The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 985 The Unexpected NPC

Chapter 985 The Unexpected NPC
After the gate of the City Lord's Mansion closed again with a bang, Ji Xiaoyan stood up straight, stepped out from behind the wall, stared blankly at the gate of the City Lord's Mansion and murmured: "Ghost Map and Shendrill chose the house. , but they must wait until I take Qingcheng down and agree to their permanent residence before they can stay? That means, if I don’t agree, they won’t be able to stay here for a long time and must go back to Shacheng.”

"Well, that's what they said! Jiajia heard it right!" Jiajia said immediately after hearing Ji Xiaoyan's muttering.Because they were still some distance away from the gate of the city lord's mansion, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't hear the conversations of the city guards at all, so Jiajia listened to all the content and then passed it on to Ji Xiaoyan.

"Jajia, they also said that if I take over Qingcheng, all the guards will have to find those adventurers to take care of it?" Ji Xiaoyan turned her head to look at Jiajia in distress and asked.

"Well, that's what you said!" Kaka nodded.

Therefore, Ji Xiaoyan became a little depressed.It's no wonder that in some online games I played before, it was usually gangs who attacked the city. When someone captured the city, the gang members would immediately guard it.She used to think about why after so many players captured a game city, they would go to the game to defend the city in different shifts every day
Now she can be regarded as knowing why.The player's city must be guarded by the player himself!However, she is now a widow and has no influence. Even if she gets Qingcheng in the future, she still has to worry about the manpower of the city. Yes, they want to cooperate together to do something in Qingcheng, but that is also based on the cooperation of opening shops and the like, and it doesn't say that they want their players to help defend the city!

As soon as Ji Xiaoyan thought of this question, his mind ached instantly.

Sure enough, large-scale online games still require many players to play together.
"Xiaoyan, does your head hurt? Do you want me to pat you?" Jiajia watched Ji Xiaoyan pat her head in distress, and asked her kindly, then stretched out her paws When it reached the top of her head, just wait for her to say yes, and then shoot it down!
"No need, no need!" Ji Xiaoyan was startled when he heard it, and then quickly looked at Jia Jia and waved his hand and said something.Just kidding, how powerful is Jiajia's claws, give her a slap, although they are master-servant relationship, she will not be slapped to death, but it will be painful, okay?

"Ahem, okay. Now that there is no one in the city lord's mansion, we know about the general things. Since there are too many people outside, Kaka, let's go around the city wall to see if there are any people there. Adventurer, then go out!" Ji Xiaoyan cleared his throat, said something to Jiajia solemnly, and then climbed up on its body under its puzzled eyes, and then asked: "Why? Jiajia Do you have any opinion?"

"Can't we just go out from here?" Jiajia glanced at the extremely gorgeous gate of the City Lord's Mansion inlaid with gold and silver, looked at Ji Xiaoyan and asked, "Jiajia likes the shiny things on it." Jiajia said while saying, On the one hand, he looked at Ji Xiaoyan with some procrastination!

"No!" Ji Xiaoyan patted Jiajia's neck, and then said, "If you tear down that door, what will happen if all the adventurers from outside break in?"

"Jajia will protect Xiaoyan! Jiajia is very powerful!" Jiajia said with a firm and confident face.

"No, no!" Ji Xiaoyan still shook his head, and seeing Jiajia's aggrieved expression, he said again: "After we go out and find other people to meet up, I will choose for you some of the shiny things in Qingcheng's treasure house , Is this okay? But, you can't be too greedy, take them all away!"

"Yeah, okay!" Gaga immediately agreed upon hearing this, and then happily said to Ji Xiaoyan, "Jiaga has been away from the Eastern Continent for a long time, and I miss Nimengsha! Nimengsha likes shiny things, Jiajia wants to bring a gift back to it."

When mentioning the giant dragon of Nimengsha, Ji Xiaoyan suddenly remembered that she seemed to know two powerful dragons!If I go back to the Eastern Continent and lure the two giant dragons, Nimengsha and Cenarion, to Qingcheng to help her defend the city, I think the problems she was struggling with just now will solve a lot of problems.
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help looking at the golden door!

Forget it, let's talk about this later when we have time!If she seized Qingcheng, this thing would not belong to her.You can't just tear down the gate of your city lord's mansion now, right?Sighing, Ji Xiaoyan greeted Jiajia and started to turn around the city wall of the city lord's mansion.

After going around half a circle, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help sighing that there are too many players who have entered Qingcheng.In the four directions, except for the Huanshui side where there were no players, the rest of the places were full of dark crowds. Ji Xiaoyan really didn't know that there were actually so many players who came to participate in the Qingcheng battle.

