The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 984 has reached Chapter 200

Chapter 984 has reached Chapter 200
Because of Miss Ji Xiaoyan's disappearance, except for some players who stayed behind in the game like Falling Leaves Flying and Yeguang Fine Wine to pay attention to the news in the game and whether Ji Xiaoyan has been in the game, the rest of the players basically went to do their own things , or go offline to help.And the NPCs of Qingshimen waited in Qingcheng for N for a long time but did not wait for the exact news of Ji Xiaoyan taking over Qingcheng, and were worried about what might happen to Qingshimen's old lair, so they left the old man Qingmi and a few NPCs of Qingshimen behind The disciples were waiting for news in Qingcheng, while the rest returned to the Eastern Continent.

While the Shendrill and Ghost Map of Shacheng guarded the imprisoned Lord Qingwan and Lockerby, they emptied all the Mansion of the Lord of Qingcheng, and then asked all the city guards of Shacheng to guard the Mansion of the Lord of the City. , In case Qingwan City Lord and the others played some tricks, they escaped from the prison and united with the city guards of Qing City to seize the fruits of victory.

And the old man Qingmi was also kicked out of the City Lord's Mansion by Guitu and the others because of his lack of power.
So, to be precise, there is indeed no one in the City Lord's Mansion in Qingcheng, except that everyone was asked to stay behind because of the nightmare cleaning machine with the key on him and wait until Ji Xiaoyan appeared to give the key to her.

Jiajia obeyed Ji Xiaoyan's words and drove her all the way in the city lord's mansion, smashed a piece of rare trees, five or six palace buildings, decorations and sculptures, and so on, finally saw the extremely gorgeous gate of the city lord's mansion.Fortunately, although the gate was closed, Ji Xiaoyan still saw one or two NPC city guards in charge of guarding the gate, but at the moment, those city guards were not standing there honestly to guard, but were busy busy moving something.
Jiajia cast a seductive glance at Ji Xiaoyan who let him hide behind the building, and after two seconds of deflation, he asked, "Xiaoyan, are we not going out?"

"Let's see." Ji Xiaoyan had already landed on the ground at this time, patted Jiajia's leg with one hand, while leaning on the wall, carefully watched the actions of the city guards on the other side of the gate, and then said: "We still have I don’t know if they are enemies or friends. If they go out rashly and get beaten, it will be troublesome! Are you right, Jiajia?”

"Don't be afraid, Jiajia is very powerful! You can protect Xiaoyan!" Jiajia didn't mean to follow Ji Xiaoyan's words at all, and said directly and confidently.

Ji Xiaoyan sighed speechlessly, didn't speak, but turned his eyes to the direction of the city guards.To be honest, she hasn't been online for so long, who knows what the situation in Qingcheng has become?A few days outside the game, if you switch to the game, you have to multiply it by six. If you calculate it, it will be almost a month in the game. I don’t know what happened to the siege battle. Is it over, or is there nothing to follow.
Thinking of the players outside the city lord's mansion, Ji Xiaoyan was a little confused again.Why are there so many players all piled up outside?Don't those people practice leveling, killing monsters and exploding equipment?
Just as she was thinking, suddenly Ji Xiaoyan heard Jiajia whispering to her: "Xiaoyan, look quickly. They moved something out of that house. It's a big one."

When Ji Xiaoyan heard it, he immediately looked up and looked over.Sure enough, a few city guards were carrying a beast-shaped decoration painted with gold and silver patterns that they did not know where, and were struggling to move towards the gate of the City Lord's Mansion.And there are already a lot of things piled up at the gate at this moment!
"Speed ​​up." A city guard shouted impatiently at the two city guards who were carrying things, and then said impatiently: "Can you be more active? I don't know these things Who asked for it? It’s so hard to move a little bit of stuff, tell me, what else can you do?”

"Boss, this thing is so heavy!! It's not that we are not active. We have to work hard to move such a heavy thing around. Why don't you find more people to help you, boss!" The city guard who was carrying the decoration immediately complained to the city guard.

"You think I don't want to!!" The NPC city guard who spoke at the beginning suddenly sighed and said, "You can see for yourself how many adventurers outside need to be appeased and suppressed? Are these people unnecessary? And those in the original city of Qingcheng Guards, why don't you send someone to watch them carefully and wait for them to rebel? Our things are fairly simple now, haven't you heard of it? There were two groups of city guards who cleared the city with Mr. Guitu two days ago. I don't know what happened, and they are clamoring to go back to the city lord's mansion to rescue their Lockerbie city lord. Tsk tsk, you haven't seen how dark the face of Lord Guitu was that day! It is said that dozens of city lords were killed that day. Guards, this matter can be regarded as being suppressed. We are just doing some hard work now, which is much easier than going out to suppress them with their heads hung up! So, you guys have to be more active for me, otherwise I will turn around Send you back and go to patrol the city if you have nothing to do."

