The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 978 Is it possible?

Chapter 978 Is it possible?
Ji Xiaoyan still blushed slightly at the words of those mutant beast hunters.But after blushing, she remembered the situation of Yu Qisi and Lu Wu, seeing that the mutated mountain bear was indeed dead and not in any danger, then pushed the stranger holding her hand and ran to Not far away, Yu Qisi and Lu Wu, who were guarded, went to the side.

"Master, look at her wolf-hearted appearance. Why did you give her such a big bear skin? Why don't you take it back to please the old lady and the others?" Shisan glanced at Ji Xiaoyan's figure with some curled lips, and then some Complaining to the stranger, she said: "You rescued all three of them, but she didn't even say thank you!" Judging from this situation, Miss Ji Xiaoyan has to be grateful and hold his family together. Master thank you and the like, that's what it looks like!Although he disdains that kind of scene, but Ji Xiaoyan doesn't show her expression at all, he can't stand it.

Besides, that's the bear skin of a mutated mountain bear, it's still white, and it's so big. Even if it's a little worn, it's a rare good thing to bring back to the city, so it's so cheap for Miss Ji Xiaoyan?According to him, the ordinary grey-black mixed-haired mutated mountain bear skin they killed earlier was given to Miss Ji Xiaoyan, and that was all for her.
"Thirteen, are you free?" The stranger's voice was a little light, but it couldn't hide the trace of something that made Thirteen a little frightened.So, Thirteen hurriedly put on a straight face, pretended to be serious, and left the strangers directly, talking to the mutant beast hunters who were skinning in those areas.

He just didn't like his young master treating Miss Ji Xiaoyan so well, so he just complained a few words. Does his young master need to scare him like this?Thirteen's heart burst into tears, but she still couldn't help sighing, Miss Ji Xiaoyan's performance along the way is pretty good.At least that girl didn't abandon those two servants in her family in order to save her own life. This is better than ordinary young masters and ladies! !

It's just that he caused his young master to come out and suffer, and he will never forgive her Shisan.

"Vegetarian food. How long will it take for us to leave here?" Ji Xiaoyan squatted beside Yu Qisi and Lu Wu, and after carefully reviewing their situation, he asked the stranger who had already walked to her. Said: "Will their injuries leave any sequelae?"

"I won't know until I go back for an inspection!" The stranger gave Ji Xiaoyan a comforting smile, and then said, "But according to our observations, it shouldn't be a big problem. Although Lu Wu's legs have been mutated She was bitten by a beast, but it doesn't look too serious. Only Yu Qisi was hit in the arm, and she will be fine if she wants to go back and forth for a while, so don't worry too much!"

Ji Xiaoyan nodded silently, watching Yu Qisi and Lu Wu thinking about their own affairs.

At this time, the stranger looked at the surrounding environment, frowned slightly and looked at the two men in military uniform who were following him and asked, "How long has it been since we sent out the signal to meet? No one came?"

"Master, it's been 10 minutes." A man in military uniform frowned, and said to the stranger with a somewhat uneasy expression, "Maybe they encountered some delays on the way here, right? I just contacted The instrument urged it, but there was no echo."

"Is this an encounter with a mutant beast?" The stranger murmured, and then asked: "Where is the person who went to find the suspension car? How long will it take to come back?"

"We'll be back in about 5 minutes!" The man in military uniform frowned slightly, and said to the stranger, "They've already arrived there and haven't encountered any danger, so they should be back soon. "

"Yeah!" The stranger nodded, "As soon as the suspension car arrives, we will return to the flying ship immediately. As for the others, we can tell them to go back to the flying ship to meet up."

"Yes!" The man in military uniform nodded, but did not contact anyone else immediately.They have to wait until the suspension vehicle arrives and all the people are heading towards the flying ship before they can prevent other people from joining. Otherwise, if they encounter any danger during these few minutes, it will be a disaster.You know, the speed of the mutant beast's action is not something to brag about.
A few minutes later, the suspension vehicle they had thrown to the other side of the cave drove over, and after jumping off a few soldiers in blue uniforms, the stranger directly called the mutant hunters to speed up , They are going back to the city.As a result, after seeing the flustered faces of those mutated beast hunters, the speed in their hands slowed down, and the faces of the strangers turned dark, Shisan quickly called a few soldiers to help, and took the huge mutated beast to the ground. After the mountain bear was disassembled, it was put into the special container bag in the suspension car that was specially prepared to hold the things on the mutant beasts, and then a group of people boarded the four suspension vehicles and flew directly to the place where the flying ship was parked. .

