Chapter 992

In the end, after the old man Qingmi swept away all the settlements of the Juli tribe, he only found some usable kitchen supplies and food consumables, not even a single NPC of the Juli tribe.

"I don't know where these bastards have gone! Such a big man, how could he leave the settlement without anyone seeing him?" Qing Mi threw the things he found in front of Ji Xiaoyan and the others, complaining. Turning to Ji Xiaoyan and the others, he said, "Tell me, how could there be so many members of the Juli clan disappear suddenly? Judging by their current situation in this room, they don't seem to have left! Guess, Where did they disappear to? Xiaoyan girl, do you think it is possible that they ran into a secret passage? "

"Secret way?" Ji Xiaoyan was drinking blue frothy coffee at the moment, and they were helping to cook something on a simple stove made of stones. Hearing old man Qingmi's words, he was stunned, and then suddenly thought of the time when he entered the game. , The soldier who never knew her family brought her the words.The seemingly unknown game characters are still locked in the secret passage.
"That's right! In addition to being able to live here, the people of the Juli clan in Qingcheng can't hide their bodies? If they hadn't gone to the secret path, how could they not be here! The city lord's mansion is haunted by ghosts They cleared the field, they can’t be there!” Qingmi old man rubbed his chin and said analytically, then looked at Ji Xiaoyan’s busy work with some dissatisfaction, and said to her: “You girl is also stupid Yes, there is a kitchen in the house over there, why don’t you use it? Do you need to build stones here to cook?”

"The kitchen tool is too big, I can't use it!" Ji Xiaoyan didn't even look at the old man Qingmi, and said something directly to him, and then continued the topic just now: "Master, according to your intention, the giant Why did the Li clan go to the secret path? Shall we go down and have a look?"

"Without Xuanmo, you can come back after you go?" Qingmi said with a curled lip, "Let's talk about it after you get Qingcheng in your hands and have the map of secret roads! Hey, now we can only take one step at a time, no The Juli clan will help you defend the city, you just have to see if you can find adventurers to help you defend the city! Girl, don’t you have many adventurer friends? I remember one called what came to the fallen leaves? I remember them this time But you brought a lot of people to help you attack the city, why don't you just ask, how about letting them help you defend the city in the future?"

"Well, I'll ask later!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded.Now Falling Leaves Flying Flying and the others haven't received the news that she's online, and they can't get in touch. We can only discuss this matter later!
"Well, I see that kid is not bad!" Old Qing Mi nodded and said with satisfaction, "It's just that you have to explain to them first when you turn around, that there will be a lot of casualties when defending the city, so they have to be prepared. That's fine! However, there are still a lot of good things in Qingcheng's treasure house, and when the time comes, girl, you can get some of them as rewards to motivate them!"

"Uncle, isn't it too early to say this?" Ji Xiaoyan looked at the old man Qingmi and said helplessly, "We don't know how much of the things in the treasury are usable yet!" is not that right? Many players can only look at NPC stuff, but can't use it!The treasure house of Qingcheng, to put it bluntly, is basically collected by the Lord Qingwan, and most of it should be used by NPCs.
"Just think about where it is first!" The old man Qingmi seemed to have reacted, then curled his lips, scratched his head, said something to Ji Xiaoyan, and then asked: "How long will it take for you to eat this?" Can we fix it? Seeing that it will be dark soon, can dinner be served on time?"

"Well! Soon!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded.

"Who the hell, let's go, tell me to look for the lighting tools in the house! If it's dark and we can't even find a light, we'll have to eat in the dark later." Qingmi old man said directly to the blue foam coffee He said a word, regardless of whether he agreed or not, he was dragged directly from the ground, and then he was dragged towards the surrounding stone houses, and randomly entered one of them.

When Ji Xiaoyan was almost ready to eat, old man Qingmi and Blue Foam Coffee also brought back a lamp taller than her.

"Master, why did you come back with such a big lamp? Just find a small one!" Ji Xiaoyan looked at the old man Qingmi in surprise, holding his breath, and raised the stone lamp with a bang After putting it on the ground, I asked, "Can this lamp be turned on?"

"Why can't it? There's a lot of lamp oil in it!" Old man Qingmi wiped the sweat from his brow before exhaling and said, "This is already the smallest stone lamp I can find! Do you think I want to carry such a heavy lamp?" Come here? Hehe, have you finished your dinner yet? I’m starving to death!”

