Chapter 975 Find it! !

After climbing over the rugged rock pile, Ji Xiaoyan carefully turned down the rock pile with a faintly shining lamp, and stood on the ground. If she turned her head and glanced at Thirteen and He The other two men just wiped the sweat off their foreheads and murmured, "I hope there will be nothing wrong with the vegetarians."

After that, after waiting for Shisan to stand in front of her impatiently, Ji Xiaoyan took a deep breath and looked for the place where Yu Qisi and Lu Wu were lying in his memory.However, what I didn't expect was that after searching twice and searching all the nearby locations, Ji Xiaoyan didn't see the shadow of Yu Qisi and Lu Wu.

"What's the matter, they are obviously here? When I left, they were here." Ji Xiaoyan looked at Shisan with a look of panic, and said anxiously, "Why aren't they here? No Could something be wrong? Thirteen."

Thirteen concentratedly glanced at the traces on the ground, did not answer Ji Xiaoyan's question, but directly whispered to the other two men: "Look carefully." stand up.

Seeing Shisan and the others' actions, Ji Xiaoyan took a deep breath, stopped talking, and followed Shisan seriously to look at the place where they were standing now.After a while, a man found some clues and shouted to Thirteen: "Here are some footprints of mutant beasts."

Ji Xiaoyan just felt his brain explode.There are footprints of mutant beasts here, which means that mutant beasts have come here. Lu Wu is in a coma, and Yu Qisi is not in good condition due to illness. If they encounter mutant beasts, will they still have a way out? ?Thinking of this possibility, Ji Xiaoyan's face instantly paled a little, her body trembled violently, and then she cast her hopeful eyes on Thirteen. She only hoped that she could hear some hope from his mouth.
Thirteen followed the soldier to the ground where there were footprints of mutant beasts, and then the three of them took a look around, and then concluded: "There are no traces of blood or people's struggles here, presumably there are only mutant beasts walking It’s just here to expand the light source, look around here, those two people should still have some experience, so they won’t just lie there and wait for the mutant beasts to come to patronize them, and take a closer look at the nearby hiding places , don’t miss the small place”

"Yes!" When the two soldiers heard Shisan's words, they immediately nodded in response, and then Ji Xiaoyan watched them twist the light that had been shining faintly in their hands, and the cave was instantly filled with light. Dasheng
It turns out that those lights also have high power. Ji Xiaoyan wondered in his heart, and then immediately asked Shisan with concern: "Thirteen, do you mean that July Fourth and Green Five may be fine? They're most likely hiding, aren't they?"

"Well, it's possible!" Shisan glanced at Ji Xiaoyan, who was full of anxiety, and felt a little softer, and nodded.This girl seems to be a bit conscientious and kind, right?Otherwise, I wouldn't be so anxious for the two servants, and even willing to risk my life to come back
"Really?" Ji Xiaoyan yelled in surprise, and finally breathed a sigh of relief, "Then can I call them here? Maybe they hide and come out when they hear my voice."

"Do you want to attract the mutated beast?" Shisan gave Ji Xiaoyan a white look, and then said to her, "Although the mutated beast can't understand our words, it can tell whether our voice is from a beast or not. .Since there have been mutant beasts here, that means, perhaps there have been mutant beasts already occupying the cave you mentioned! Do you think the three of us will be able to face the mutant beasts? Don’t forget, my young master There is also a mutant beast over there."

As soon as Shisan's words fell, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help feeling a little ashamed.Heart said: She is also a laggard! !
Just as he was thinking, suddenly there were several deafening explosions in the cave. Ji Xiaoyan felt the ground start to tremble. Feel.

"Thirteen." Ji Xiaoyan experienced such a big battle for the first time, and she suddenly broke out in cold sweat with fear. She grabbed Thirteen who was standing beside her, and asked in panic, "What's the matter? Is it a cave collapse?" Yet?"

"It's the sound of light wave cannons." Thirteen had a sense of composure, and looked at the pile of stones behind them calmly, then said to Ji Xiaoyan and the other two men: " The mutant beast on the young master's side should have started to move. We have to quickly find the two people who are hiding, otherwise if they hide in the gap between the stone piles, the situation over there will be too serious for a while, and the light wave cannon will destroy these piles. If all the stones here are broken, they might not be able to survive.”

