The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 980 The Baby I Picked Up

Chapter 980 The Baby I Picked Up
After Ji Xiaoyan fell asleep in the flying ship's room in a daze, she thought that when she woke up, she should have arrived in the city, or was on her way.But who knows, after she woke up naturally after sleeping for an unknown amount of time, a small window in the room still showed the scene when she fell asleep.

Could it be that she only slept for ten minutes?Ji Xiaoyan thought with some doubts in her heart, and then saw the obviously not too dark sky on the horizon, which made her puzzled again. Judging by the sky, she must have slept in the room for several hours, right?But why hasn't the spaceship left yet? Could it be that something happened?Thinking of this possibility, Ji Xiaoyan hurried to the bathroom, wanted to put on his clothes and go out to have a look, but when he saw the stained clothes on the sink, he patted his head regretfully.

Why is she such an idiot that she forgot to wash her clothes.

It is very convenient to wash clothes in the city. There is an automatic washing machine, throw the clothes in, and in less than an hour, all the clothes will be cleaned and dried.At this moment, there is no such equipment in the flying ship!

Looking at the clothes with some sadness, Ji Xiaoyan finally sighed, looked at the tightly wrapped bathrobe on his body, then turned around and opened the door of the room directly, and walked to other places in the flying ship In the past, I was going to find strangers and ask about the situation.Anyway, even if the clothes are washed, they can't be worn immediately. It's better to ask about the situation first, and then come back to clean up after you feel relieved.Anyway, it’s not going out for shopping, so there’s no need to be afraid of running out.
There is still a lot of space in the flying ship. There is a long corridor with scattered rooms on the left and right sides. At the end is a huge space, which is a dining room and various other classified spaces. At the other end of the corridor is a door. Close the concealed hatch, and after entering, you can enter the console of the spaceship.

Ji Xiaoyan walked out of the room door, looked left and right, walked directly towards the console, then stopped at the door and knocked on the door lightly a few times, and then saw the blue man who was staying by the stranger's side The man in the military uniform opened the door, stared at her in shock, then moved half of his body away, smiled at her, and said, "Miss Xiaoyan, are you here to find the young master?"

"Yeah!" Ji Xiaoyan quickly put on a smiling face and nodded, then walked slowly along the passage behind the door with the man in military uniform, and asked hesitantly: "Thirteen, Thirteen, are they back? "

"Already on the way!" When the man in military uniform heard this, he immediately replied happily, then turned his face back with a smile, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "They probably will reach Miss Xiaoyan after a while, you You don’t need to worry about the injuries of those two friends, one of them is already awake and eating at the moment, and the other’s condition has improved a lot. When Thirteen and the others come back, we can go back to the city!”

"Did you wake up on July [-]th?" Ji Xiaoyan asked in surprise after hearing what the man in military uniform said, "Then where is she now? Why don't you just take me there?"

The man in the military uniform smiled, and after saying that there was no rush, he turned around and opened the iron door in front of him, and said to Ji Xiaoyan, "The young master is inside, Miss Xiaoyan, go in first, I will help you get your Just call your friend over."

"Don't bother." Ji Xiaoyan opened his mouth and said, but the man in the military uniform turned around and left.

"Xiaoyan? Are you awake?" The stranger appeared from nowhere and appeared beside Ji Xiaoyan, and then asked with a smile, "How do you feel?"

"It's okay! It's okay!" Ji Xiaoyan turned his face to look at the stranger in surprise, answered quickly, and then looked at him strangely.There is an uncontrollable smile on the face of the strangers at this moment, which is a bit different from the forced smile at the beginning. This is a smile expressed from the heart's happiness.

"Come in first! I have someone make some snacks, you come and taste it." The strangers reached out and grabbed Ji Xiaoyan's hand, led her into the control room of the flying ship, and then introduced to her : "Over there is the console, where is the control system of the entire spaceship"

Curiously reading through the stranger's words, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help sighing, damn it, this future technological society is awesome!Look at these things from others, it's not amazing!The keyboard buttons that emit faint light and are suspended in the air, you only need to reach out and swipe on them to control many things; there is a small black stone protected by complex patterned glass suspended in a small space under the ground in the middle. In a small space, it is said that the energy of such a small stone can provide all the power of the entire flying spaceship; there are many simple and stylish mechanical arms beside the console. These robotic hands can do a lot
"You seem to be in a good mood!" Ji Xiaoyan took the dessert handed over by the stranger, took a bite absent-mindedly, and then looked at him and asked seriously.

