Chapter 976

Ji Xiaoyan finally believes in the saying that hard work pays off.

She and Shisan eagerly dug among the rocks in the cave for a long time, and finally saw the figures of Yu Qisi and Lu Wu.Lu Wu and Yu Qisi were indeed hiding in those chaotic rocks, probably because they heard the movement of mutant beasts, so Yu Qisi had no choice but to drag Lu Wu to move a certain distance to the place where they were lying before. , and then dug out a relatively solid space among the chaotic rocks, stuffed Lu Wu and herself in it, and also got some stones to cover up their figures.

If it wasn't for Shisan's sharp eyes who accidentally saw a little piece of fabric, Yu Qisi and Lu Wu would have to go directly to heaven in the stone pile.

"Come here quickly" Thirteen shouted at the other two soldiers, pushed Miss Ji Xiaoyan away from the stone pile, let her hold the lamp, then hurriedly began to lift the stone, saying: "Hold up the lights. Both of them may have passed out. You can carefully illuminate them for us. We can see if they were hit by stones or injured."

"Okay, okay, okay!" Ji Xiaoyan wiped away tears in surprise, while trying to raise the lamp high, and looked into the crevice of the stone.Just find someone, just find someone! !
The two soldiers came over very quickly. Seeing that Shisan had started digging rocks, they immediately turned off the lights in their hands, put them in their pockets, and hurried forward to help.Within a few minutes, Ji Xiaoyan saw Yu Qisi's figure appearing in the pile of stones.Except for the many stone chips on his face and body, Yu Qisi didn't seem to have any serious problems.
"Her arm may be injured a little bit." Just as Ji Xiaoyan was rejoicing, Thirteen's words rang out faintly: "Remember to find someone to show her in a while, and remove the stones next to it to make the space bigger. , there is one more person inside.”

"Yes!" The two soldiers moved Yu Qisi to a safe place nearby, and then leaned directly next to Shisan to help move Lu Wu.

Hearing Shisan's words, Ji Xiaoyan was very worried about Yu Qisi, so she couldn't help but move towards Yu Qisi's direction, wanting to see where her arm was hurt, but who knew she moved After a while, I heard Thirteen's very stern voice: "What are you doing!! You didn't hold up the lamp properly, because you don't want us to rescue the rest?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Ji Xiaoyan bit his lips, and quickly apologized: "I just want to see the injury of July [-]th."

"It's fine if you're still alive!" Thirteen's words seemed very ruthless, and he said to Ji Xiaoyan: "It's just a small injury, you should know that the light is not good, we can't see what's going on inside, if this is stuck by a stone , or was suppressed, if we can't see, it is easy to cause harm to him. Or, you just want to save one and that's enough?"

"No, no!" Ji Xiaoyan quickly shook his head, and before he could say anything, he saw that Shisan had no intention of responding to her at all, but was seriously discussing with the other two soldiers how to get Green Five out.Ji Xiaoyan's heart felt a little sour in an instant, why did she always think that she was a completely useless person who always dragged others down?
In the game, she is a little bit more energetic now.She has gold coins, she has a little power, and there are a large group of NPCs who are willing to help her and pamper her, so she can't find Bei proudly?Ji Xiaoyan had some reflections, games and reality are different after all.The game will close one day and come to an end.In reality, although I will grow old and die, it is different from the game.The game can be resurrected, but the reality is that there is only one life. If she is still like this in the future, she will know nothing and be content with the status quo.
Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help shivering, she couldn't indulge in the current life anymore, she couldn't do anything like now, she could only rely on other people's care to survive!The self who was struggling to live at the bottom of Rocks City back then must be found again.She has to study, she has to work hard
"What are you doing in a daze? Turn on the light!" Ji Xiaoyan was immersed in his own thoughts, when suddenly he heard Shisan yelling at her angrily. After taking a photo in the crevice of the stone, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help taking a breath.

The situation of Green Five seems to be much worse than that of July Fourth.

"Be careful!" Thirteen's voice was a little heavy, and he whispered something to the other two people, and then they worked together to slowly pull Lu Wu out of the crack in the stone, and put them together with Yu Qisi, and then Thirteen Then he shouted loudly to the people on the other side: "Our side has already rescued people. Let go of your hands and kill them."

There was no response from the other side of the stone wall, only the rumbling explosion of the light wave cannon, mixed with the roar of a few mutant mountain bears
"Hold up the lamp, let's do some emergency treatment for them!" Shisan frowned, glanced at the direction of the stone pile wall, then took a deep breath, said to the other two and Ji Xiaoyan, and then Then he started to deal with Lu Wu's injury.