"Don't, don't! Boss, you can't let us go!" The NPC who was carrying the display immediately said something when he heard this, and then moved the bulky display with another NPC city guard. After the gate, he breathed a sigh of relief, put the things safely on the ground, panted and continued to ask the previous city guard: "But, boss, we have moved so many things out, and all of them are safe. Are you going to move outside the city lord's mansion? A few days ago, Lord Shendrill was said to have moved a lot of things. What are they going to do with these things? From what I can see, these things don't seem to be of any great use."

"You know what a fart!" When the city guard heard this, he immediately smiled and spat at him, and then said: "Master Guitu and Shendrill have long regarded this place as something in their pockets. They want to set up some property here, otherwise where will they live in Qingcheng in the future? Besides, Qingcheng and our Shacheng will be connected in the same vein in the future. If the city owner is interested and wants to come and play, I will definitely Also must have a place to live? Now that the deputy city lord of Shacheng is missing, there will be no way to establish who is the city lord and who will accept the city in Qingcheng for a while, so Lord Guitu and Lord Shendrill are thinking, If we can move a little of the things in the city lord's mansion, we can move a little. Even if the deputy city lord fails to seize the city, we can move some things back to give our city lord a job?"

"Boss, we can't even figure it out. Seeing that our deputy city lord will soon get a city, why did she suddenly disappear? We can't go back to Shacheng now, and we have to deal with the people in Qingcheng. Guards, at the same time, you have to deal with the adventurers who have entered Qingcheng and can't get out, isn't it just looking for something to do?" The city guard sat down on the ground, looked up at the rest of the NPC city guards and complained.

"Who knows! However, our deputy city lord also has the blood of an adventurer. I heard someone from above said that the deputy city lord seems to have been summoned by the Lord God for questioning! So, we just need to wait patiently !" The leading city guard said proudly, then patted the city guard sitting on the ground and said: "Okay, okay, let's move things to Mr. Ghost Go to the mansion you chose! Tsk tsk, speaking of it, Qingcheng is very rich, look at these decorations, and the clothes we are wearing now, it is much better than what we have seen before."

"That's right!" The rest of the city guards nodded in agreement, and then said, "I really hope that the deputy city lord will show up quickly and take over this place in Qingcheng. At that time, we can live here forever !"

"You're dreaming!" Another city guard immediately spit upon hearing this: "Ghost Map and Lord Shendrill can't live here forever, do you think we're okay? Wait until Qingcheng is really taken over by our deputy city lord." After that, most of the guards here will have to be guarded by the deputy city lord himself, and our Shacheng, as an alliance city, can only send a small number of people to guard it."

"Since neither Guitu nor Lord Shendrill can live permanently, why did they choose a house to live here?" A city guard immediately asked curiously.

"Why? Ghost Map and Lord Shendrill are the heroes who helped to attack the city. They can't even choose a house?" The leading NPC city guard suddenly said angrily. He sighed and said: "Call you stupid, you are really stupid, you don't know anything! I have a house here in Qingcheng, and I will ask the deputy city lord to approve a note later. In the future, Guitu and Shendrill can come here to see it at any time. The house is gone, and our Lord City Lord will not say anything. Moreover, they can also set up a teleportation array in the house, which will make it easier to travel in the future! We all know that this Qingcheng is much more enjoyable than Shacheng, Ghost Map and Shendrill Don't adults think so?"

"Boss, what do you mean, Master Guitu and Shendrill did this in order to come here often in the future?" A city guard suddenly realized.

"That's right! Otherwise, you think those two adults are so idle, looking for things to move back to decorate the house!" The leading city guard shook his head, and said to the rest, "Okay, speed up, Ghost Map My lord is still waiting!! Hurry up and pick up the things, we will be busy in a while."

Afterwards, Ji Xiaoyan watched as the city guards carried the things piled up at the gate of the city lord's mansion, and one of the city guards opened the gate, and they walked out.Looking out through the gap in the gate, Ji Xiaoyan was not surprised to see the crowd of players outside the gate separated by city guards.
 PS: Thank you "Pingping=An'an" for the pink ticket!

(End of this chapter)

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