Chapter 1121 Chaos
Although he was talking about how to deal with himself, the boy Hua still had a clean smile on his face.

On the contrary, Yu Wulin, who was originally surprised by the appearance of juvenile paintings, gradually regained his composure.

He said in a calm tone: "Oh, great existence, you are too arrogant, aren't you?"

Juvenile Hua doesn't mind at all that someone is trying to deal with him, and even wonders what kind of method the other party is planning to use.

The reason is simply that he doesn't think there is any way to really deal with himself.

Since it is impossible to affect yourself, it is also very interesting to watch yourself as an outsider.

Juvenile Hua leaned on the back of the sofa and said casually: "Arrogant? It's just because you two are very interesting."

In the vast starry sky, there are not many things that can interest him.

In Juvenile Hua's eyes, it was because Lu Yan and Yu Wulin were able to survive from his hands that they were entitled to pay more attention to him.

"What's wrong with trying to hunt now?"

Lu Yan frowned slightly.

He turned his head to look at Yu Wulin, with a casual attitude as if juvenile paintings did not exist.

Faced with such a situation, the supreme being who looked like a boy was not annoyed, but just looked Yu Wulin up and down with great interest.


Yu Wulin stroked his unshaven chin and gasped.

"It's a very constructive proposal, but my preparations are not perfect enough. If I do it in a hurry, I may not be able to succeed."

"It's better to actually operate it, and if there are any problems, we can improve it."

"It also makes sense..."

The two conspired loudly like no one else, and there was not much fear of the supreme existence in their words.

What's interesting is that Juvenile Hua doesn't mind at all whether the other party respects him or not, and there is a bit of expectation in his eyes.

Duan Jianhui smacked his mouth.

Even though he didn't know who the boy who suddenly appeared was, he still felt something strange during the conversation, so he resolutely chose to sit on the bed without saying a word.

The atmosphere in the living room suddenly became weird.

"You guys better discuss and come up with a result quickly."

The young man was a little tired of painting, he shook his head: "According to past experience, the reincarnation system should release tasks soon."

In his long life, he has seen a lot of such incidents where the starry sky races started to pluck the wool of the reincarnation system.

The operation method of the reincarnation system is rigid, but it will not remain indifferent after being affected.

When the number of reincarnations affected by the starry sky race reaches a certain level, the reincarnation system will issue an urgent counterattack mission.

At present, the forces of various countries and regions on the planet have been attracted by the "Nightmare Wave", but this does not mean that only the Nightmare Clan is taking action now, it is just that the Nightmare Clan is making the most noise.

Even though Juvenile Hua doesn't have any source of information, with his ability, he can know at a glance how many starry sky races are attacking at this moment.

At the same time, Lu Yan and Yu Wulin turned their gazes to the boy Hua.

"Could it be that the two of you can even ignore the arrangement of the reincarnation system?"

The boy's voice didn't change much, so it was hard to tell whether his words were questions or statements.

"Look at what you said, it must not be ignored, after all, you are still a reincarnation."

A smile appeared on Yu Wulin's face.

"Really, then I'll add another fire." The boy Hua raised his hand and nodded twice in front of him.

One minute and one second passed, and it felt like nothing around him had changed.

Lu Yan asked directly, "What did you do?"

Before Juvenile Hua could answer, Duan Jianhui took out his mobile phone, and there were messages on the screen that were being pushed frantically.

Duan Jianhui swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and slowly turned the screen over: "This... these things shouldn't be done by him, right?"


Australia, as a region with extremely thin population density, due to the relatively sparse population, the reincarnated people in this region are inferior to other continents in terms of quantity and quality.

So when a towering ancient tree with a diameter of several kilometers appeared out of thin air in the central area of ​​Australia, and millions of treants jumped from the giant tree, the local reincarnation in Australia could only retreat steadily.

Fortunately, the local residents themselves are very sparsely distributed, so the casualties are not too heavy for a while.

Of course, among them, there may also be reasons for the starry sky race to deliberately indulge...

This is not the only area where the starry sky race descends.

The situation in a powerful continent like Europe is not optimistic.

Facing the long-prepared starry sky race, even those heavy industry groups and military-industrial complexes with deep roots suffered heavy losses in the early stages.

It can only rely on the reincarnation within the group and the larger conventional army to try to maintain the situation.

Fighting broke out in plains, cities, and forests.

Such a sudden outbreak of crisis made it impossible for ordinary local residents to make accurate judgments.

Those with a little brain will drive their families into those large cities with strong defenses.

The situation in South America, however, seems a bit ridiculous.

The destruction here is not caused by the star race.

To be precise, the star race has not officially descended, but many people have photographed a drop-shaped giant tower in the sky.

Just like this, the local gangs, large and small, set off a wave of zero-dollar purchases in the city, and ambitious political parties even directly began to take over the army.

Under such chaos, this giant tower does not need to be used, and the local armed forces will die first.


"What the hell is this going to do?"

Duan Jianhui frantically scrolled through the information on the Internet.

For ordinary people in the Dragon Kingdom, with such a big commotion and the turmoil raging across the continents, it is inevitable that they will feel a little flustered even if they watch the fun across the ocean.

Yu Wulin took out his mobile phone and briefly checked it, then looked at the boy's painting, and said.

"The purpose of these star races is to make the vast majority of human beings become reincarnations?"

It is obviously unreasonable to say that so many star races have taken great pains to occupy this asteroid.

"Since we want to squeeze out the wool of the reincarnation system, we must increase the number of reincarnation people."

Juvenile Painting doesn't mind revealing the purpose of these starry sky races.

The practice of these star races is actually quite normal.

Compared with using mental stimulation to bind ordinary people to the reincarnation system, it must be more convenient and quicker for ordinary people to wander between life and death.

As for how many blue star populations will be lost in this process... no race will care about this issue.

Do you care about how many broiler chickens are slaughtered every year when you eat fried chicken?

(End of this chapter)

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