Chapter 1117 The Return
The starry sky torn out of the cosmic grave is an indescribably beautiful scene.

Under such a beautiful scenery, no one will probably remember the previous doomsday scene.


Anyway, all newborn creatures will not know what happened in the last generation.

Lu Yan knew it, but that's all.

He has never bothered to think about these philosophical questions.

【Ding! 】

[Final Ring Mission: The Stars Arrive at the Correct Position]

(The chaotic and treacherous world needs to usher in the correct order!)
【Mission Progress: Completed! 】

【Is it coming back? 】

Lu Yan glanced at the task interface, then looked at Azathoth in the distance with some hesitation.

Although it was a little strange, he really wanted to do two tricks with this chaotic master.

After hesitating for a moment, I gave up.

It feels like Azathoth probably has no concept of fighting.

"Go back."


【Ding. 】

【Mission completed, start returning. 】

【Mission Completion Degree: S】

[Task Difficulty Rating: S]

[World Exploration Degree: B]

[Special Achievement Accomplishment Degree: S]

[World Difficulty Factor: S]

[Overall evaluation of the task: perfect]

[The effect of the title of sin and natural disaster is strengthened. 】

[Extra rewards have been prepared, please host to draw. 】

[Task reincarnation currency reward: [-] points]

[Samsara Stele Ranking Reward Distribution: Task Clearing Symbol × 1, Reincarnation Coin Reward: [-] points. 】

Lu Yan slowly opened his eyes.

What caught my eye was the familiar living room.

Bright incandescent lights always have the ability to pull people out of complex emotions all at once.

On the side is Duan Jianhui who is lying on the bed and sleeping.

Yu Wulin was standing on the balcony, humming while drinking the coffee he got from somewhere.


Lu Yan blinked subconsciously.

When did this product come?
"Yo, welcome back."

Yu Wulin noticed Lu Yan's movement, and walked back to the living room with a cup of instant coffee with a smile on his face, then put the cup on the tea table in front of Lu Yan: "Drink whatever you want, treat it as your own."

Lu Yan: "..."

That's it,

Lu Yan decided not to argue with this guy about such things, and instead asked, "When did you come here?"

"Just now."

Yu Wulin shrugged, and then added: "You will not forget our previous plan?"

Lu Yan was not worried about whether there was any poison in this cup of instant coffee, so he picked it up and took a sip.

After feeling the bitter taste filling his mouth, he continued to look up at Yu Wulin with a scrutinizing gaze.

Of course he would not forget what Yu Wulin said about cooperating to hunt the supreme being.

"Well, don't worry, I just let you know, see you tomorrow."

Yu Wulin stretched his waist, turned around and walked to the balcony, without looking back, he said, "By the way, I spit in that cup."

Lu Yan: "..." I don't want to drink anymore.

Silently put the cup back on the coffee table.

Although he could tell that this cup of instant coffee hadn't been spiked, what Yu Wulin said was too disgusting.

With the idea of ​​diverting attention, Lu Yan clicked on the personal interface.

[Name: Lu Yan. 】

[Reincarnation coins: 236120 pieces]

[Title: Sin and Natural Disaster]

(The calamity that walks in the world, the heavens hate it and the earth abandons it)

(Owning this title can perceive the important nodes of the world's operation, and the attack is accompanied by the raving of the soul, which is [-]% rejected by the will of the world.)
(How to obtain: Six consecutive worlds stand on the opposite side of all camps)
【physical fitness:】

[Strength: Great Emperor Class (Elementary)]

[Life: Great Emperor Level (Elementary)]

[Intelligence: Great Emperor Level (Elementary)]

【ability:? , Will of God of Death, Light of Order, Formation of the Eight Gates, Symbiosis, Subduing the Power of Others, Blood for Blood, Serious Dodge, Locking the Sky, Harmony with Light, State Synchronization, Equality, Mindfulness, Judgment Authority]

[Items: Infinite Coffee Machine (Purple), Good and Bad Tortoise Shell (Golden), Space Hut (Golden), Blank Scroll (Town Clan), Delphi Oracle (Golden)]

[Human Clan Skills: Selfless, Wuque, Wushuang]

[Reincarnation Level: Six Realms Three Stars]

[Experience the world: Reaper, Tokyo Ghoul, Armor Warrior, Naruto, Jackie Chan Adventures, One Piece, Westward Journey, One Punch Man, Marvel Universe, Dragon Ball... (Click to expand)]

[Special Experience World: Parasitic Beast, (unnamed), Death God]

[Overall evaluation: a walking natural disaster. 】

Lu Yan browsed briefly and found that the changes in the personal interface are not small.

Symmetra's pending activation notification disappeared without incident.

And in terms of physical fitness, it has also changed from a king-level to an emperor-level.

It is estimated that it is the natural strengthening of physical fitness after Symmetra is unsealed.

But thinking about it carefully, Lu Yan found that his current fighting style didn't seem to be the same as before. Instead, he relied more on the rule integration brought by the human race's clan-suppressing skills to directly crush.

This also led to the fact that even though his physical fitness has been greatly strengthened, he has little chance to show it.

There is no way, just like having a fully automatic lawn mower, it is difficult to continue to mow the grass with a sickle.

After a moment of emotion, Lu Yan did not exit the personal interface, and just clicked the red dot on the interface.

【Ding! 】

[The perfect prize pool has been allocated. 】

[Please start drawing your extra rewards. 】

The phantom of the golden turntable was spinning crazily in front of Lu Yan's eyes, and he couldn't see what rewards were on it.

After the physical fitness has been strengthened, there is no idea of ​​trying to identify it.

In my heart, I said a word of extraction silently.

【Extraction is complete! 】

[Acquired Ability: Hunting Gods]

Lu Yan's eyes lit up, the ability he got this time sounds quite powerful.

After all, in the world of Cthulhu Mythos, he didn't have anything in particular he wanted, and this kind of reward was a bit of a surprise.

Quickly click on the ability introduction.

[Hunting Gods: A regular ability, causing extra damage to the existence of gods. 】

(Those who call God are all sins!)
There is no doubt that this is a passive ability.

Although he knew quite a few reincarnations, Lu Yan had never heard of many passive abilities.

Moreover, it was a rule-type ability, and the power of "hunting gods" was obviously beyond doubt.

It's just that for Lu Yan, who has mastered the clan-suppressing skills of the human race, any ability can actually be regarded as a passive effect.

In this regard, there is really no difference between passive and active.

Lu Yan raised his right hand and rubbed it, a pale flame jumped back and forth on his fingertips.

"It seems that the limitations are a bit big."

He can feel how powerful this extra damage is, but if it only works on gods and spirits, Lu Yan feels that his chances of using this ability may be relatively slim...

(End of this chapter)

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