They waited until Ji Xiaoyan and his hover car arrived at the Flying Skyship and put everything in order, but they didn't see the other teams that Thirteen and the others mentioned.

"Master, do you want me to take someone to see?" Thirteen's tone was a bit heavy, looking at the strangers, he asked for instructions: "Their communicator didn't return any news, I'm afraid something happened." Everyone present had such a perception in their hearts, but even if they knew that something must have happened to the others, no one at the scene proposed to leave, regardless of them.

Everyone has fought together, and no one wants to let his brother throw his body into the wilderness!So, as soon as Shisan said what he said, several mutant beast hunters next to him also looked sullen and said to strangers: "My lord, we have to find other brothers. If they really encounter any trouble If not, we will take them back to the city too!"

Ji Xiaoyan looked at the mutated beast hunters and Shisan's soldiers with a little emotion, and moved his mouth, wanting to say something.But thinking that I don't understand anything, it would be bad if I said something wrong, so I had to turn my attention to the stranger, waiting for him to speak.

"Half an hour! I only give you half an hour!" The stranger looked away for a while, and said in a serious tone: "Half an hour is enough for you to find someone and bring them back! If there is any trouble If so, use the communicator to get in touch, and we’ll talk about it when the time comes.”

"Okay!" The mutated beast hunters nodded quickly. After choosing two hover vehicles, they rushed out of the flying ship and flew out in different directions.Thirteen and the others followed behind, and after taking a deep look at the strangers, they got on the suspension car and left.

The rest were just strangers and Ji Xiaoyan, plus Yu Qisi and Lu Wu who looked after Yu Qisi and a soldier in charge of security, that's all.

"Xiaoyan, are you tired?" The atmosphere at the moment is not very good. After a long silence, strangers forced a smile on their faces, turned to look at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "In these few days, I don't think you have any Have a good rest? Go into the room and take a rest, and I will call you when I get back to the city!"

"I'm not tired." Ji Xiaoyan was a little unaccustomed to the forced smile on the face of a stranger, and after holding back for a few seconds, he said, "I'll wait with you!!"

"No!" The stranger shook his head uncharacteristically, not at all happy because Miss Ji Xiaoyan asked to accompany him, but continued directly: "Go in and rest! Shisan and the others will be back soon, you You don't have to wait with me! We'll be leaving in a while." Seeing that Ji Xiaoyan was about to open his mouth to say something, the stranger immediately stepped close to her, then put his arms around her shoulders, and moved her around Direction, walked directly to the room in the flying skyship, and said in his mouth: "Go in and rest obediently, the scene of Xiaoyan for a while is not suitable for you to watch!"

When Ji Xiaoyan heard this, his body froze instantly.The stranger was telling her that those who did not come back might be in danger and died.He didn't want her to see the corpse that Thirteen and the others brought back later, so he kept telling her to avoid these things and go back to the room to rest.
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but look up at the stranger.For a long time, he always had a smiling face in front of her, with a suave face, as if he didn't care about anything and was a stranger, but at this moment, he had a serious face, which seemed to make people unconditionally depend on, trust, and even feel a little distressed .For those soldiers who have not come back, strangers still have feelings, right?That's why his expression is so solemn at this moment.
"Go in! Have a good rest! I'll call you again when I'm in the city!" The stranger opened a door, pushed Ji Xiaoyan inside, then patted her head, and said affectionately.

"Vegetarian food!" Ji Xiaoyan's heart was a little sour, and he couldn't think of what to say. After a long time, he could barely hold back a good word: "They will be fine. It may be that there is a problem with the communication device, so there is no way to get in touch"

"Well! You don't have to worry about this matter! Hurry up and have a good rest!" The stranger was stunned for a moment, put on a smiley face and patted Ji Xiaoyan, and closed the door for her, then turned around and put away the smile went back.If it's just a problem with the communicator, did the two teams agree to have a problem together?Is such a coincidence possible?

 PS: Thanks to "fan___fan" for the pink ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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