The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 982 Is there a signal?

Chapter 982 Is there a signal?
After Ji Xiaoyan and Yu Qisi chatted and sighed in the room of the flying ship for a long time, they heard someone knocking on the door.

The door opened, and what Ji Xiaoyan saw was a man in blue military uniform with an unfamiliar face. After the two sides looked at each other for two seconds, Ji Xiaoyan saw the man in blue military uniform smiled at her, and then said kindly : "Miss Xiaoyan asked me to inform you that Shisan and the others have come back, but because there are still some matters in the family that need to be discussed in detail, so I promised you to go to see Xuanshi immediately. It won’t be possible in a while!”

"Oh, it's okay, it's okay! When I'm free, I'll just go and open my eyes!" Ji Xiaoyan waved his hand quickly and said.

The man in the military uniform smiled and nodded, then glanced into the room, his eyes lingering on Yu Qisi for a few seconds, and then continued: "The doctor that the young master asked to bring has also arrived, which one of you is still here?" The comatose friend has been checked and treated. Basically, there is nothing serious. They are all flesh wounds, and they will be cured after a period of time! I heard that your friend’s hand was also injured, so I’ll call her over Check it out."

"Yeah, okay! Thank you!" Ji Xiaoyan quickly thanked the man in military uniform, then turned his head and said to Yu Qisi: "Qisi, let's go over and check! "

Yu Qisi nodded, followed Ji Xiaoyan and the man in military uniform obediently, and left the room.What happened afterwards was very simple and smooth. In another room, Yu Qisi was inspected by two old men in white clothes. After asking a few words, Ji Xiaoyan saw one of the old men nodding his head , then poured out a little sky-blue liquid from a bottle behind her, wiped it on Yu Qisi's arm, then wrapped it with some white gauze, told her not to touch the wound recently, the treatment will be considered complete up.

Afterwards, the man in the military uniform brought Ji Xiaoyan and Yu Qisi back to the room with a smile, watched them lock the door, then turned and left, returning to the stranger to return to his life.

The time after that passed quickly.

Unknowingly, the sky in the wilderness darkened.After the kitchen on the flying ship prepared all the food, it delivered the food room by room.After Ji Xiaoyan took Yu Qisi's food and put it in her hand, he asked the soldier who delivered the food: "Excuse me, is there any food delivered from my friend?"

"Yes!" The soldier who delivered the meal was smiling, handed Ji Xiaoyan her share of the meal, and said, "There are people taking care of it over there, Miss Xiaoyan, please rest assured!"

"Then can we go over and have a look?" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and then asked.

"This." The soldier who delivered the food hesitated for a moment, and then said: "Maybe it's not possible now! The doctor said that although your friend's injury is not serious, it should not cause bacteria to cause infection. So, Miss Xiaoyan, you'd better bear with it." Now, when you get back to the city, you can take care of him!"

"Then when can we go back to the city?" Ji Xiaoyan nodded in disappointment, and then asked again immediately.

"It's about one or two hours away! Please wait patiently." The soldier bowed his head slightly to Ji Xiaoyan and said, seeing that they had nothing to ask, he walked out of the room and closed the door by the way. Then he left.

Ji Xiaoyan sighed, and finally had to sit by the bed with Yu Qisi, finished the meal, and chatted for a while, then felt the flying ship shake slightly, and after a while, only the window The wilderness scene outside began to change.

"Qisi, we are finally leaving here and going back to the city." Ji Xiaoyan grabbed Yu Qisi with some excitement and said something, then ran to the window, looked out the window and said, "That's great We're finally getting out of here. It's been such a tough time."

Yu Qisi also nodded with relief, then walked to the window, and while looking at the wilderness outside the window with Ji Xiaoyan, he said: "Yes, after we go back, Lu Wu and I will definitely be scolded to death by the young master. It’s all our fault that we didn’t protect you, Miss Xiaoyan, that you suffered so much, and you came back to save us in the end.”

"What nonsense!" Ji Xiaoyan immediately turned his head and gave Yu Qisi a look, and said, "If it weren't for the protection of you and Lu Wu, I would have died long ago, how could I stand here? Don’t worry about July [-]th, if Luoye Yu Jiangxia scolds you, I will intercede for you and prevent him from scolding you.”

"Yeah!" Yu Qisi smiled at Ji Xiaoyan with some emotion, and then focused his eyes on the window, not knowing what to think.

