Chapter 981 Feelings
Xuanshi is a very miraculous stone, it can emit a strong energy to support the operation of many mechanical equipment in this world, it can be said to be a kind of natural battery.However, this kind of storage battery does not have the function of recharging. After the general energy is exhausted, it is useless.In addition to this role and function, Xuanshi has a big disadvantage, that is, as long as it is not sealed with a special material, this thing can give ordinary electrical equipment equivalent to "radiation." "Bad.

For example, why did Thirteen's suspension car break down?Isn't it just because of this kind of high-grade stone that the suspension car is "radiated" and cannot be used.Speaking of which, Thirteen and their communicators could not be used for a period of time because they were affected by this stone.

"Then how can Shisan's communicator be used later?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at him curiously and asked when he heard the introduction from the stranger.

"Hehe!" The stranger squinted his eyes and smiled, "In order to be able to contact us, he threw the mysterious stone to other people to carry it, and took a few people to run away from the mysterious stone, so that the communicator There is a signal. However, this trip is worth it."

Yes, why not worth it!Such a small piece of stone in the flying ship is worth one billion yuan. It is said that this thing is controlled by the federal government, and most people can't buy it with money.And strangers who have discovered this thing this time will definitely not hand it in!According to Ji Xiaoyan's unfamiliar words, the man's family seems to be very prominent, and he even has a feeling that he is not afraid of the federal government. The mysterious stone they just discovered is to hide it from other People, directly brought back to the family for digestion.
In the wilderness, there is no monitoring equipment, and no one is doing any monitoring here.For one thing, there is no benefit in monitoring this place, and it requires a lot of investment, which is not worth it.Secondly, even if you get some equipment in the wilderness, it might be destroyed by mutant beasts before any news is discovered. So, as long as you don’t tell me, I won’t tell you, what treasures you got in the wilderness ,neither knows!
However, when Ji Xiaoyan thought of this, he frowned and looked at the stranger. Seeing him looking at him with bright eyes, he lowered his head in embarrassment, changed the subject and asked: "Then Thirteen and the others are going to lift up all the way?" Looking at that stone, walking back?”

"Yeah!" The strangers nodded, and then said: "I have already sent someone to drive a suspension vehicle to contact the family members, and soon someone will come to meet us with something. Otherwise, by the time Thirteen They brought the mysterious stone back, and our flying ship couldn't start it, so they took us back." There is no container made of special materials to hold the mysterious stone, and that thing is equivalent to a killer of electronic equipment
Just as Ji Xiaoyan nodded his head to express his understanding, he heard the stranger say: "But Xiaoyan, don't worry, I've already asked them to bring two senior doctors out to help Yu Qisi and Lu Wu look at the injuries. "

"Well, thank you!" Ji Xiaoyan quickly raised his eyes to thank him, and then asked worriedly: "Since you plan to take that stone back quietly, aren't you worried about those mutant beast hunters talking about it?" ?” Of course, Ji Xiaoyan was still a little worried, whether he would be silenced in such a situation.Although it seemed that the strangers cared about her very much, and ran to the wilderness to save her at such a big risk, but there was a saying called, this moment, that moment?That is a super valuable thing, something controlled by the federal government, not everyone can take it home quietly!

In order to save a little trouble, who knows what these big families will do!

It's just that Ji Xiaoyan couldn't bear the feeling that he would kill her when he saw the stranger smiling calmly at her all the time. However, he still needs to know something about some things!

When they heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, they raised their eyes and looked at her seriously, and then asked: "What will happen to them in the future, Xiaoyan, you don't need to care about it, you can think about it when you go back, how can you thank me?" The thing that came all the way to save you"

Ji Xiaoyan's heart sank to the bottom for a moment, but after hearing the words he had never met before, he became alive again.This means that she can go back safely, right?It's just that those mutant beast hunters probably aren't so lucky.
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan suddenly felt a little pain in his heart.In such a world, human life does not seem to be that important at all!If he hadn't met Flying Leaves back then, and he fished her out of Rocks City, what would her life have been like?
"Master!" Just as Ji Xiaoyan's thoughts were wandering somewhere, the man in military uniform who was looking for Yu Qisi had already entered the control room, and said to the stranger, "Received the news, the family The people here will arrive in about 10 minutes." After speaking, the man in military uniform paused, then turned his face and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Miss Xiaoyan, which friend of yours is waiting for you outside, Would you like to go to the room with her to rest?"

Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, nodded, smiled at the stranger, and went straight out of the control room.Thinking about this kind of time, strangers don't want her to show up, right?Although he didn't intend to shut her up, who can guarantee that those people in his family have this idea?If she waits here with a faceless face, she might fall into someone's eyes, and she won't know how she died later. It's better to be honest and take Yu Qisi to hide. The things in the big family are the last thing they want to do. Fortunately, it is better not to mess with it at all!

While thinking this way, Ji Xiaoyan walked out of the passage of the control room, and then saw Yu Qisi, whose arms were wrapped in gauze, standing by the door.

"Qisi!" Ji Xiaoyan shouted at Yu Qisi excitedly.

"Miss Xiaoyan" Yu Qisi burst into tears in an instant, he reached out and grabbed Ji Xiaoyan and refused to let go: "Miss Xiaoyan, are you okay? I have always been worried that if something happened to you, Lu Wu and I would have nothing to do." I really don’t need to live, it’s okay, it’s okay, God has eyes.”

"It's okay, it's okay, don't you think I'm fine now? You and Lu Wu are both injured!" Ji Xiaoyan quickly smiled and shook his head and said, then pulled Yu Qisi directly to live with her "It's not convenient to talk here, let's go back to the room and talk about it."

"En, um!" Yu Qisi nodded quickly, glanced in the direction of the control room, then wiped his tears with his hands, and followed Ji Xiaoyan obediently.

Not long after entering the room, Ji Xiaoyan saw one after another large hovering cars whizzing past from the window, because he was worried that people outside the window would see her and Yu Qisi, and Ji Xiaoyan would even make a fuss It was a joke, pulling Yu Qisi nervously and bending over to squat by the window, only to hear Yu Qisi say to her with a funny face when it was all right, in fact, the window of their room can only be opened from the window. Look inside, look outside, you can't see anything outside
Therefore, the blushing Ji Xiaoyan had no choice but to stick out her tongue in embarrassment, and then asked Yu Qisi about the situation in the cave after she left.

Speaking of it, it can be said that Yu Qisi and the others had better luck.

Seeing Miss Ji Xiaoyan leave, Lu Wu woke up for a while, and after hearing Yu Qisi say that Miss Ji Xiaoyan went to find water, Lu Wu was even more excited, and wanted to find Ji Xiaoyan back desperately , but because the injury on his body was a bit serious, he was in a daze, and after being persuaded by Yu Qisi for a while, he stopped.Afterwards, Green Five insisted on discussing with Yu Qisi. In order to prevent mutant beasts from coming to attack them in the cave, and then circling in the cave with enough food and drink to kill Ji Xiaoyan, they asked Yu Qisi to stay in the cave together. A small space was dug out of the stone mountain in case it is needed from time to time.

Who knows, it really came in handy.

A mutated beast crawled in from nowhere, smelled Yu Qisi and Lu Wu, and excitedly bit them.Speaking of which, if there had been more than one mutated beast, Yu Qisi and Lu Wu would have died.Lu Wuqiang and Yu Qisi struggled with the mutant beast for a while. Just when they thought they were going to die, a lazy cry of the mutant beast suddenly sounded in the cave. The mutant beast that Lu Wu and Yu Qisi attacked for the last time suddenly ran away as if frightened.

Yu Qisi was a little afraid that more ferocious mutant beasts would come from the cave, and wanted to carry Lu Wu out, but after thinking that Miss Ji Xiaoyan would come back to find them, he gritted his teeth and pulled the girl whose leg was bitten by the mutant beast. Green Five went directly into the gap of the stone pile, and then moved a lot of stones, sealed the gap, and hid.

Originally, I thought that after Ji Xiaoyan went back, Yu Qisi would bring Lu Wu out to join him, but who knows, after hiding in the crevice of the stone, a stone fell from the top of Yu Qisi's head, directly injuring her arm, which made her faint from the pain.
"I think it must be the mutated mountain bear in the cave that scared the mutated beast away." Ji Xiaoyan said to Yu Qisi with some emotion.Speaking of which, that mutated mountain bear was kind to them, right?It's a pity that it still ended up dead in the end.

"Well, it should be!" Yu Qisi also nodded with emotion after hearing Ji Xiaoyan tell her that she had met strangers and told all the things they found from the cracks in the rocks.Sometimes in life, it depends on luck to continue.
(End of this chapter)

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