basically have no ability to resist, right?

Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help reaching out and grabbing the stranger's arm, looking at him tremblingly and saying, "Let's, let's go faster."

 PS: Thanks to "Junji Molu 888" for the safety talisman! !

(End of this chapter)

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