Chapter 977 Fur
Ji Xiaoyan and the others were lucky.

Before the roaring and angry mutant mountain bear caught up with them, they reached the exit of the cave, and then successfully climbed out, breathing the fresh air mixed with the scent of green grass.
As soon as Shisan came out of the cave, he immediately took out the communicator and contacted the rest of the people. By the way, he also called a few people to go to the direction where they found Miss Ji Xiaoyan in the first place, and drove the hover cars back.Afterwards, Thirteen and the rest of the people began to fill the hole with stones.

However, the speed at which they filled the rocks was still not as fast as that mutant mountain bear's pursuit.Just before Thirteen and the others had completely filled the hole, the head of the mutated mountain bear appeared at the hole, roared angrily at them, then opened its mouth, and grabbed a person's head The direction bit the past.

"Ah!" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help screaming in his heart, and then eagerly looked in the direction of the cave.Fortunately, the man who was favored by the mutant mountain bear was not bitten.Thirteen They immediately left from the entrance of the cave after seeing the mutant mountain bear, and then retreated to a distance with their weapons raised, frowning as they watched the mutant mountain bear roar wildly at the entrance of the cave, and slapped it angrily with its paws. Fly those stones blocking the way.
"Stay farther away, everyone." Because they wanted to kill the mutated mountain bear in front of them, everyone had no intention of running for their lives. After seeing the figure of the mutated mountain bear, the strangers immediately moved towards other people. The man yelled, and then pulled Ji Xiaoyan back further away, and then he made some calculations in his heart, and continued to say to the crowd: "Judging from the current state of that mutated mountain bear, it only needs one When it comes out, it must be running directly towards them. Counting its size and speed, it only takes about two seconds to rush to a distance of about ten meters away from us. Everyone should watch the time. As long as it rushes out , and spread out, attacking and dodging at the same time. It is almost unable to hold on, leaving two people to take good care of the wounded, and the rest of them have their eyes wide open."

"Okay!!" The mutant beast hunters' eyes lit up when they heard the stranger's words, and they hurriedly replied.If this mutated mountain bear is brought back to the city, it will have to be sold for a lot of federal currency, right?Bear paws, sternum, stuffed bear head, bear meat, and most importantly, the fur. How much does it cost? This trip to the wilderness, they made a lot of money! !
Several mutated beast hunters looked at each other twice, and couldn't help revealing a look of surprise in their eyes.

Sure enough, as expected by strangers, the mutated mountain bear dug open the cave's entrance in a short time, and rushed to them in a few long steps.Ji Xiaoyan was dragged by the stranger, and saw that he was holding a black gun about 50 centimeters in size and with a complicated shape in his hand, and he kept firing attack shells emitting white light at the mutated mountain bear. He involuntarily looked at the mutated mountain bear.

The mutated mountain bear must have been in the cave for a long time. The white fur all over its body had already turned gray, and because it was attacked, there were many bright red bloodstains all over the fur.The mutated mountain bear stands on the ground with four legs and is about two meters tall. Its body is nearly five meters long. Its limbs are very thick and powerful. From time to time, the claws can reflect the slightest light in the light. It is not a vegetarian at first glance. .

The mutant mountain bear's cute and naive head, which was originally long, has been completely buried by the angry expression at this moment, which makes people no longer feel soft-hearted.

"Why does it have three eyes?" Ji Xiaoyan watched the mutated mountain bear being hit by the light wave cannon and ran to the other side angrily, then he had time to ask the stranger.

"Mutated mountain bears have three eyes!" Seeing the staggering footsteps of the mutated mountain bear, the strangers breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Ji Xiaoyan with a smile and said, "Xiaoyan, didn't you Did you just see that we killed a mutant mountain bear? Did you forget that?"

"That one. I didn't pay attention to it! I was just scared." Ji Xiaoyan said frankly with some embarrassment, "I was hiding in the grass all the time, and I could only vaguely see a bear. How could I see it clearly? What does it look like? Besides, when the bear ran near me, I didn't dare to look at it. After you killed it, I didn't go to see it either."

"Hehe!" The stranger shook his head helplessly and smiled at Ji Xiaoyan, then turned his face to look at the mutant mountain bear intently, and explained to Ji Xiaoyan: "The mutant mountain bear has three eyes. This is what makes it mutated. Of course, what is mutated is its huge size and strength."

