Chapter 979 Lost Contact

Seeing that the door of the room was closed with a bang by the stranger, Ji Xiaoyan immediately stretched out his hand, wanting to open the door and go out, insisting on waiting for the news.Just as she put her hand by the door, she suddenly thought of the words that the stranger had said to her.He is actually very kind!He insisted on letting her rest, on the one hand, because he was worried about her body, and on the other hand, wasn't it because he was afraid that she would see a bloody scene?

Even strangers thought of this for her, how could she not appreciate it?
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but withdraw his hand from the door, sighed deeply, and then looked at the facilities in the room.Speaking of which, this unknown flying ship is still very advanced.The room she is staying in now is not too big, only about four or five square meters, and there is only a single bed, a small table, a small wardrobe, a chair, and a cabinet. There is a glass door on the other side wall, which is a bathroom and a toilet.There is basically everything in it, and it looks extremely delicate.

Ji Xiaoyan looked at the messy and messy self in the small mirror on the wall, shook his head involuntarily, then took off all his clothes, took a shower at a very fast speed, and then directly took the clothes in the bathroom. After putting on the bathrobe that seemed to be made of very good material, he climbed onto the bed and closed his eyes to rest.She really wants to guard Yu Qisi and Lu Wu, but she is afraid that the man who has never met before must be forbidden, right?I hope the people Shisan and the others went out to find will be fine and come back safely. Otherwise, they lost so many lives just to find her and Yu Qisi, she really can't sleep well.
Thinking about these things indiscriminately in his mind, Ji Xiaoyan finally couldn't bear the drowsiness, gradually became unconscious, and went directly to see Duke Zhou.

And after Ji Xiaoyan fell asleep, the stranger stood in front of the hatch of the flying ship with another man in military uniform who stayed behind on the flying ship, staring intently at the vast wilderness, and prayed silently in his heart.

Half an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

However, Thirteen and their figures still did not appear in the wilderness.

"Master, do you think we should go directly to the headquarters for help?" The man in military uniform who was with him who had never met before glanced at the miniature optical brain in his hand with some hesitation, and then couldn't help asking: "I'm afraid they This time it’s more ominous than ominous.” Isn’t it?So many people haven't come back yet, if it wasn't for some trouble, is it possible?Thirteen Don't they know what they're waiting for here?

However, if they really abandoned so many of them and left in the flying ship by themselves, not only him, I believe their young master would not be able to bear it either!

Thinking of this, the man in military uniform couldn't help but looked at the stranger beside him, and then opened his mouth, wanting to say something more.As a result, I saw that the strangers closed their eyes deeply for a few seconds, and when they opened them again, their eyes were a little more determined, "Let's go! Send them to a safe city now, and we will contact you to find them." is not the time to be angry. If I had known about this incident in this wilderness, I shouldn't have let Thirteen and the others go out to find someone again."

"Master, it's not your fault!" The man in military uniform saw the guilt-ridden face of the stranger, and immediately said: "We don't know what's going on now, you just want to take the brothers back. only corpses"

Soldiers are different from ordinary residents. After they enter the army, their identities are stripped from the residents, and they simply become soldiers to do anything for the federal government.Therefore, under normal circumstances, soldiers are a bit more advanced than ordinary middle-level residents, and ordinary residents can use them as sacrifices. However, even if soldiers die, they should try their best to take them back for a dignified burial out of respect. .Of course, if the situation is special and it is too dangerous, it can be discussed otherwise.

There was a bit of bitterness on the corner of the man's mouth.Brothers who were still together not long ago, this is a farewell to heaven and man forever.
"Needless to say! Let's set off." The stranger's face was not very good-looking, and he looked at the sky in the wilderness lightly, and said to the man in the blue military uniform, "After we set off, contact the headquarters and ask them to bring Heavy weapons, come out and bring the rest of the brothers back." After finishing speaking, the stranger sighed with some embarrassment, then turned and entered the flying ship.

Seeing this, the man in the blue military uniform couldn't help but look back twice, imagining in his heart: I hope that with this extra glance, he can see the scene like the one in the book, and the rest of the people slowly Lately appeared in his line of sight and asked them to wait.
However, fantasies are just fantasies after all. The man in military uniform waited blankly for a few seconds to look at the wilderness sky in the distance, but he still saw nothing. In the end, he turned around honestly, sighed heavily, and entered the flying ship, and then After pressing the button to close the hatch, he watched the wild sky slowly disappear from his sight.

