Chapter 986
If you want to ask Ji Xiaoyan how it feels to fall into the water in the game, I guess this girl has nothing to say except that the water in the moat of Qingcheng is relatively clean, the city wall is a bit too high, and the speed of falling into the water is too fast, which is a bit exciting.There is no such thing as holding your breath underwater, or getting water in your mouth and nose, and so on.You know, she bought a lot of water-avoiding props in River Water City back then.
Looking at the underwater scenery in the moat of Qingcheng with wide eyes, Ji Xiaoyan didn't intend to struggle to surface.Anyway, she has props to avoid water, so it's good to see the underwater scenery!With this idea in mind, Ji Xiaoyan followed the fall of his body directly after falling into the water, and waited for the bottom of the river without moving.

It's just that the depth of the moat is obviously much deeper than what Ji Xiaoyan saw standing on the city wall of the City Lord's Mansion.

The moat of Qingcheng was built around the city, and there are buildings on both sides, and there are many NPC residents. Sometimes, for convenience, many NPCs will throw some unnecessary garbage into the moat.This tradition has been carried forward by all the NPCs since the time when the Lord Qingwan was there, so, speaking of it, the moat looks relatively clear on the surface, and the bottom of the river is basically a large area of ​​rubbish. piled up.

Of course, there must be some good things that fall in with an "accidental" attitude.

Ji Xiaoyan walked a few steps on the rubbish at the bottom of the river, when she heard the system remind her that she touched "a teapot that seems to be useful".

After bending down curiously to take the dusty and moss-covered teapot from the water, Ji Xiaoyan was a little puzzled.Logically speaking, in such a holographic online game, it is impossible for this kind of system prompt to appear.You know, she has been in the game for so long, and the system often prompts this thing, but when you need it, she just silently runs over the prompt bar and forgets it.If players don't turn over, sometimes they can't see anything!There is basically no situation where you actively prompt like now.

Therefore, Ji Xiaoyan became a little curious.Could it be that the system prompts that sometimes it needs to choose a place for operation?
Smiling silently, Ji Xiaoyan took a serious look at the teapot, and only said one sentence in the attribute, this teapot is the favorite of a scholar named Xu in Qingcheng!As for why it appeared at the bottom of the moat and was buried for several years, there was nothing!

However, Ji Xiaoyan also knows that, generally speaking, this thing can be regarded as a task item.Thinking that he could take this thing to do some small tasks in the future, and his own package had enough space, Ji Xiaoyan threw the things into the package without hesitation, and then continued to walk on the bottom of the river.

Afterwards, she found a lot of things that looked like mission props.There are silk scarves, rings, weapons, materials, wood, tools, etc. You can basically find one by walking a short distance.Even Ji Xiaoyan accidentally picked up a bottle of Shiquan Dabu Wan at the bottom of the river, which can be used as a task item and can be used.It is said that it can restore all the status in an instant, and there is no side effect after that, and the cooling time is 1 minutes!

This thing is simply a top-grade pill that exists like a bug.

"Qingcheng, there really are a lot of good things!" Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but sighed in his heart. After putting away this bottle of magic medicine, he began to think about whether he should walk around the moat first, or go find it first. Old Man Qingya or Ghost Map, Shendrill and other NPCs gather together!
"Hey, where are people?" At this time, Ziyan Liuli also crossed the small bridge on the moat, ran to the riverside of the city lord's mansion, and then found a laundry room for NPCs. Cai's pier looked towards the surface of the moat, "It's been down for so long, didn't it float over? Isn't the current coming in this direction? Could it be that the river has sunk."

At this time, Ji Xiaoyan happened to be near the pier, heard a faint human voice, looked up at the water, and saw the looming figure on the stone steps of the pier by the moat, poking his head for a few minutes. After that, the person on the stone steps muttered a few words, and then it seemed that the color of the clothes changed.

Before Ji Xiaoyan had time to think about it, he saw that figure who was still on the stone steps just now fell into the water with a plop, and then began to swim upstream in the moat.

"Could it be that the moat of Qingcheng can be used for swimming?" Ji Xiaoyan was a little surprised to see the figure above his head paddling in the water, and then looked at the rubbish on the ground under his feet, and couldn't help sighing. After thinking about it for a while, I still feel that I can see the stone steps of the pier anyway, so I should just go ashore.As for the bottom of the moat, anyway, she still has water-proof props on her body, so it's okay to come and explore slowly later.