"What's the use of its eye?" Ji Xiaoyan was dragged by the stranger, hid beside him, carefully watched the movement of killing the mutant mountain bear not far away, and asked curiously.

"What do you think the mutant beast's eyes are for?" The stranger said to Ji Xiaoyan jokingly, regardless of whether she wanted to answer or not, and continued: "The eyesight of the mutant mountain bear's eyes is actually It’s not good, I can barely see some shadows, and it’s even worse at night. And their third eye is used to hunt prey at night, or to distinguish things in a dark environment.”

"So it has the function of night vision?" Ji Xiaoyan asked with a look of sudden understanding, looking at the stranger.

"That's right." The stranger was stunned for a moment, and then smiled: "It's just that its night vision is not very clear. Generally speaking, most mutant mountain bears still need to rely on their sense of smell to judge their prey. .”

"Oh!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded half-comprehensively, and then watched the mutated mountain bear not far away suddenly fall to the ground. Killed?"

"I don't know!" The stranger shook his head, turned his head to look at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "This kind of mutant mountain bear with wisdom is very smart, and it can pretend to be dead. Xiaoyan, you Are you afraid? If not, I will take you there to have a look?"

Ji Xiaoyan glanced at the stranger with some fear, saw some encouragement in his eyes, and thought of his determination not to be a coward anymore, so he nodded and said: "I'm afraid, but I want to go and have a look!"

"Hmm! You don't have to be afraid because I will protect you!" The stranger looked at Ji Xiaoyan with satisfaction, took her hand, and walked directly towards the place where the mutated mountain bear fell.It's just that, even though we looked at it in the past, everyone still has no idea.

It is not uncommon for mutant beasts in the wilderness to pretend to be dead. Basically, mutant beasts with a bit of intelligence will have this skill.These mutated beasts probably also understand a truth: if I die, I will drag two of them into the water.Therefore, unless they are very confident that they have killed the mutant beasts, most people will never easily approach those mutant beasts that seem to be dead.
"Who's going to take a look?" When Ji Xiaoyan was led by a stranger and walked to the vicinity of the mutated mountain bear to join the others, he heard those mutated beast hunters asking each other where were the mutated beast hunters? arrive.

"How about we just fill up a few more shots?" A man suggested.

"Okay! Then you make up two shots?" The other man immediately nodded and echoed when he heard this: "Anyway, other people will come to join us after we have almost completed this mission. It shouldn't matter if we waste a little shells." Right? We are not the same as before, we are using our own weapons and equipment, so we should save them."

"Yes, yes, yes! Let's take a look." The other man nodded and said with a face full of agreement. Seeing that the others did not move, he set up the light wave cannon and fired at the mutated mountain bear. One shot, and then looking at the mutant mountain bear that was only pulled by the light wave cannon's muscle after being pulled twice and then there was no movement, then he breathed a sigh of relief and said to the others in surprise: "Damn it!" dead, dead, it is dead"

"It's such a big mutated mountain bear!" A man, typically overwhelmed by surprise, grabbed the hand of his companion and asked, "Quick, quick, quick, pinch me. It’s not a dream, is it? We killed two mutant mountain bears this time. How much federal currency can we get after selling the city this time?”

"Fool, if you think you're dreaming, forget about your share!" The other man laughed twice, and after slapping the man, he pushed him away, then turned around, blushing slightly. Looking at them who had never met before, they asked, "That, my lord, can we take this mutated mountain bear back?"

"Yeah!" The stranger nodded lightly, glanced at Ji Xiaoyan, who was looking at the mutant mountain bear seriously, and then turned to those mutant beasts who were walking towards the mutant mountain bear, ready to collect their corpses The hunter said: "Look carefully to see if this bear skin is intact. If it looks good, don't take it away."

When the mutant beast hunters heard this, their steps froze, and they turned their heads to look at the strangers with some hesitation.Bear skin, the skin of such a big mutated mountain bear is worth a lot of money, if you want to hand over this thing now, you will lose a lot of money.However, if they want to do something wrong, they might not even be able to return to the city, right?
Thinking of this, several men couldn't help sighing in their hearts, and then looked at Ji Xiaoyan, who was standing beside him, who had never met before, and one of the men had a sudden realization and forced a smile: "Hehe, it seems that your lord is It’s okay to give this bear skin to your girlfriend, if your lord wants it, we’ll be careful when we peel it later.”

 PS: Thank you "Meijia's Houyin" for your peace talisman! !

(End of this chapter)

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