"Okay, okay!" Ji Xiaoyan nodded quickly, and while putting things on the ground with the purple foam coffee, he said to the old man Qingmi doubtfully: "Master, I remember the last time I came here , I have seen that the Juli tribe has that kind of relatively small lamp, have you not found it?"

"No!" Old Man Qingmi frowned upon hearing this, "You remember correctly?"

"Absolutely not!" Ji Xiaoyan said with certainty, "When Sabrina took me around here, she always held a small lamp. How could I remember it wrong!" Ji Xiaoyan said, He gestured to the old man Qingya, "It's just this big lamp, held in Sabrina's hand, it's very small."

"But my uncle and I have searched almost every corner, and we didn't see such a small light!" Blue Bubble Coffee also frowned and said to Ji Xiaoyan, "Could it be someone from the Juli clan?" Take that light away?"

When everyone heard this, they were silent for two seconds, thinking about this possibility.

"It must be like this!" The old man Qingmi slapped his hands suddenly, and then said: "So, those Juli people must have gone to the secret path, there is nothing wrong! The light in the secret path is not good, so They needed a light source, so they took all those little lights away, yes, absolutely nothing wrong."

"But, uncle, even if there is nothing wrong, don't you say it, we can't go to the secret way without Xuan Mo!" Ji Xiaoyan sighed, and said to the old man Qingmi: "Are we still here?" Are you waiting for them to come back?"

"Uh..." Old man Qingmi was stunned when he heard the words, and then he stopped talking in frustration.

So, everyone stopped this topic in a tacit understanding, and started eating silently.

The sky in the game gradually darkened with time, after the old man Qingmi finished eating, he found a fire source, raised the blue foam coffee, and asked him to give the stone lamp to him. Light it up, and light up the little yard they're in now.

However, Ji Xiaoyan and the others thought they would spend the night here quietly, but not long after the sky completely darkened, they heard some faint movements in the stone house of the chief of the Juli clan! "Go, go and have a look!" The old man Qingmi was very courageous, as soon as he heard any movement, he immediately called Ji Xiaoyan and the others to move over to that room. There was obviously louder movement in the room, thud thump, it seemed as if stones were falling to the ground one by one!
"There must be someone inside!" Blue Foam Coffee looked at Ji Xiaoyan and the others excitedly, and rushed to the wall of the stone house, put his ears on it and began to listen.

"Wait, I'll move the lamp over!" The old man Qingmi also regained his energy, he took a breath and moved the stone lamp they carried here towards the patriarch's stone house, and then followed Ji Like them, Xiaoyan put his ear against the stone wall and listened carefully.

"Uncle, who do you think is staying inside? Could it be the patriarch of the Juli clan?" Ji Xiaoyan listened for a while, except for the sound of stones falling to the ground, they did not hear any words So he looked at the old man Qingmi with some curiosity and asked in a low voice.

"It's possible! This room is locked from the inside! If no one is inside, how can it be impossible to open it?" Old man Qingmi nodded, then rubbed his hands excitedly: "If there is really that Juli clan inside The patriarch's words saved us a lot of time! Girl, you can talk to him directly about defending the city in a while."

"En!" Ji Xiaoyan responded, before he had time to say anything else, the sound of falling stones in the stone room disappeared instantly, and a few seconds later, there were distinct footsteps!It sounds like it's not just one person!

The old man Qingmi and Ji Xiaoyan looked at each other suspiciously, and then pulled the blue foam coffee brothers and sisters back from the wall of the stone house, found another place to hide around, and then carefully He stared intently at the gate of the patriarch's stone house.

A moment later, the door that remained motionless no matter how much the old man Qingmi tossed it open, and a man from the Juli tribe walked out with a vigilant expression.When the man from the Juli clan saw the stone lamp outside the door that was moved by the old man Qingmi, he was stunned for a moment, and then immediately glanced around a few times. I left the house and didn't know what to do in it.

One minute later, just when Ji Xiaoyan thought that the man from the Juli tribe was the only one in that room, suddenly four or five men from the Juli tribe jumped out of the stone room, and then only those few Juli tribe men were seen. The men of the Li clan held a few big wooden sticks in their hands and began to search around.
 PS: Thanks to "▂Grade☆Student" for their two amulets! !

(End of this chapter)

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