So, looking in amazement at the figure paddling vigorously on the river, as if looking for something, Ji Xiaoyan calmly stepped up the stone steps of the pier step by step, and then walked out of the water.

Because although the water of the moat is a bit clear, it can't stand where the depth is, so Ziyan Liuli can only see a small part of the underwater situation on the river surface, but can't see the bottom of the water.Therefore, after searching for a long time without seeing Ji Xiaoyan's figure, he got impatient with the water and prepared to take a look.

Outside the game, Ziyan Liuli can also swim, so she didn't worry about drowning at all. After entering the water, she swam upstream and carefully searched underwater.She thought she could easily find the conspicuous clothes of the NPC she saw even if she fell into the water, but who knows, she swam in the moat for a long time and saw nothing, except for the green eyes. Except for some transparent running water, I couldn't see anything.

Ziyan Liuli paused in the river a little discouraged, opened her eyes wide and looked around unwillingly, and finally took a look at her own endurance with some unwillingness, turned around and prepared to swim back to the pier, but in the end After she turned around, Ziyan Liuli instantly saw the figure she had been looking for for a long time, walking calmly from the stone steps of the pier to the river bank
"Wiping" Ziyan Liuli's eyes widened instantly, she looked at the figure on the stone steps in disbelief, couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief, then immediately swam her arms and swam vigorously towards the pier Going over, she was going to talk to the NPC who "threw himself into the river" she fancy first.Only at this time, Ziyan Liuli couldn't help but be thankful that there were no players or NPCs nearby.

"Wait. Wait!" Ziyan Liuli saw that Ji Xiaoyan's body was completely out of the water, stepped onto the stone steps and was about to go up, and hurriedly shouted: "Wait for me!!"

Hearing the sound, Ji Xiaoyan turned around with some doubts and saw the figure of the "swimming" girl on the river, and saw that she was swimming vigorously at the moment, while waving at her and saying, "Wait for me"

"We know each other?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Ziyan Liuli in the river very strangely and asked. Seeing that she didn't answer, but kept swimming towards her, she stopped after thinking about it, turned around and sat down. On the stone steps of the pier, he watched her swim over earnestly, but thought about it in his heart.She left the game for a few days, but it's been more than a month in the game, she doesn't know many things, ask this girl in front of her who obviously looks like a player with equipment, she can still get a lot of news, right?

Thinking of Ji Xiaoyan, he calmed down, and while looking at the female player in the water with a look of fear that she would leave with a funny face, he thought about what to ask later.

"Cough cough, cough cough!" Ziyan Liuli put her hands on the stone steps of the pier with her last bit of strength, then took a deep breath and began to cough.In order to fear that the NPC in front of her would go away, she used all her energy to feed her. If she had known that this NPC would come out of the water, she would not have jumped into the river to look for it!Thinking of this, Ziyan Liuli couldn't help but looked at Ji Xiaoyan with some complaints and said, "This...sister, if I knew that you didn't need to be rescued if you jumped into the river, I wouldn't go into the water to save you."

"Are you here to save me?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at Ziyan Liuli in surprise, "I thought you came to swim in the water!"

"Who is so bored and has nothing to swim in the water!" Ziyan Liuli rolled her eyes, and suddenly thought that Ji Xiaoyan in front of her jumped out of the city lord's mansion, and must be some NPC in the city lord's mansion, so she immediately corrected her attitude Quite a few, and then said: "I just accidentally saw my sister standing on the city wall as if you were about to jump, so I was afraid that something might happen to you, so I came here to save you."

"You are really kind!" Ji Xiaoyan smiled dryly.I also understood in my heart that when ordinary players see her, except for players who know her and have special skills like the girl with purple bubble coffee, in the eyes of the rest of the players, she is an NPC. Wherever you look, it looks like this.The female player in front of me just thought she was some kind of NPC and wanted to get some missions from her, so she rushed over to rescue her, right?
However, this girl is really honest.Seeing the NPC jumping into the river, she also jumped down to save
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but looked at Ziyan Liuli and smiled slightly.However, her smile made Ziyan Liuli think that her actions caught the eyes of the NPC in front of her, and she was overjoyed instantly, and then she climbed up from the stone steps and sat down on her buttocks. By Ji Xiaoyan's side
(End of this chapter)

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