Goodbye, comrades.
You wait, I will come back to pick you up!
After deeply closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, the man in military uniform stepped firmly on the stairs and went directly to the control room of the flying ship.

"Get ready to go back to the city." Standing in the command room at the rear of the flying ship's control room, the stranger said, taking a look at the blue wilderness sky in the front glass.

"Yes!" The two pilots responded without hesitation, and then reached out and pressed the button in the control room, watching the lights on the console light up one after another, waiting for the flying ship to start.

And at this moment, a strange communication buzz sounded instantly.

"What's going on?" The stranger frowned slightly, and after seeing the soldiers on the two consoles in front of him immediately started to get busy, he continued to ask: "Is it communication interference?"

Before the two soldiers on the console could answer, a voice sounded in the control room instantly: "Hey, hey, master, master. Can you hear me? Can you hear me? MD, what a piece of crap, and no The sound is gone. Later, I must go back and report the manufacturer of this communicator. What kind of junk, there is no sound at a critical moment. Hey, hey, let me ask you, can you stop being so idle? Didn’t you see that I’m so anxious? Take out the communicators in your hands and try.”

"Young master. It's Thirteen." The man in military uniform who followed the stranger into the console heard the voice, and immediately looked at the stranger sitting behind the console with some excitement, and then said tremblingly: " It sounds like none of them have anything to do."

"Yeah!" The stranger nodded, with a bit of surprise on his face, and then said to the two people on the console: "Pause the return trip. Try to contact them."

"Yes!" The two people on the console quickly responded, and then began to work.However, no matter how they called, Shisan couldn't seem to hear their voices.

The faces of the strangers finally put on a smile again. Hearing the voices of Thirteen yelling and admonishing others in the control room, his mood improved a lot.

"MD, you guys should go faster! It's time has passed, the young master and they said that they might not necessarily leave us and go back. Woohoo, my young master will definitely not get used to it without me by my side. The young master must think that I have already Hang up, if I tell the master and the others after I go back, when I go back at thirteen, where will I have a place to stay with the young master? Maybe my room will be robbed."

"No way!" Someone's voice next to him seemed to be unbearable, so he could only comfort him.

"Fart! It's all you bastards, it's all right, why don't you find someone to go back to the flying ship to report a letter? That's all right, we came to find you, but we were dragged down by you, so we have to walk back, How long do we have to go?" Thirteen's voice said in frustration.

"Didn't they bring a suspension car? The power is not enough?" The stranger frowned suspiciously.

"Probably not!" The man in military uniform also frowned, then shook his head and said: "Before we set off, all the suspension vehicles have been inspected, and the power is enough for another day of running. What's more, young master, it is still daytime. The sun is also abundant, even if the power of the suspension car is not enough, everyone knows that it can be recharged, and it is impossible for so many suspension cars to lose power. This is too coincidental.”

"Then that means, they did encounter some kind of trouble that affected the suspension vehicle's communication." The stranger frowned and whispered, and then his eyes flickered for a moment, and he didn't know what he thought of.

The man in the military uniform sighed, and said to himself worriedly: "It is estimated that only by contacting them can we know the real situation, young master, there are still four hover vehicles in the flying ship, do you need me to go out and pick them up? "

"Not for the time being, let's get in touch first! Their communicator can't communicate with us normally now, and only we can hear them talking. It's still intermittent. Now there is no way to determine their location. We should wait until we communicate. Let's talk!" The stranger shook his head, said something to the man in the military uniform, and then turned his attention to the two men who had been trying to get in touch with Thirteen and the others.

I don't know if it's hard work that pays off or what, not a few minutes later, the strangers finally heard Thirteen's pleasantly surprised voice: "Ah, ah, I heard someone responded, someone responded! MD, here is Signal! Young master, young master, did you hear Shisan’s voice? You should say, Shisan has good news for you.”

 PS: Thanks for the pink ticket for "FF Final Fantasy"!

(End of this chapter)

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