The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 983 The Strange City Lord's Mansion

Chapter 983 The Strange City Lord's Mansion

Although I still don't understand why the unknown family has sent someone to wrap the mysterious stone, and I still need to worry about what problems will happen to the flying ship, but after hearing that they have now entered the network After the game is available in the signal area, Ji Xiaoyan's heart is still excited.

Thinking about it, if they play the game, at least they can report to Flying Leaves that they are safe, right?At any rate, there are quite a few gang members in the Juyuantianxia gang who are known by Yeguang Meijiu. When the time comes, as long as they get in touch with Yeguang Meijiu, Fallen Leaves will definitely know their situation!Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but looked at the door expectantly.

Within a few minutes, the man in military uniform knocked on the door again, and then brought two obviously new game adapter boxes, handed them to Ji Xiaoyan with a smile and said, "Miss Xiaoyan, these are game adapter boxes. The young master asked me to tell you that he still has to deal with those people in the family at the moment, so I can only let you go to the game to pass the time! When I have time, I will take you to see the black stone. If you are in the game If you have time, please go to the secret road in Qingcheng to see if you can find a way to help the young master break free from that map. According to the young master, his game character has been trapped there for a long time!"

"Well, okay. I'll go to the game and have a look." Ji Xiaoyan agreed very simply, and after watching the man in military uniform leave, he turned his head happily to look at Yu Qisi and said, "Let's go, Qisi , let's go to the game and check it out. By the way, report Yu Jiangxia's safety."

Yu Qisi smiled at Ji Xiaoyan, then looked at his injured arm, and then said: "Then please, Miss Xiaoyan, bring me the adapter."

"No problem." Ji Xiaoyan said with a smile, and then directly opened the packaging box, and directly brought the pair of game connection glasses to Yu Qisi's body, watching her close her eyes as if she had already entered the game , Only then did I bring the adapter and enter the game.

I don't know if the game has been updated. When Ji Xiaoyan was waiting to enter the game, the animation scene he saw was very different from before.Before entering the game, the system forced to play a brief historical animation of each continent, telling the story of "the general trend of the world, the long-term must be divided, the long-term must be united", this left a little suspense, let Ji Xiaoyan see the offline time scene.

Before she had time to stand still, Ji Xiaoyan felt a huge force hit her directly, and when she was about to curse, Ji Xiaoyan suddenly heard a rather familiar male voice howl: "Wow Xiaoyan, Xiaoyan. You are finally online! If you don’t go online, I will be tortured to death by those NPCs. You don’t even know how miserable I have been living these days! I haven’t been offline for days and nights Just to wait for you! My wife has complained to me many times, do you know how hard it is for me to sit here with my eyes wide open and wait for you every day?"

"Hey, hey, hey!" Ji Xiaoyan yelled twice in pain, then stretched out his hand and pushed twice towards the man who fell on the ground and pressed her shoulders, and only then did he have a chance to take a look at the culprit, " Nightmare? What are you doing! Get out of the way quickly, you are so heavy, if you don't get out of the way, I will call you molested!"

"Okay, okay, okay!" The Nightmare Cleaner seems to have reacted, and quickly got up from above Ji Xiaoyan, and after stretching out his hand to pull her up from the ground, he immediately took out something from his arms and pointed towards it. Ji Xiaoyan threw it on Ji Xiaoyan's body and asked her to hold it, then said with a sigh of relief: "Take it, take it! I leave the key to the treasure house of Qingcheng to you, you must remember to turn around and talk to me The NPCs at Qingshimen said, let them stop torturing me because I gave you the key late. Xiaoyan, I’m going offline first! My wife is waiting for me. If I don’t log off again, she Will kill me. Let's get back in touch."

"Hey, hello, nightmare." Before Ji Xiaoyan realized what was going on, she watched the nightmare cleaner throw something at her, and then disappeared in front of her and went offline with a sigh of relief.

Ji Xiaoyan froze on the spot for a few seconds, then looked around, seeing that there was no one at all, then looked at the thing in his hand that was said to be the key to Qingcheng's treasure house with a slight frown.

It was a key with a handle in the shape of a lotus flower. The golden lotus flower was inlaid with finely colored gemstones as decorations. The bottom of the lotus flower was a cylindrical key handle with a hollow pattern, and the bottom end was a hexagonal prism. cutting edge.The whole key looks not only exquisite, but also very detailed.

"As expected of the key to the treasury!" Ji Xiaoyan said with a sigh, then put the key in his pocket, and brought out the pet panel by the way.Because Jiajia was put away before entering the secret passage, its portrait was naturally lit on the pet panel, while Xiye's portrait was red, indicating that it had been summoned.