The speed of the flying ship was very fast, and it took less than a minute for it to leave the ground, rise into the sky, and then rushed out at an extremely fast speed, flying towards the direction of the city.

Because the situation in the Nanaosu area is still unclear, the flying spaceship who has never met them has no intention of flying back.Under Yu Qisi's instruction, Ji Xiaoyan only had time to take a look through the window at the South Aosu District, the place where they lived before, and then the dark blue sky filled his sight.

Where the flying ship is going, Ji Xiaoyan and the others don't know. Considering that there are not only strangers on the flying ship, Ji Xiaoyan didn't mean to go out to find strangers to ask, but directly talked to Yu Qisi Wash up in the room together, and then rest together on that bed.

When Ji Xiaoyan heard the knock on the door again, it was already the next morning when someone came to bring them food.

"Have we not reached the city yet?" Ji Xiaoyan rubbed his eyes in a daze, looked at another strange food delivery soldier in front of the door and asked, "Have you been flying for many hours?"

"Yes!" The soldier who delivered the food today was obviously not as talkative as yesterday, he just responded to Ji Xiaoyan lightly, and then said: "There are important things on the flying ship, so it can't be too bumpy, so it needs to travel slowly."

"Oh!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded with comprehension, what he wanted to talk about was the mysterious stone picked up by Thirteen and the others!Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan asked again: "Then Thirteen and the others came back, is there anything wrong?"

"En!" The soldier nodded, "Apart from being a little tired, they have nothing to do!" As soon as he finished speaking, the soldier left the room directly, nodded to Ji Xiaoyan, and left directly.

"Hey, that guy from yesterday is easier to talk to! After asking so many questions, he still didn't tell us when we will be able to return to the city!" Ji Xiaoyan took Yu Qisi's breakfast with some sighs, and handed it to him. After she said this.

Yu Qisi thought for a while, and then comforted Ji Xiaoyan, "Everyone's personality is different. However, it may take some time to return to the city. It's impossible for this flying ship to have such precious things on it." Flying too fast, if you are not careful, if the black stone is damaged in any way, it will easily leak energy and cause an accident on the flying ship! Therefore, it is beneficial to slow down. Miss Xiaoyan is homesick?"

"Well, a little!" Ji Xiaoyan sighed, then put the breakfast beside the bed, lay down on the bed, looked at the ceiling above his head and said: "I don't know what's going on in the game. It’s been almost a month since I switched to the game, right? I don’t know who has snatched Qingcheng now, haha, July [-]th, don’t you think it’s strange? I’m still worried about the things in the game when I’m in this kind of situation for the rest of my life.”

"That's good!" Yu Qisi smiled and turned his head to look at Ji Xiaoyan and said, "This shows that Miss Xiaoyan, you are still very optimistic! If you are immersed in suffering all day long, that is pain. Hehe, say To be honest, I also kind of miss the life in the game.”

"Hmm! I don't know if Uncle Qingmi and the others miss me." Ji Xiaoyan opened his eyes wide, looked at the ceiling and muttered something, then under Yu Qisi's slightly astonished gaze, he turned over shunly , picked up breakfast and continued to eat, while saying: "If there is no news by noon, I will find someone to ask how the current situation of vegetarian food is."

When Yu Qisi heard the words, he nodded but didn't answer.

About an hour later, an unfamiliar soldier knocked on the door of Ji Xiaoyan's room, and after collecting her and Yu Qisi's breakfast plates, he smiled faintly and said to Ji Xiaoyan and the others: "Miss Xiaoyan, our young master said, if you and your friends are bored, you can go play games or something to pass the time. The speed of our spaceship has slowed down too much, and it may take a long time to reach the destination. If you need game adapters, I can go get you a spare or two!"

"Can I play games? Is there a signal here?" Ji Xiaoyan asked in surprise when he heard the soldier's words.You must know that there are basically no signals in the wilderness.

"Yes!" The soldier nodded, and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "We have reached the signal coverage of the city, playing games or looking up information on the computer is no problem!"

"Then I'll trouble you." Ji Xiaoyan nodded quickly after hearing this, and then said with some embarrassment: "It's a bit boring to just stay in the room like this."

"Hmm! Okay, please wait a moment!" Hearing this, the soldier didn't say anything superfluous, but nodded and smiled at Ji Xiaoyan, and then exited the room.

 PS: Thank you "TEN" for the pink ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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