Chapter 990 Convergence
No matter what kind of thoughts the girl Ziyan Liuli had in her mind, Ji Xiaoyan saw that the girl didn't ask to follow them to leave, so she quickly took the two brothers and sisters with purple foam coffee and walked along the street beside the moat. Went to the settlement of the Juli tribe.

It was not easy for Ji Xiaoyan to find the settlement of the Juli tribe, but he did not find any house with an open door outside.Blue Bubble Coffee went up to several places and knocked on the door, but without exception, there was no response.

"Could it be that the members of the Juli clan have all moved away?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at the two brothers and sisters in the blue foam coffee with some doubts and asked.She hasn't been in the game for a while, and the things in the game are basically what others say, so she doesn't know whether the NPCs of the Juli clan have left or not.It's just that the current situation seems to be that there is no one in the house of the Juli clan, but if so many NPCs with huge bodies leave Qingcheng, how can there be no players or NPCs to see it and spread some news come out?
"We've never heard such news." Sure enough, upon hearing Ji Xiaoyan's words, Blue Bubble Coffee immediately shook his head and said to her, "Most of Qingcheng is now players. If there is any news, it will not only appear on the forum, but also spread word of mouth among the players in Qingcheng. When Uncle Qingmi stood outside the city lord's mansion and scolded those NPCs in Shacheng some time ago, many players came to watch On the one hand, it is to get some missions from Master Qingmi, and on the other hand, it is also to exchange the news I have received, and to listen to what is going on every day in Qingcheng. An NPC race like the Juli Clan Leaving Qingcheng must be a big deal, no matter how careful you are, someone will definitely see it. As long as someone finds out, there will be no news in Qingcheng."

"What if a player knows the news and doesn't say it?" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while and then said.

"Impossible!" Blue Foam Coffee shook his head, and then said: "You may not know, ever since the two NPCs in Shacheng lived outside the City Lord's Mansion with the attitude of taking over Qingcheng, there has been an announcement , said that as long as the player has any news, they can report it, as long as the news has enough weight, they can get rewards, and the player must stand outside the house where the two live and say it in front of many players, so for general news, everyone will know."

"Then how many players have been rewarded so far?" Ji Xiaoyan was a little curious.How generous are the two NPCs Shendrill and Ghost Map?
"Not a single one!" Blue Foam Coffee shook his head and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "There is really no news about Qingcheng recently. Of course, if it is reported that you are online, the weight of this news is probably enough to receive a reward !"

Hearing this, Ji Xiaoyan smiled immediately, and then said to the blue frothy coffee: "Then why don't you try it? Maybe you can get a lot of good things."

"Forget it, I'm not that stupid yet!" Blue Bubble Coffee gave Ji Xiaoyan a blank look, and then said: "At that time, it may not be rewarded, and it will cause a whole lot of trouble!" Isn't it?Old man Qingya alone will definitely deal with them badly, not to mention if some players know that they have won the reward, can the two brothers and sisters have a good life?It's no wonder they are hunted down every day, and they don't have a gang to cover them
When Ji Xiaoyan heard the words, he immediately smiled, then found a small step and sat down a little bored, looking at the surrounding scenery with a little absent-minded eyes.

There were not many surprises in the old man Qingya's side.After leading the players around and around in the streets and alleys of Qingcheng for a few times, the old man Qingmi directly found an old tree and squatted down, watching the wave after wave of players all come from After rushing past under him, he smiled and clapped his hands, jumped down from the tree, laughed twice in the direction where the players left, and then turned towards the settlement of the Juli tribe ran over.

Ji Xiaoyan and Blue Bubble Coffee squatted in the territory of the Juli clan for a long time, and finally saw the old man Qingmi.

"Uncle!" Ji Xiaoyan stood up from the steps in surprise and excitement, and hurriedly shouted at the old man Qingmi who had already entered her line of sight, "You are finally here!"

"Xiaoyan girl" the old man Qingmi shouted excitedly at Ji Xiaoyan, quickly quickened his pace, walked towards her from the entrance of the alleyway, and kept saying: "You are finally back. You are finally back I thought I would have to wait for you for a long time, you stinky girl, you walked away for so long, and you didn't know to come back and tell my uncle, I made me lose face by going to Shendrill and Ghost Map every day."

"Master, you have wronged me." Ji Xiaoyan took two steps forward, and supported the old man Qingmi. After feeling his slightly trembling hands, he let out a deep breath. Said to the old man Qingmi: "Uncle Shi, I made you worry."

