The rookie of online games is crazy

Chapter 991 The Disappearing Juli Clan

Chapter 991 The Disappearing Juli Clan
The settlement of the Juli tribe is a series of tall stone houses connected one after another.And the residence of the head of the Juli tribe is the innermost room, because Ji Xiaoyan and the others have knocked on the door of the outer room, and after knowing that there is no one, the old man Qingmi directly brought Ji Xiaoyan and the blue foam coffee brothers and sisters , jumping in from those tall stone walls and eaves
Ji Xiaoyan and the others went in to take a closer look at the two-story stone houses outside, but there was no one there.And some of the furniture in the house are basically kept in their original state, and they don’t seem to be moved or emptied; there is still a lot of food in the kitchen, and it seems that the NPCs of the Juli tribe didn’t pack up and leave Qingcheng.

"This situation seems a bit abnormal." Old man Qingmi looked at the situation in the stone house with a heavy heart, frowned and said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Looking at it this way, these Juli clan The people should still be in Qingcheng, but I have scolded Guitu and Shendrill in front of their houses for so many days, but I haven’t heard any news about these Juli people from anyone. This situation is not quite right. !!"

"Then what should we do, uncle? Continue to go inside?" Ji Xiaoyan pursed his lips, looked deeper into the stone house, and asked old man Qingmi.

"Let's go! You won't be reconciled if you don't go over the situation here, right?" Qingmi old man thought for a while, raised his eyebrows and asked Ji Xiaoyan, and saw everyone nodded with a smile. Looking at the blue foam coffee, he asked, "Hey, boy, didn't you buy a lot of food for me a while ago, and you were hungry? Here, take a look at the kitchen here, what can you get? Put it in your bag."

"Ah?" Blue Bubble Coffee froze for a moment, looked at old man Qingmi in disbelief, and then at Ji Xiaoyan, before asking: "Master, are you joking! How can we take what we have?"

"What can't you take! I told you to take it, so you can take it. Anyway, if they put it here, they might break it! It's like you put it away first!" Qing Mi old man rolled his eyes at the blue foam coffee, and directly I grabbed a piece of meat from a kitchen table, threw it to the blue foam coffee and said, "Hurry up and pack as much as you can, and let Xiaoyan have time to cook for you later, so that I won't see you two every time They all look like starving ghosts, their eyes light up when they see food.”

Blue Foam Coffee blushed with embarrassment, glanced at the meat stuffed by old man Qingya in his hand, and then put the things into the package.The two brothers and sisters can't help it. As quasi-life players with low combat effectiveness, although they have a little bit of special skills, they can't live by going out to spawn monsters!This also caused them to worry about the endurance of this game character all day long!So of course, as long as they see food, they want to plan for the days when they have no money to buy food.
Thinking of this, Blue Bubble Coffee looked at Ji Xiaoyan involuntarily.Hey, when the two brothers and sisters can get along with the rich and powerful status of the deputy city lord of Shacheng in front of him, that would be great
"Hurry up and collect everything, and move everything that can be moved. Let's continue to look inside, we may not be able to find one or two gold coins, put them in your pockets for you two brothers and sisters!" Old Qing Mi said The bandit looked like he touched his chin, and was about to rob the place of the Juli clan!It's just that there are many things that players can't own, so they went all the way to the stone house where Ji Xiaoyan and the patriarch of the Juli clan met, and they didn't find too many things for the blue foam coffee!

"The patriarch of the Juli clan lives here?" Old man Qingmi looked at the stone house in front of him, pouted with some disdain, "It's worse than Lao Tzu's firewood house in Qingshimen!"

Ji Xiaoyan gave old man Qingmi a sideways look, but didn't answer.The life of the Juli clan in Qingcheng is better than the old man Qingmi's life in Qingshimen.
"Go, go in and have a look!" Old man Qingmi only stood there for a few seconds before pushing open the door of the stone house said to be where the patriarch lived.However, I thought that this door would be the same as the houses they had just inspected, and it would open with a push, but who knows, the old man Qingmi pushed four times in a row, but the door still did not move at all.
"I don't believe it anymore!!" The old man Qingmi blushed instantly, with a feeling of anger from embarrassment. He rolled up the sleeves of his clothes, spit on his hands, rubbed his hands, and then found someone he felt Good posture, pushing up the door with both hands, but, no matter how hard the old man Qingmi used, pushing with hands, pushing with his back, or pulling Ji Xiaoyan and the others to help, the result was still unable to shake the door. Strong door.

"Hey, this door is really evil!" Qingmi old man looked at the door a little angrily, and then said to Ji Xiaoyan: "Come, come, come, girl, I remember you seem to know that Plant a fire-type spell? Give me a fire seed, and burn this door to me!!"

