Chapter 1119 Meeting
"There shouldn't be anything wrong with Peng Zhi, right?"

With such an exaggerated incident suddenly erupting in Wakanda, Duan Jianhui was still a little worried about that buddy whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Lu Yan took a sip of the instant coffee, but he didn't think Peng Zhi would get into trouble because of this kind of thing.

After all, judging from the current news, those who marched were basically ordinary people.

Even if there are sporadic reincarnations, they are all low-level reincarnations in the first and second realms.

Unless Peng Zhi has been messing around since he left, otherwise, as long as he develops a little and goes offline, it is impossible for ordinary people to make trouble.

What's more, with the coffee machine following, the probability of accidents is even lower.

Duan Jianhui thought for a while, and felt that this was also the case.

He pointed at the screen again and said with a smile: "But even if something happens, we can't make it through. I read the news that the flights have been grounded."

"Old Lu, we probably have to stop our hunting plan for a while."

Yu Wulin's voice sounded faintly, it sounded decadent like a defeated dog that was abandoned by others.

"Fuck, when did you come?!"

Duan Jianhui was taken aback.

He always felt that the door of the room had become a decoration since he didn't know when.

"Forget it."

Yu Wulin waved his hand, and added to Lu Yan: "Let's talk about it in two days, something went wrong with this plan."

"What plan? Can I hear it too?"

A boy's voice suddenly sounded in the living room.

It was a teenager with headphones hanging around his neck. He seemed to appear out of nowhere, sitting lazily on the sofa like this.

Duan Jianhui: "..." Tired, who is this person?

He was about to ask Lu Yan if he knew this child, but before he could ask, he noticed a significant change in the expressions of Lu Yan and Yu Wulin.


A spacious and bright stepped conference room, which can accommodate hundreds of people, is full of seats at the moment.

Each of them can be regarded as the decision-making level of the reincarnation department of the Dragon Kingdom.

Senior members of other reincarnated divisions who were unable to be present due to various reasons also participated in the meeting using the most advanced holographic projection technology.

In fact, when the situation in Wakanda was not so serious, it was already closely watched by the intelligence department of the Dragon Kingdom.

Although the senior cadres present were psychologically prepared for what happened, they were still very surprised when the conflict broke out.

After all, it is a bad event with millions of participants, which affects the entire continent, and the number of people affected is even hundreds of millions.

The crisis contained in this is simply unimaginable.

"I propose to immediately start the second level of crisis prevention procedures and to suspend all communication between our country and Wakanda."

A senior cadre of the reincarnation headquarters said coldly.

"Do you know how serious the consequences of this decision will be?!"

Teacher Da Luo, who is already the deputy director of the capital branch, retorted in a deep voice.

"Minister Luo, before the transmission path of this change is discovered, cutting off contact is the option to minimize losses!"

As the head of the reincarnation department, Zhong Gongliang clasped his fists on the table and didn't intend to stop the discussion.

He is always used to listening to everyone's opinions first and making judgments last.

But I have to say that this time things happened too suddenly, and it was difficult to come up with a plan acceptable to all parties in a short period of time.

At present, it is not yet clear what is the reason for the mass mania of the personnel. The only certainty is that this change will spread virally, allowing more and more people to join in.

You must know that since the emergence of the reincarnation system, the reincarnation department has been able to maintain domestic stability. In addition to a large number of official reincarnation people running around day and night, there are also large-scale police officers and even military regions.

But in the face of this kind of situation that is almost equivalent to mind tampering, ordinary police officers can't deal with it at all.

With the population density of Dragon Kingdom, once it is spread in, the consequences will be disastrous.

The discussions in the conference room gradually subsided, and more and more cadres turned their attention to Zhong Gongliang.

Since no agreement can be reached, there must be enough people to make up their minds.

Zhong Gongliang clicked on the computer in front of him, and a piece of information was transmitted to the screens of everyone present.

"Everyone, take a look."

Yun Changge just glanced at it, and even Teacher Da Luo, who was sitting opposite him, could feel the chill coming from his body.

Kuangfeng also felt Yun Changge's murderous aura, and frankly speaking, this chilling feeling made Kuangfeng couldn't help but want to run away.

He quickly opened the barrier to check the latest information sent over.

After a rough glance, Kuang Feng was stunned.


What happened in Wakanda is definitely written by the starry sky race, and everyone knows this in their hearts.

What people didn't expect was that the other party dared to take the initiative to find their intelligence personnel and pass on the attitude of seeking cooperation through the intelligence personnel.

"Well, these star races probably have such an attitude."

Zhong Gongliang added expressionlessly.

"In fact, you don't need to be so vigilant against the Nightmare Race."

A middle-aged man wearing a linen robe and sitting on Zhong Gongliang's left suddenly spoke, attracting most people's attention.

He had a neatly trimmed beard and a slightly bent cane by his side.

All the cadres present knew this person. He was a visitor from the starry sky who had established contact with the reincarnation department of Longguo very early on.

Facing the gazes of many powerful reincarnators, the guest from the starry sky did not seem to be panicked.

He explained casually: "We have a general understanding of the nightmare tide, and it is not a means of coercively interfering with the minds of creatures."

"Is this called a nightmare? If there is no mandatory intervention, why would it cause such a violent conflict all of a sudden?"

Zhong Gongliang asked back, but before he could wait for the guest from the starry sky to answer, he reacted: "So it should be something like amplifying desire? No wonder the parade of this scale is not aimed at attacking humans..."

Having said that, Zhong Gongliang's eyes sank.

"...Is the purpose originally to mass-produce reincarnators? What good does this do for you?"

What he asked was not about the benefits to the Nightmare Race, but about you.

Although it seemed like a random reminder, based on Zhong Gongliang's understanding of this visitor from the starry sky, he didn't think that the other party would suddenly be kind enough to help the Nightmare Clan.

Unless interests align.

The middle-aged man from the starry sky scratched his head, and said frivolously, "Don't you know? Our goal has always been, um... to gather the wool of the reincarnation system."

(End of this chapter)

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