The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 989 The little girl who was fooled

Chapter 989 The little girl who was fooled
By the time Ji Xiaoyan and Blue Bubble Coffee walked to the old man Qingmi's place while chatting about things in Qingcheng in a low voice, a lot of time had passed.

Looking at the players sitting on the ground surrounding the old man Qingmi from a distance, Ji Xiaoyan still found a relatively secluded place, gave instructions to the blue foam coffee, and then hid with the purple foam coffee Get up, watching the blue bubble coffee take the bag of meat bought for the old man Qingya, directly step over the layers of players, and walk towards the old man Qingmi.

"Why did you come back so late? It's just buying a piece of meat. Does it take so much time?" The old man Qing Mi turned his head and yelled at him when the blue frothy coffee was approaching him, unsurprisingly, Then he snatched the package from his hand with some discomfort, opened it, and said to the other players: "Okay, okay, it's already noon, what are you going to do in the morning? This is the end of the activity, and those who want to raise a plate to honor Lao Tzu, come back in the afternoon. Let's go! I'm going to eat lunch!!"

After finishing speaking, the old man Qingya gestured directly towards the blue foam coffee, asking him to take back everything from the hands of several players who helped hold the trays and wine bottles.

"Hurry up, hurry up!" Qingmi old man waved impatiently at the surrounding players and said a few words, then he found a corner on his own, and ate something while half-closing his eyes. I know what to think.

The players around didn't mind at all, and they left in groups of three and two.Every day at noon, the old man Qingmi has such a fixed time to rest and eat, and drive them away.On the first day, some players were unwilling to leave, but after the old man Qingmi threw them away with force, everyone knew the rules tacitly. As long as the old man Qingmi opened his mouth, no one dared to stay in his sight .No one wants to offend the NPC and let him kill himself in the city, right?
Although it is still in the state of city warfare, experience will not be lost after hanging up, but there is still a few percent chance of dropping equipment!Moreover, the most important thing is that they are still counting on getting some benefits from the NPC of Qingshimen in front of them. No one wants to be affected by disobedience and living here, right?
Blue Foam Coffee watched all the players around him leave with a smile, and after the entire street was emptied, he took a deep breath, and then heard the old man Qingmi ask in a serious tone: " Why are you sighing? Tell me, why did you waste so much time buying meat today? No money?"

"One more thing." Blue Foam Coffee quickly replied, then looked at old man Qingmi, moved closer to his side, and said, "Master, I have good news for you! Deputy City Master Xiaoyan is back."

"What did you say?" The old man Qingmi was startled, he didn't even eat the meat in his hand, he stared at the blue foam coffee and asked, "Did you kid me? That girl Xiaoyan is now Where? In the city lord's mansion?"

"No, no!" Blue Foam Coffee said hastily, "Uncle, don't get excited, there are so many adventurers on both sides of the street staring at you in the restaurant. Deputy City Lord Xiaoyan came out of the City Lord's Mansion. It is said that She jumped out of the river because there is no one in the city lord's mansion, so she can only come out to find you."

"Then where is she now? You didn't call her over?" Qing Mi tried his best to suppress the excited expression on his face, then asked while looking at the blue frothy coffee.

"It's in the alley over there, with my sister!" Blue Foam Coffee quickly replied, and then said: "It's just that there are too many people paying attention to you, uncle, if you leave rashly, you will definitely Keep up with many tails. If there are too many adventurers, it will not be good for Deputy City Master Xiaoyan! Moreover, Deputy City Master Xiaoyan said, she is going to find you after the rendezvous, and then look for those who followed the black The friends who left the clothes are the ones named Xuan Mo, and then they are going to go to the city lord's mansion together to open the treasure house."

"Has she got the key?" Old Man Qing Mi nodded and asked.

"I got it! As soon as she appeared, she met the adventurer named Nightmare Cleaner, and got the key!" Blue Foam Coffee nodded and said to Old Man Qingya, then looked at him, waiting for him Got an idea!Anyway, he brought it up, and he just needs to do it according to their instructions.

Sure enough, after hearing the words of the blue foam coffee, the old man Qingya nodded in satisfaction immediately, and then resumed the action of eating just now, and after filling all the food in his mouth, he stood up with a smile on his face , and said to the blue foam coffee: "In this case, then you go to Xiaoyan and tell her to wait for me at the settlement of the Juli tribe. After I get rid of those adventurers, I will come Meet you guys."

"Ah?" Blue Foam Coffee raised his head to look at old man Qingmi in surprise, and saw that he was smiling, not as if he was joking, so he asked, "Then Master, you are going to get all those adventurers out of here now." lead away?"

