Chapter 988
As for the scene of NPC swearing at the street, it is probably not easy to see it in the game.However, in Qingcheng, which is already considered a closed map, many players are fortunate enough to be able to see this landscape every day.Of course, this is also because it is too boring for everyone to be locked up here, so they just look around for fun.

Therefore, it was very easy for Ji Xiaoyan to find such a place.I caught two NPCs directly on the road to confirm the direction, then passed through the alley, and saw the old man Qingmi on the avenue, surrounded by players sitting on the ground around him, with a thick-skinned blue Color foam coffee two siblings
"Shendrill, Guitu, you two brats, if you have the ability to instruct others to go to the city lord's mansion to move things and hide them in the house, why don't you come out and show your face? You two bastards are relying on you, so Did you drive me out just now? Let me tell you, I, Qing Mi, am not afraid of your ability, so I will come out! Come out, come out to show me how good you are? Look at us Qingshimen is easy to bully, isn’t it? Lao Tzu Let me tell you, I am very powerful. If you have the guts, come out and fight alone." The old man Qing Mi put his hips on his hips, and he didn't look angry at all, he just roared and said loudly towards the two beautiful houses on both sides of the street.

There are quite a few players on the ground beside the old man Qing Mi holding water bottles and cups, holding snacks, and looking at the old man Qing Mi with a smile on their faces, as if they were waiting for him to say that he was tired, and immediately handed over things , Let him take a good rest.

"It seems that Uncle Qingmi's life is very chic." Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but sighed in his heart, which made him feel a little troubled.From where she is standing now to the old man Qingmi, at least dozens of players must pass by, and the surrounding crowd, except for those who have no money to sit in the restaurants and teahouses on both sides of the street, there are many players on the street Yes, if she rashly went out and called old man Qingmi and the others, she might not be able to leave.
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help hiding himself in the alleyway.

"Elder Qing, please drink water."

"Elder Qing, eat snacks, eat snacks!"

The old man Qingmi howled twice again, and the two players sitting on the ground next to him quickly passed the things in their hands in front of him, and then said flatteringly, "Elder Qing, moisten your throat and fill your stomach. Have the strength to continue!!"

"Yes, yes!" The players around said with bright eyes.

"Hmm! You guys are pretty good!" Hearing this, the old man Qingmi looked at the players with satisfaction, then took the food and drink in his hands, and while putting them in his mouth with satisfaction, he said: "Don't worry, I will remember you all. I will definitely give you some benefits later on. Do you have any money with you, boy? Go and buy some meat for me."

"Oh!" As soon as the old man Qingmi finished speaking, Ji Xiaoyan saw the blue frothy coffee responding to the old man Qingmi, and then pulled the purple frothy coffee and turned around and walked towards a place where there were fewer people.

The two players holding the food and water looked at it, and complained to the old man Qingmi with some displeasure: "Elder Qing, we have money on us, if you want to eat, just let us go! The two of them are poor Ghost, the meat I bought for you is not the best in Qingcheng."

"You don't have to worry about it! You just need to lift the things for me!" The old man Qing Mi waved his hand impatiently, and said to the two players: "If you are tired. Hey, is there still a queue at the back? Who is going to lift things up for me?"

"I, I, I"

"Elder Qing, I'm the one in front, it's my turn."

"Elder Qing, Elder Qing. You chose the people over there yesterday, and it's time to choose us today."

"Elder Qing, Elder Qing."

It seems that the job of lifting things for old man Qingya is very promising!Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help laughing in his heart and shook his head, then put the cloak hat on his head, and then followed the two brothers and sisters in purple bubble coffee along the street, planning to meet them first.

The two brothers and sisters in Blue Foam Coffee are very poor, Ji Xiaoyan knows this, and old man Qingmi also knows this.However, old man Qingya, this NPC, is still unwilling to leave the food in the hands of other adventurers, why?Aren't you afraid that some players will be bought by those two bastards, Shendrill or Guitu?

At the beginning, he didn't know, so he was careless and ate a player's filial wine and meat. Fortunately, there was no poison in the food, just some laxatives, but it also made him, a self-respecting elder of Qingshimen, depressed for a long time .After having diarrhea for a long time, he didn't even find the player who framed him. Isn't this slapping him in the face of the elder of Qingshimen?So, the old man Aomi, who learned how to be good, was no longer willing to eat the filial things of other players, and asked the players to give food, just to find coolies, enjoy it by himself, and take a look, who is like a ghost? Tu and Shendrill are just spies sent by those two bastards!

