Chapter 1118 Conflict
It can't be said that the ability to hunt gods is useless.

After all, as Lu Yan's reincarnation level increased, the difficulty of experiencing the world became more and more exaggerated, which made the chance of him encountering gods not low.

Thinking of this, Lu Yan frowned suddenly.

He realized a problem.

What is the essence of the ability to hunt gods?What kind of rules?
If you think about it carefully, how can it be possible to tell whether the other party is a human or a god?
No matter what the rules are, they are all used by Lu Yan himself.

If I have to say it, what is the essence of the gods?
Sublime?sacred?Eternal life?Or mighty force?
It doesn't seem accurate enough.

God should be said to be a kind of cognition.

In the barbaric period, if you had a lighter, you might be regarded as a god.

In this case, double standards should be the most suitable way to unlock the ability of hunting gods.

For example, I don't care if you are a god, but I think you look like a god...

After pondering this for a while, Lu Yan himself was happy.

He stood up from the sofa, poured out the instant coffee in the cup, and made another cup.

Then he put the steaming cup of instant coffee in front of him, and a pale flame appeared in his palm out of thin air.

Lu Yan then said silently in his heart: This cup is God...


This is a modern city block, with flat and spacious roads and dense high-rise buildings, and the neon lights are shining brightly.

With the vehicles on the road and pedestrians strolling, there is a bustling and lively atmosphere everywhere.

The blacks, whites, and Asians coming and going show that this is not within the territory of Dragon Kingdom.

Of course, this is also normal.

After all, at this time, Longguo is still in the early morning.

It is worth mentioning that regardless of the reincarnation of any region, their reincarnation experience is carried out at the same time.

Even at the very beginning, many reincarnations discussed this issue.

Why does the reincarnation experience start at twelve midnight in the Dragon Kingdom?
There are many guesses and statements, but no matter what kind of guess, there is no way to get everyone's approval.

In the end, the discussion about the timing of this reincarnation experience is also in vain.

"I just had a reincarnation experience, don't you plan to give me more time to relax?"

The Twin Towers in the city center have hundreds of floors, and the wind is always howling on the top floor.

At this moment, there was a white man standing on the roof of the building without any protective measures.

He is about 30 years old, and he wears a standard black and white suit. He has no distinctive features all over his body. He belongs to the type that will not be noticed when thrown in the crowd.

With a lit cigarette between his fingers, he said lazily to a patch of air, "It's going to be weird the first time you try it, but I swear you'll love the damn thing once you get used to the smell."

"I'm not in the mood to discuss this with you."

It was clearly a piece of air, but there was a muffled voice: "How long is it?"

"It's a headache, I want to give you an answer as soon as possible, but the proposal of using the earth as a battlefield really needs more research..."

The white man exhaled a puff of smoke, which was quickly blown away by the wind.

"After 24 hours, the giant tower of the Tool Race will come, and those iron-skinned lunatics will not be as easy to talk to as us."

"Well, so what? Don't you hurry up and prepare? Why are you wasting time with me?"

Hearing such an unceremonious answer, the air stagnated slightly.

But it didn't mean to have an attack, after all, the name of reincarnation is almost synonymous with madman among all the races in the starry sky.

The short-lived group of reincarnators who are on the verge of life and death most of the time, if it is not useful, probably no star race will come in contact.

The white man threw most of the remaining cigarettes on the ground and stomped them out, and his expression became more and more lazy: "You have been planning in Wakanda for so long, and it's time to finish it?"


Johannesburg, one of the largest cities in southern Wakanda, has the reputation of "City of Gold".

Such a bustling metropolis seems a little restless at the moment.

Let's call it a street scene... A large number of people crowded the streets, holding signs full of protest slogans, and covering their faces with masks, hoods and the like.

If that's the case, it's nothing more than demonstrations that come every now and then.

However, when these people are wearing bulletproof vests, carrying explosion-proof shields that they did not know where they snatched, and carrying rifles on their shoulders, such a parade looks very deterrent.

The soldiers of the government army blocked the periphery, pushing and cursing with the protesting people from time to time.

Anxiety, panic, and excitement make up everything now.

The whole situation looked like a powder keg, as if a single spark could completely ignite it.

Given the long-term weak position of the local government, conflicts are inevitable.

But there is a very serious problem, or the key that has been ignored by everyone.

So how did the parade break out?
It can spread so widely in a short period of time.

The most ridiculous and absurd thing is that the people in these parades don't even have any unified slogans or appeals.

It's just a very rock 'n' roll protest for protest's sake.

This is the most troublesome place for the local government. The officials have no idea what these people want to do.

It was as if millions of people were controlled at the same time.

The parade was crowded together, forming a thick human wall, and there were many reincarnations with strong individual abilities among them. The situation was extremely grim.

Finally, someone broke through the guardrail set up by the police team.

A shot went off.

The situation got out of control in an instant.

Roaring, scolding and screaming instantly filled the eardrums.

People are like beasts.

The people holding guns directly began to pour firepower at the police team, and more people without guns smashed the buildings in front of them frantically with the objects in their hands.

The police force has been on the alert for a long time, but it is a pity that this is of no avail, and the situation cannot be controlled at all.

In order to protect themselves, more and more police officers choose to fight back with their guns.

The demonstrations turned smoothly into war.

A picture like this appeared in various cities in Wakanda, and it was... out of control!

"It feels so sudden."

Duan Jianhui pointed to the phone screen and said to Lu Yan.

On the screen, the page information is being refreshed frantically.

Although it was midnight, the heat was steadily rising.

New news is produced every moment, and for the people of Yulong Kingdom, this is like a carnival on the Internet.

"It feels like a world war is about to start."

(End of this chapter)

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