"Of course! Xiaoyan finally came back. If I don't hurry up to join her and find a way to get Qingcheng into my hands, how can I be safe! You don't even look at it. There are still people in Qingcheng. There are quite a few people who are ready to receive the fruits of victory." The old man Qingmi slapped the blue foam coffee, and then said: "Okay, you leave quickly to find Xiaoyan, I will take those who are going to follow me Get rid of them all, and then come to you hahaha, I am looking forward to what the faces of those two bastards, Guitu and Shendiao, will turn into."

As soon as the voice fell, the blue bubble coffee hadn't even had time to get up from the stone steps where he was sitting, when he saw the old man Qingmi walking happily to the other side of the street.At this moment, after the players in the restaurants and teahouses on both sides of the street were stunned for several seconds, they finally confirmed that the old NPC man who did things the same every day, rain or shine, had a new move!So, in less than 1 minute, a lot of players rushed out of the restaurants and teahouses on both sides of the street, and ran directly to the old man Qingya and followed him!
On the contrary, there were still a few excited players who ran up to Blue Bubble Coffee, caught him and asked him what the old man Qingya said to him, what he was going to do, and so on!The blue frothy coffee was stunned for a few seconds, and then he choked out a sentence: "The NPC said that he remembered that there was something he hadn't done yet, and he seemed to be short of helpers if he wanted to do something."

"Then why didn't you follow?" Some players questioned instantly.

"He said that I don't have enough money on me, I'm a poor man, and I can't help you." Blue Bubble Coffee closed his eyes and lied without changing his face.

As a result, many players who knew that the blue foam coffee brothers and sisters bought things for the old man Qing Mi every day, which cost a lot and were almost out of money, immediately believed his statement, and immediately left the blue foam coffee to chase after Qing Mi. The old man has gone.The NPCs who have been paying attention for so long have moved, if they still foolishly refuse to follow, then they are fools.
After sitting there for a while, Blue Bubble Coffee lifted his feet and left. After carefully checking that no one was following him along the street, he entered the alleyway, met Ji Xiaoyan, and relayed the old man Qingmi's words. Once again, and then the three of them walked carefully towards the Juli tribe's settlement.

The settlement of the Juli tribe is right next to the moat of Qingcheng, so it is not difficult to find it. You only need to find the moat, and you will be able to go around to the Juli tribe by walking straight along.However, Ji Xiaoyan didn't know if it was because of his bad luck, or because he was too predestined with that female player named Ziyan Liuli.She and the two brothers and sisters of Purple Foam Coffee had just walked along the moat when they saw the girl Ziyan Liuli coming towards them. After that, they didn't even have time to hide when Ziyan Liuli saw them.

"Ah! Sister, we met again." Ziyan Liuli originally thought that she and Ji Xiaoyan would have to complete all the tasks before they could meet. She never thought that she would send something back to the original owner of the NPC. After receiving some small rewards, he met Ji Xiaoyan, an NPC who jumped into the river.

"What a coincidence!" Ji Xiaoyan's eyelids couldn't help but twitch, and he looked at Ziyan Liuli dryly and said.

The two brothers and sisters in the purple bubble coffee looked at Ziyan Liuli, and then at Ji Xiaoyan, they did not say a word in a tacit understanding, but just stayed quietly.

It's just that they didn't speak, it doesn't mean that Ziyan Liuli didn't see them.

"Sister, is there anything else you need to help with? Why don't you call me? If you only call this brother and sister, there must be insufficient manpower." Ziyan Liuli glanced at the two brothers and sisters of Purple Bubble Coffee with shining eyes, and immediately He said to Ji Xiaoyan with some self-recommendation.

Ji Xiaoyan saw the enthusiasm of the girl Ziyan Liuli, and wanted to say that she didn't need any help, but thought that if she said that, the girl in front of her would definitely ask all kinds of questions, and in the end she would attract The other players watched. Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan immediately smiled faintly, looked at Ziyan Liuli and asked, "Have you finished all the things I entrusted to you?" So little!As long as you do enough gestures, I believe you can fool the little girl in front of you.
"I've already returned one thing to its original owner!" Ziyan Liuli immediately puffed up her chest when she heard Ji Xiaoyan's words, and said, "I'm about to send another one. Anything can be left to me.”

"Yes!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, seeing the purple glazed eyes brighten up a little more, and then said: "However, you may not be able to help me with what I have to do now. If you send the thing in your hand to When we go back, we can talk about it later.”

So, her delivery is a pre-mission?Ziyan Liuli's mind turned quickly, and she immediately thought of this possibility.

 PS: Thanks for the pink ticket of "Daydream"!

(End of this chapter)

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