As for how the old man Qingya knew that the player was sent by Guitu and Shendrill. Is it still a guess?If it wasn't them, who else in Qingcheng would dare to attack him, the elder of Qingshimen!

The two brothers and sisters of Blue Foam Coffee also knew that the old man Aingi had diarrhea because of the victimization, so they were so willing to buy food for him.As for the gold coins, the old man Qingmi also said that now they are piling up first, and they will ask Miss Ji Xiaoyan to return them later, so the two brothers and sisters are willing to suffer a bit and hold on first.

It's just that the days without gold and silver coins in this bag are still not easy.

"Brother, when do you think the Deputy City Master Xiaoyan will go online? We don't have much money, and we probably won't be able to survive another two days. What if Master Qingmi still has to eat?" Purple Bubble Coffee dragged her brother with some embarrassment, and while walking, couldn't help asking, "We can't ask for money from other players, so should we sell the equipment in the end?"

Blue Foam Coffee turned his head and touched her sister's head, thought for a while, and then smiled: "What are you worrying about so much now? When you have no money, wait until you have no money! Don't you still have so much money now?" Let’s get over it first! Uncle Qingmi also knows our situation, so it’s good that he didn’t ask to eat those big fish and meat! It’s just some ordinary meat, and the money here, brother, is still enough to last a few meals.”

"It would be great if the friends of Deputy City Master Xiaoyan were here!" Purple Bubble Coffee nodded obediently, and then said with emotion: "That child-like NPC seems to be called Xuan Mo, brother, I heard Qing Mi Uncle Shi and Deputy City Master Xiaoyan seem to have called it that way before!"

"Hmm! That's the name!" Blue Foam Coffee nodded and continued to walk forward.

"Brother, where did Xuan Mo and the others go? After the deputy city lord Xiaoyan went offline, they all followed the NPC in black. At the beginning, I thought they would all follow Uncle Qingmi. I didn't expect They all followed the man in black and took the NPCs of the Giants away! By the way, brother, have the NPCs of the Giants returned to their place of residence? It’s not that the matter of Qingcheng is over, they are about to Are they moving out of Qingcheng? Why are they still not leaving? I heard Master Qingmi complain that the group of NPCs from the Juli clan are for the treasures in the treasure house of Qingcheng, is that so?" Purple foam coffee followed her As the elder brother walked, he looked up at him curiously and asked.

"It should be! Master Qing Mi's words should not be false." Blue Bubble Coffee thought for a second, then nodded.

"Brother, where did that black-clothed NPC take Xuan Mo and the others? Did he go to the Juli tribe?" Purple Bubble Coffee continued to ask.

"I don't know about that!" Blue Foam Coffee shook his head, and stopped in front of a restaurant that didn't look very luxurious, then walked in and ordered a take-away meat. Only then pulled the purple foam coffee out of the gate of the restaurant, and then found that there seemed to be a black shadow by the door, looked up, the two brothers and sisters of the blue foam coffee were stunned for an instant, and then their eyes brightened in surprise!
"Long time no see!" Ji Xiaoyan looked at the two siblings and greeted them with a smile, then pointed to the bag of food in their hands and asked, "Bought for Uncle Qingmi?"

"Well, Vice City, when did you go online!" Blue Bubble Coffee almost called out the title, but after realizing that Ji Xiaoyan was wearing a cloak, as if trying to hide it, he quickly stopped, looked at her and asked.

"It hasn't been long!" Ji Xiaoyan replied with a smile, and then said: "Let's not stop here and disturb other people's business."

"Hmm!" Blue Bubble Coffee glanced at the NPCs and players in the restaurant curiously, then nodded, and followed Ji Xiaoyan with his younger sister who was obviously in a daze. Asked: "How did you get out of the city lord's mansion? Where are there so many players, and you haven't been besieged?"

"I climbed the wall and jumped out of the river!" Ji Xiaoyan turned his head, with a smile on his face, but looked at the purple foam coffee seriously and said, seeing that they were all stunned, he said: "But fortunately, after I came out , but it didn’t attract many people’s attention. I just followed you all the way here, and Zi Mo said that they followed others? Don’t you know where they went?”

"I don't know!" Blue Foam Coffee shook his head and said, "Uncle Qing Mi didn't have time to stop them, so I always regretted that they left, leaving him here didn't even have any good food. By the way, When you came out of the city lord's mansion, did you see the nightmare cleaner? He has been waiting for you in the city lord's mansion. Uncle Qingmi, that black-clothed NPC, and the people in Shacheng have all said, If he dares not to give you something, he will be sent to torture him once a day. He is miserable."

(End of this chapter)

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