Apart from the back injury that Lu Wu had shown Ji Xiaoyan at the beginning, his feet were basically covered in blood at the moment.According to Shisan and his team's inspection, Lu Wu's leg should have been bitten by a mutant beast.Judging from where Yu Qisi and Lu Wu were hiding, it should be that when they were hiding, a mutant beast had discovered them, and when Yu Qisi hid Lu Wu, he was accidentally bitten by a mutant beast
As for why the mutated beast knew that Lu Wu and the others were hiding in the pile of stones, but didn't stay here and continue to bite them, Thirteen is not very clear.Maybe the mutant beast was stabbed, so it left; maybe it went to call other companions. No one knows what the situation is like.

Quickly bandaged Lu Wu to stop the bleeding, and after checking his condition, Shisan and the others briefly dealt with it in Yu Qisi's hands, and then a man in military uniform climbed up to that place under Shisan's command. The stone pile wall, climbed through the small hole in the gap, and checked the situation on the other side of the stranger.

Nervously sitting next to Yu Qisi, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but look in the direction of the strangers several times, praying hard in his heart, hoping that everyone is okay and can go back safely.

"Boom..." After a loud explosion sounded suddenly, Ji Xiaoyan saw a few men holding lights rushing down from the top of the stone pile at a very fast speed coming out of the small hole on the stone pile.

"How's that mutated mountain bear?" Thirteen immediately ran over, caught a man and asked a question, then looked back, and continued to ask, "Where's the young master?"

"I'm here." The unfamiliar voice sounded a little low, "How is Xiaoyan? Are you okay?"

"What can she do!!" Shisan replied with some displeasure, and then quickly moved to the side of the stranger, looked him up and down, and said with some distress: "Master, take a look." You, when have you been in such a mess? Are you injured? How is that mutated mountain bear? Has it been killed?"

"No!" The stranger replied, and then shouted in the direction of the stone pile wall: "Has everyone come here?"

"They're all here!" A man's voice rang out, and he said, "Master, that mutant mountain bear has gone mad, we'd better leave now! The rocks on it won't last long either."

Just as he was talking, Ji Xiaoyan saw a few stones rolling down from the wall of the pile of stones, and the face of the mutated mountain bear appeared in the small hole.

"Hurry up!" The face of the stranger changed slightly, and after shouting at the others, he immediately turned around and ran to Ji Xiaoyan's side, and glanced at Yu Qisi and Lu Wu who were lying on the ground completely unconscious , and said to the people behind him: "Come and carry them up, let's go!" After finishing speaking, the stranger grabbed Ji Xiaoyan's hand, and said: "Xiaoyan, this way to the entrance of the cave Lu, you know all about it, right?"

"I know!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded hurriedly, while listening to the movement made by the mutated mountain bear, he nodded to the stranger in shock.Speaking of which, this cave is not too complicated, it is basically a single road, and you can walk directly to the entrance of the cave. She doesn't know such a road, so she can go straight to death.
"Then let's go quickly! The people behind pay attention to cover." The stranger nodded, pulled Ji Xiaoyan, turned his head and said something to the people behind him, and saw several soldiers holding Yu Qisi and Lu Wu After they were all lifted up, they breathed a sigh of relief, lifted their feet and pulled Ji Xiaoyan all the way forward.

"Isn't that mutated mountain bear very powerful?" Ji Xiaoyan asked curiously while being led by a stranger to run in the cave.

"Well! That mutated mountain bear has developed some wisdom, and it is different from ordinary mutated beasts. In addition, it happens to be in the prime of life, so it is very difficult to deal with! The space over there is too small, and the number of us is too small. Not many, if the attack is too powerful, it may even put us in. So, we can only find a way to get out of here, and the situation will be much better outside." The strangers patiently faced Ji Xiaoyan explained, "You don't think we are cowards who dare not even kill mutant beasts?"

"No." Ji Xiaoyan shook his head, and said to the stranger, "I understand what you said. I'm not an idiot."

"Hehe!" It was rare for a stranger to be in a good mood, and he smiled softly: "However, Xiaoyan, I went back safely, you have to treat me to a meal, thank me."

 PS: Thank you "Pingping=An'an" for the pink ticket!There are two updates today, to make up for yesterday's computer problem yesterday, and it still didn't work until eleven o'clock in the evening, so I had to code words today.

(End of this chapter)

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