"Yeah!" The stranger's eyes lit up, and then he sat directly in front of Ji Xiaoyan, and said to her excitedly: "Thirteen and they are coming back soon. Moreover, they brought back two good news and Bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

"It's bad!" Ji Xiaoyan didn't care that the acquaintance was teasing her, and said after thinking about it.

"Well, it seems that you want to save the good news for later!" The stranger gave Ji Xiaoyan a spoiled look, and then said with a smile: "The bad news is that all the suspension vehicles that Thirteen and the others drove out were scrapped. , Hey, I have suffered a terrible loss! Moreover, they still need to go all the way back!!"

"It's all broken?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at the stranger in surprise, and then asked, "Did it be broken by a mutant beast?"

"No!" The stranger, who had never suffered a heavy loss, said to Ji Xiaoyan with a smile: "Some special things happened, and all the suspension vehicles could not be started."

"Oh, what's the good news?" Ji Xiaoyan didn't say directly when he saw that he had never met before, and stopped asking for details.

"The good news has something to do with the scrapping of the suspension vehicle!" The stranger squinted his eyes in a good mood, and while watching Ji Xiaoyan eating snacks, he said comfortably: "The first good news is that the other two teams went to find All of your people are fine, except for one or two injured when encountering mutant beasts, the rest of the people are safe; the second good news is that our batch of suspension vehicles can no longer be used, but we found a very valuable one. thing!"

"Something of great value?" Ji Xiaoyan obviously didn't understand.

"Yeah!" The stranger nodded, then pointed to the well-protected stone in the middle of the control room of the flying ship, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Thirteen, they found a big black stone, let's make a fortune." Already!"

"What is Xuanshi?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at the stranger and asked in puzzlement.There is no way, she is a guy who has no knowledge and culture of the future world, and she doesn't understand many things that she has never been in contact with.However, just from the name and the function of this stone in the flying ship, that mysterious stone must be something awesome!
Hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, the strangers were stunned for a few seconds, then they seemed to have just reacted, and asked Ji Xiaoyan: "Xiaoyan, have you never heard of Xuanshi?"

Ji Xiaoyan shook his head honestly, feeling a little confused.Could it be that this mysterious stone is something that everyone must know?But she has stayed in Rocks City for so many years, and she has never heard of it.
The eyes of the strangers rolled their eyes, but they didn't bother with the problem, and explained to Ji Xiaoyan directly: "Xuanshi had many names at the beginning, but because everyone's names were too messy, the Federation Only then did the government solicit the opinions of many people to unify the name. Xiaoyan, you just need to know about it. Xuanshi is the biggest treasure in the wilderness. Look at the small piece of Xuanshi in our flying ship The energy can support the operation of the entire spaceship for a month, you can imagine that such a thing must be expensive.”

Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and immediately asked: "How much is this stone worth?" But he began to think in his heart, how big is the mysterious stone that Thirteen and the others found outside the wilderness?
"One billion federation coins!" The strangers threw out a piece of data indifferently.

"One billion." Ji Xiaoyan's eyes widened in an instant, and he glanced at the stranger in disbelief, and then glanced at the stone again!
"En!" The stranger nodded, "Just such a small piece of profound stone is more than twice the cost of building the entire flying ship."

"It's too extravagant." Ji Xiaoyan instantly felt like he was standing on top of a pile of treasures.So much, the construction cost of the entire spaceship is at least [-] billion. How much is that?
"Hehe!" The stranger smiled lightly, and then said: "The reason why flying ships can only be owned by the military is mostly because Xuanshi's ordinary airships use renewable energy, which can be replenished from time to time. , so it’s still inconvenient for the military. You should know the city of the sky, right? The reason why that place can be completely suspended in the air is because when the city was built, a large number of mysterious stones were used below.”

"How big is that stone that Shisan and the others picked up?" Ji Xiaoyan smacked his mouth, looking at the stranger and asking a little dry mouth.In the end, I only heard him say one sentence, and you will know when you see it.
 PS: Thank you "Yun Yuer" for the pink ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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