"Xiaoyan, shall we go out from here?" Jiajia looked at the moat outside the city wall with some displeasure, turned his head to look at Ji Xiaoyan and asked.It doesn't like water. If the city wall jumps out, it will definitely fall into the water.

Ji Xiaoyan looked at Jiajia, then stood on tiptoe to look at the moat outside the city wall, a little embarrassed, "Jiajia, don't you like water?"

"Yeah!" Jiajia nodded honestly, and then said: "Jiajia is afraid of being drowned."

"It's so scary. The water outside is not as deep as yours. How could it be flooded?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Jiajia with a smile and said something, seeing that it was still not happy, then sighed: "Forget it, this is good Yes! Gaga, you put me on the wall, and I will go down by myself, but you have to go into the pet space, otherwise you can only stay in the city lord's mansion."

"Okay!" This time Kaka answered very simply, not at all like he was unwilling to enter the pet space before.

Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help sighing again, it's easy to go up the wall, but difficult to get off the wall.
Jiajia joyfully sent Ji Xiaoyan to the wall, then looked at her anxiously, waiting for her to take it back to the pet space.After Ji Xiaoyan stood firmly on the top of the wall, he pulled out the personal pet panel, clicked to retract it, and put Jiajia into the pet space, then stared at the moat under the city wall and stared blankly.

She didn't jump into the water in reality, but she can swim a little bit. Are you going to let her challenge it now?It would be great if Xuan Mo was here at this time, with a levitation technique, she would be able to fall down safely! !Hey, it really is better to have more skills! !

On the other side of the moat, a little girl was standing by the window of the NPC's house at the moment, looking towards the direction of the City Lord's Mansion in surprise, seeing the figure standing on the city wall with her mouth wide open, "No, there are also some people these days. The NPC wants to jump into the river? No, no, I have to find someone to see if I can get some rewards if I save the NPC!"

Thinking of this possibility, the player Ziyan Liuli, who was lucky enough to run into an NPC quest in Qingcheng, immediately put away what she was doing, ran away from the window, and then headed towards her current quest NPC aunt's house, ran directly to the moat!

"Hey, hey, little girl, are you not going to help me?" The NPC aunt looked at the figure that quickly disappeared from her sight with some astonishment. As soon as I lost it, I chased after him, and then shouted: "Girl, what are you running for? My mother doesn't give you much work. You promised to help, but you can't just leave after half of it." .Hurry up and come back to me! Otherwise, I will sue you at the city lord."

"Ma'am, I have something to go out for a while, and I'll be back in a while! You go back! I'll be back when I'm done." Ziyan Liuli turned her head impatiently and glanced at the NPC aunt who was chasing her, and in desperation turned towards She yelled twice, and saw that the NPC aunt was still following her, so she continued to yell: "Ma'am, I promise I will come back to help you with your work in a while, you go back! If you don't go back, it will be a disaster if there is a thief at home. "

"Go, go, go, we don't have thieves in Qingcheng!" The NPC aunt stopped running after hearing this, spit in the direction of Ziyan Liuli, and then turned around unwillingly and prepared to go Go back to your house.

"Hahaha, Aunt Hu, aren't you afraid of thieves? Why? Stop chasing? Go, it's okay to run around the city with those adventurers." Seeing this, some NPCs on the street immediately laughed and moved towards The NPC aunt asked.

"Go, go, go! Am I wrong? Have we seen thieves in Qingcheng for so many years?" The NPC aunt yelled at the others with some dissatisfaction, and then said with her hands on her hips: "It's just that we stay here now. There are too many idle adventurers in Qingcheng, and many of them look like their eyes are shining when they see us aborigines. What I am worried about is that if I am not at home, maybe those adventurers will break into my house. I have to go back and see Hold on."

After finishing speaking, the NPC aunt quickened her pace and ran back towards herself, muttering: "If there is a thief at home, I will have to find that little girl to settle the score later"

At this moment, Ziyan Liuli didn't know what the NPC aunt was thinking in her heart. After seeing the NPC turned around and stopped chasing her, she breathed a sigh of relief and hurried to the bridge that could cross the moat. past.When she finally ran to the bridge and looked at the city wall of the City Lord's Mansion, she happened to see the figure who was standing on the top of the wall just now, and Shun jumped into the water from the top of the wall
"This NPC is so overwhelmed!" Ziyan Liuli murmured in her heart while looking in the direction of the flowing water, ready to save the figure that fell into the water
(End of this chapter)

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