"Yes!" The two men immediately nodded in response, and then quickly searched around without feeling caught by the unfamiliar situation.

"Miss Ji Xiaoyan" Shisan turned his head and glanced at Miss Ji Xiaoyan whose face was completely pale. He wanted to ridicule her, but seeing her panicked state, he remembered that this girl was After wandering in the wilderness for so many days and experiencing many things, it must be a little flustered to encounter this situation suddenly.So, Shisan complained in his heart that he had never met her before, why did he let him come to face this girl Ji Xiaoyan?
Then he stretched out his hand to break Ji Xiaoyan's hand away from him, looked at her and said seriously: "Now is not the time to be afraid. The situation with the young master is probably not good. If we can't find those two people, the young master and the others He will definitely take our side into consideration and not dare to fight that mutated mountain bear with all his strength. You don’t want anything to happen to my young master, do you?”

Ji Xiaoyan was a little speechless, so he nodded fiercely.

"Then you have to listen to me now." Shisan looked at Ji Xiaoyan with satisfaction, and rejoiced in his heart that Ji Xiaoyan was not like ordinary young ladies who would be so scared that they would not know anything when encountering something. , only know screaming or something. Taking a deep breath, Shisan reached out and pressed Ji Xiaoyan's shoulders, and then told her: "There are only four of us here now, we must find those two as soon as possible." Individuals, and then lead them away from these stone piles, the young master can let go, or they will be very dangerous. Moreover, if the young master and the others don't come to join us, if we also encounter mutant beasts here, It must be too much, you understand?"

"Understand..." Ji Xiaoyan gritted his teeth, and finally choked out a word.There was a loud explosion in the cave, which made her panic and always felt that she was going to die here.

Traveling through this thing, once, it was God's kindness and caring for her.She didn't think she would have a second chance to go back to the previous world.
Death is scary to think of.

"It's good to understand!" Thirteen was relieved, and then continued: "There is a small button at the bottom of your light, you press it, and then turn it to the left to increase the illumination to the maximum, let the light source Light up all the surroundings, and then you and I start looking for someone. According to the situation you told us earlier, Yu Qisi and Lu Wu must not be able to go far. If Yu Qisi is a woman who wants to carry It is impossible for Green Five to climb up and down, so it is very likely that they hid in the crevices of these stones, and then there is no way to wake up. So you have to keep your eyes open, look carefully and find them earlier, we can One more security."

"Okay." Ji Xiaoyan swallowed the saliva in his mouth and nodded towards Thirteen. After seeing his satisfied expression, he took a deep breath and followed Thirteen towards the other side of the stone pile. walked over.

I don't know the reason for the stones in the cave. They are scattered everywhere. There are huge stones and many small stones piled up together. The rock walls in the cave are not too smooth. It is really not easy to find a place where people can hide in such a place.

Holding up the lamp, every time Ji Xiaoyan saw a crack in the stone, he couldn't help but lean his head to look inside, but he still didn't find any clues.About 5 minutes later, there was a new movement in the cave.

Some human voices came from the entrance of the extremely high pile of stones, and a few seconds later, Ji Xiaoyan heard several male voices shouting: "Have you found anyone? We have too little space here, so we can't use it." .”

"Not yet!" Thirteen replied loudly, and then said anxiously, "Persist a little longer."

"Then hurry up, that mutated mountain bear is very powerful and too smart." The male voice said again, and after hearing Thirteen's reply, he stopped talking.

Ji Xiaoyan glanced at Shisan with sweaty hands, afraid that he might say something like he didn't find anything.Yu Qisi and Lu Wu, she has to save them, but if they have to sacrifice so many strangers in exchange for the lives of Yu Qisi and Lu Wu, isn't it a bit unfair?
Ji Xiaoyan didn't pay attention!
"Why are you staring at me? Hurry up and look for it!" Thirteen seemed to realize that Ji Xiaoyan was staring at him blankly, frowned immediately, and said to her in a bad tone: "Don't want to save people? Hurry up to save someone. Didn’t you hear what I just said? My young master’s situation is not very good. If my young master has something, I will blame you if I don’t settle accounts with you. If you make my young master feel bad again Well, I, Thirteen, will definitely settle accounts with you!!!"

 PS: Thank you "TEN" for the pink ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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