"Master, this is not good!" Ji Xiaoyan was a little embarrassed.

"What's wrong!" Old Qing Mi asked with his eyes bulging, looking at Ji Xiaoyan.

"It's already a little wrong for us to enter without invitation. We even stole so many things from other people on the way, and now we have to burn their house, uncle. If this is discovered, how can we bring the Juli tribe to us in the future? Help defend the city." Ji Xiaoyan shook his head at old man Qingmi and said.

"I just took a little food, how can I take a lot!" Qingmi was stunned for a moment, and then said something to Ji Xiaoyan reluctantly, seeing that she just looked at him, then sighed and said: "It's up to you! What do you mean, we won't go in and take a look? This room is so tight, maybe there is something wrong in it! You really don't want to go in and take a look?"

"Forget it, uncle, this place is also the territory of the Juli clan. We are a bit like robbers and thieves. Besides, the supplies are locked, so there must be something important inside." Ji Xiaoyan looked at Qing in embarrassment. Old man Mi said, "It's really not good for us to be like this."

"Cut!" The old man Qingmi curled his lips, looked at the gate again with some reluctance, and then said: "Since we don't look here, we have almost finished checking around here! None of the people from the Juli Clan are there. Where are we going to find someone now? Lin Qianye, that bastard, too, dragged Xuan Mo and they disappeared to nowhere.”

When Ji Xiaoyan heard the words, he also sighed not that right?I thought that when I went online, my NPC servants and pets would still be waiting in place, but who knows, what I saw was the man from the nightmare cleaner!After he stuffed the key of the treasury in his arms indiscriminately, she came out from near the treasury of the city lord's mansion with her eyes smeared.
"Forget it, girl! Anyway, I can do it with your uncle. Let's go back to the city lord's mansion and find the town stone. But, you girl can't call those two bastards, Ghost Map and Shendrill, otherwise the city will be cleared in the future." You don’t have the final say if you say it’s not necessarily the case, you know?” Qing Mi looked at Ji Xiaoyan and said seriously.

"Well, I know this!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded, and after telling old man Qingmi the news that Jiajia helped her hear from those city guards, Ji Xiaoyan saw old man Qingmi's eyes begin to flicker. lit up.

"Hahaha, what a good girl! You won't agree with them living in Qingcheng later, and you won't give them the right of residence, and the right to place a teleportation formation between Qingcheng and Shacheng." Qing Mi laughed and put his hands on his hips. , patted Ji Xiaoyan on the shoulder twice, and then said, "Let's go, let's open the treasure house first! It happens that Lin Qianye's bastard is not here, so we can dig out the sacred artifact of the Juli clan first." What is it like"

"But, uncle, when I came out, I jumped out of the city wall of the city lord's mansion. If I want to go in, do I go in from there again?" Ji Xiaoyan thought for a while, looked at the old man Qingmi with some embarrassment and asked, "Or, let's wait until night before going back to the City Lord's Mansion! In broad daylight, if someone finds out, it will be troublesome to turn back!" I was afraid that some players would find them by then, so they ran to give Shendrill and Gui Picture those two NPCs reporting the letter, when the time comes, the treasure house will not be theirs to decide! !Thinking of this, Ji Xiaoyan couldn't help but want to sigh a little. If I had known earlier, I would have asked old man Qingmi to keep some disciples from Qingshimen in Qingcheng to help.
"That's right!" Old man Qingmi thought for a moment, then nodded, "Okay, then we'll act again at night! Who, take out the things you just looted, and ask Xiaoyan girl to make something to eat, I'm really worried When you reach a critical moment, you say that you have nothing to eat, and your hungry feet are weak and you can’t do your work.”

Originally, Blue Foam Coffee, who was still excited when he heard old man Qing Mi said that he would take them to the treasure house, immediately gave Ji Xiaoyan an awkward look, and lowered his head to rummage through the package with his sister, and stopped talking.

"By the way, girl, do you still have any money on you? The two brothers and sisters have seen it for you, and their character is not bad! A few days ago, I knew that I was hungry and bought food for my uncle and me. Take a look. Return the money to them!" The old man Qingmi didn't seem to blush at all, he said something to Ji Xiaoyan carelessly, and then said to himself: "I'll go around and see if I find anything , you wait here for me."

After finishing speaking, Ji Xiaoyan and the others saw old man Qingmi disappearing from their sight.

 PS: Thank you "▂Grade☆Student" for the safety charm!Thank you for the peace talisman "From now on"!
(End of this chapter)

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