Ji Xiaoyan looked at the environment around the treasure house, and after thinking about it, he summoned Jiajia.Xiye guessed that at this moment, she was either brought by Lin Qianye's NPC or mixed with Xuan Mo and the others. There was not a single city guard in Qingcheng's treasure house, so she had to find someone to ask about the current situation in Qingcheng!Although it would be eye-catching to summon Jiajia, at least her safety can be guaranteed a little bit more!
If you run into trouble, two people are better than one!

After thinking about it, Ji Xiaoyan directly summoned Gaga, and after hearing it complain about how boring and painful it was in the pet space, he touched it with a smile, and then rode on Gaga's body, letting him It walked towards other places in Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion.

Ji Xiaoyan had the idea to go in and take a look at the treasure house when no one was guarding it, but on second thought, if this place would sound an alarm or a large group of hostile NPC city guards, then she would say it alone. It might be over.Who knows whose territory Qingcheng is now?Did City Lord Qing Wan and that Lockerbie City Lord find a way to escape and regain power?

"Hey!" Ji Xiaoyan sighed quietly, then turned out the personal panel and glanced at the friend list.All the friends' avatars above are gray, and none of them are lit.Therefore, Ji Xiaoyan had no choice but to urge Jiajia to pay close attention to the surrounding situation, and put her down if she heard any movement, and then she could go to find out the current situation in the city.Of course, at that time, Jiajia will need to be taken back to the pet space.

The territory of the City Lord's Mansion is very large, and for some unknown reason, they still walked for a long time without seeing anyone with Gaga, a pet with sharp eyes and ears.The City Lord's Mansion in Qingcheng seems to have turned into a dead city in an instant. There are no NPC city guards, no players, and she seems to be the only one in the City Lord's Mansion in Qingcheng, except for the man she met when she first went online, the Nightmare Cleaner.

"What's going on?" Ji Xiaoyan frowned in some doubts, and finally had to put his eyes on the pet panel, looked at Xiye's head seriously, and then clicked, thinking to call it back to the pet space first , and then release it to ask about the situation.

However, what he didn't expect was that after Ji Xiaoyan clicked recall, the system reminded him that Xiye's state was abnormal and he couldn't recall it.

"Wipe..." Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but feel depressed, finally he could only sigh, then grasped Jiajia's fur, stood on it and looked into the distance.All the sights are filled with all kinds of buildings, forests, flowers and plants of the City Lord's Mansion, except for the city wall that surrounds the entire City Lord's Mansion, there is not a single person in sight.
Wait for the wall!Ji Xiaoyan's eyes lit up instantly!How could she have forgotten the wall!

"Go, Jiajia, go to the wall!" Ji Xiaoyan directed towards Jiajia, "You can see the outside from anywhere, let's go there to see the situation!"

"Yeah!" Gaga nodded cheerfully, and then ran towards the wall on the edge of the City Lord's Mansion.It has been in the pet space for too long, and everything it sees is novel. Hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, it instinctively wants to see what Qingcheng is like.

The walls of the Qingcheng City Lord's Mansion are very high, about five or six meters long.Jiajia raised her front paws to stand up, leaning her body on the wall, and then she could barely see the situation outside the city wall.And Ji Xiaoyan climbed up from Jiajia's neck after Gaga stood firm, climbed on top of Jiajia's head and looked out of the city wall.

Seeing Ji Xiaoyan, he was instantly stunned.

The City Lord's Mansion in Qingcheng is basically empty of people, but outside the city walls there is a mass of human heads, basically not even a single floor tile can be seen.There are NPC city guards, NPC residents, and players in the crowd!Some sat cross-legged, chatting in groups of three or five; Props and the like; and those NPC city guards stood in the crowd with tiger faces and unhappy faces, and those NPC residents also straddled some small baskets, hawking and chatting gossip.
"What's going on here?" Ji Xiaoyan was a little puzzled, but she also knew that in the current situation, she absolutely couldn't let others see her.If you think about it, you know, she is the only one in the entire city lord's mansion, and if she is found out, she will be in trouble!So after looking outside the city wall, Ji Xiaoyan immediately let Jiajia get down from the city wall, and walked directly towards the gate of the City Lord's Mansion.With so many people guarding outside the City Lord's Mansion, there must be NPCs guarding the gate, right?
The most important thing is, where did Old Man Qingya and the others go!

 PS: Thank you "Yun Yu'er" for your comments! "

(End of this chapter)

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