"You girl still know I'm worried about you!" Old man Qingmi's eyes could not contain a smile and comfort.He just said, the disciple he recognized by Qing Mi could be wrong?look at this attitude
"Yeah!" Ji Xiaoyan responded, and then continued with a smile: "But Shishu, you can't wrong me just because of this! I didn't ask you to go to Shendrill and Guitu every day to yell at Shendiao and Guitu. Tsk tsk, I really didn't expect that one day, Master Uncle, you would no longer care about your image."

"It's not because of you, girl!" The old man Qingmi immediately slapped Ji Xiaoyan across the face when he heard it, and then said: "I thought it was Guitu and the others who made you leave for so long. Although they all said you were You were recruited by the main god, but after you left, Ghost Map and Shendrill, they couldn't wait to choose a house and recruit adventurers everywhere. If you say they don't have any ideas, I don't believe it, you girl don't know! If I didn't stand there every day and scold them, I guess this Qingcheng would almost become theirs."

"Uncle Master, you are really amazing!" Ji Xiaoyan didn't care whether the facts were true or not, and quickly followed the old man Qingmi's words, and flattered her!Then he and old man Qingya began to chat slowly.

The old man Qingya's statement is basically the same as that of other people!The head of Qing Miao and the others have been away from Qingshimen for a long time, so they must go back to the Zhenzhen sect, so as not to have Xiaoxiao attack Qingshimen, right?That's why the old man Qingmi who was unwilling to leave was left behind, and he took all the other NPCs back.As for Xuan Mo and the others, after Ji Xiaoyan went offline, they were fooled away by Lin Qianye's NPC. They said that there are many good things in Qingcheng, so let Xuan Mo and the others go and have a look together. On the one hand, help Miss Ji Xiaoyan get some back, on the other hand, gain some social experience!
Of course, even if Xuan Mo and the others were unwilling to leave, Lin Qianye's NPC was too powerful.In the end, together with the Emek NPC who had been tied up all the time, Lin Qianye led them all away. "Master, I heard that they didn't come out with the Juli clan?" If he said that, he immediately glanced at Blue Bubble Coffee and the others, and asked old man Qingya.

"It's just that they came out together!" The old man Qingmi curled his lips, and then said: "Anyway, they are all in Qingcheng, and they must not go far. Our first task now is to go to the Juli tribe to see the situation. If they If we really leave, we don't have to fulfill the original promises. If we don't leave, girl, you can lead them to promise to stay and help you garrison Qingcheng in the future. If you accept this place in the future, if everyone helps garrison If it is, it is easy to be attacked.”

"Eh, is it that miserable?" Ji Xiaoyan's eyelids twitched, looking at old man Qingmi and asked.Generally speaking, siege should be very difficult, right?It seems that it is not difficult for them to fight in Qingcheng. It is also because she has the convenience of being an NPC, so she doesn't have to go outside the city to enter Qingcheng bit by bit!Moreover, she still remembers that after a successful siege in a normal game, there will be a part where monsters siege the city. If the player can't defend the city, the siege will be considered a failure! !Does she also have to go through such a link?
Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan's brain suddenly felt a little inadequate.Instead of worrying about whether future players can attack her city, she might as well worry about whether she can get Qingcheng first and defend it, just like old man Qingmi.

The old man Qingmi glanced at Ji Xiaoyan, saw the worried look on her face, then sighed, and said to her: "Girl, it's not that the uncle won't help you! When defending the city, we still have to rely on Yours! Our Qingshimen can help you attack Qingcheng, but it is impossible to become your affiliated sect. Therefore, after you officially own Qingcheng, we cannot help you defend the city! Therefore, you'd better have your own affiliated sect. Race and sect. Juli clan is a good choice!!"

"Then what if they leave?" Ji Xiaoyan nodded and asked worriedly while sighing.

"It's fine if you can't find them if they go far away; but if they don't go far, we'll chase them back." Old man Qingmi said without thinking, "If those guys from Shacheng stay If you help you defend the city, your life will be difficult in the future, but now it is really not easy to find a good one who can do things for you and become a subordinate race with peace of mind!"

"En!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded in understanding, then looked at the rows of houses of the Juli Clan, and asked old man Qingmi: "Then Master, should we go in and have a look?" Maybe there will be one or two people from the Juli clan in it?
 PS: Thank you "▂Grade☆Student" for the safety charm!
(End of this chapter)

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