The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 1122 Emergency Missions

Chapter 1122 Emergency Missions

Lu Yan and Yu Wulin planned to find an opportunity to attack the supreme being, the boy Hua.

As for Juvenile Painting, when they first came to find them, they also wanted to find out what happened to the two reincarnated people, Lu Yan and Yu Wulin.

According to common sense, such two parties should start fighting as soon as they meet.

However, since the three of them had weird temperaments, not only did they not fight, but they chatted like old friends.

"According to the past situation, you should be able to receive the task reminder from the reincarnation system immediately."

While talking unhurriedly, Juvenile Hua imitated Lu Yan's practice and made himself a cup of instant coffee.

Even though he knew that the two reincarnations wanted to deal with him, he had absolutely no intention of embarrassing Lu Yan or Yu Wulin on purpose.

For this supreme being, it was not easy to encounter such an interesting event, so he naturally didn't want to intervene in advance.

On the contrary, if Yu Wulin wanted to ask him for help, Juvenile Painting might not refuse.

In a sense, this probably really counts as a kind of arrogance.

"So you exposed the arrangements of those star races in advance?"

Lu Yan looked sideways at the boy's painting.

"Well... who knows."

The teenager Hua took a sip of instant coffee, frowned slightly, and then put the cup back on the coffee table calmly.

At the same time, the familiar mechanized prompt sounded in the minds of all reincarnations.

【Ding! 】

【warn!warn! 】

【Intruder detected! 】

[Based on the current situation, the third emergency plan is about to be activated! 】

[The task is started. 】

[Urgent Mission: Expel the Intruders]

[Mission introduction: The planet where you are located has been invaded, all reincarnations, please clear the invaders quickly! 】

[Task time limit: seven days]

[Task Rewards: After the mission is over, it will be distributed according to the contribution. 】

[Punishment for failure: Obliteration! 】


[1: Restricted tasks are lifted. 】

[2: The planet reinforcement program starts and lasts for seven natural days. 】

[3: All reincarnations in the invaded area are forced to accept this task. 】

[Are you accepting this mission? 】

After listening to the series of system prompts, Lu Yan looked up at Duan Jianhui, then at Yu Wulin beside him.

Then he took out his phone and began to check the pushed information.

The reincarnated people in the Dragon Kingdom area can choose whether to accept this emergency mission independently.

No wonder Kuangfeng didn't contact him either. The fact is that there is no starry sky race in Dragon Kingdom.

Although it is unbelievable, but under the circumstances that the whole world is full of flames, nothing happened in the Dragon Kingdom.

With the size of Longguo, those starry sky races cannot be ignored.

Anyway, there was a visitor from the starry sky in front of him, so Lu Yan didn't bother to ask other people.

He accepted the urgent mission smoothly, turned to the boy and said, "Why didn't the starry sky race attack the Dragon Kingdom?"

Hearing this, the boy Hua raised his head slightly, as if he was thinking about something.

After a while, he said slowly: "You should also know that the operating mechanism of the reincarnation system is too rigid. If you really want to take advantage of loopholes, you can easily find a way."

"What does this have to do with the question Lao Lu asked?"

Duan Jianhui looked at the boy's painting with some dissatisfaction, answering irrelevant questions really made people feel irritable.

Lu Yan didn't have much emotional fluctuations, he looked in the direction of the balcony, thoughtful.

"What you mean is that the starry sky race has actually attacked in the territory of Longguo, but it has not been detected by the reincarnation system?"

The young man tapped the cup with his finger, and a whole cup of steaming instant coffee instantly turned into a cup of clear water.

He picked it up and took a sip, then raised his glass to Lu Yan.

"Well~ that's what I mean."


In the alleys of the city.

Da da da! ! !
There was a burst of intensive gunfire.

Several heavily armed secret service personnel looked dignified, and slowly surrounded the pool of liquid in the middle.

A young man in a Chinese tunic jumped over the secret service personnel, came to the puddle of liquid and squatted down, nonchalantly reaching out his hand to touch the liquid.

However, before the young man's fingers touched it, the pool of liquid shot by the rifle suddenly seemed to have life, and quickly bounced off the ground.

The puddle of liquid wanted to stay away, but it directly hit an air wall.

The liquid slid down and condensed into a human form to stand.

The young man in the Chinese tunic suit stood up, patted the non-existent dust on his hands, looked at the puddle of humanoid liquid and said with a smile: "You can't escape, don't worry, I just want to talk to you and the race behind you." Just chatting."

"Stop wishful thinking."

There was no expression on the liquid man's face, and he made a slightly weird tone relying on the vibration of the water waves in his body.

The young man clicked his tongue.

He didn't seem to be the patient type. After listening to the liquid man's answer, he didn't intend to continue persuading him, so he waved his hand.

Seeing the action of the young man, the secret service personnel on the scene raised their rifles at the same time and shot at the liquid man.

A red flame burst out from the muzzle of the gun, and a series of bullets passed through the liquid man, and each bullet would cause a burst of water vapor to emerge from the hit part of the liquid man.

After an angry roar, the liquid man was killed on the spot, and the liquid that made up his body spilled irregularly on the ground.

Seeing this, the young man straightened his collar and said into the headset.

"Branch Chief, the starry sky race on my side has been dealt with."

"...Ah? No, I didn't ask anything, don't say anything, these star races are really strict..."

"Intuition! Is this the image I have in your heart? If you say that again, I'll go home and rest..."

"...All right, all right, I know, South Street, right, let's go there right away."

The young man pressed the headset again and cut off the call.

He turned his head and glanced at the secret service personnel around him, and said as if complaining: "Didn't you hear it? South Street, let's go!"

"Uh, that."

A secret service officer took off the visor of the tactical helmet and said in a low voice: "Team Leader Yayin, our entire operation has been monitored and recorded."

Hearing this, the corners of Yayin's mouth twitched.

Changed the subject very stiffly: "Say it's a nice day today."

In fact, this time, there are not just one or two star races who plan to gather the wool of the reincarnation system.

There are also starry sky races making troubles in the Dragon Kingdom.

But fortunately, the territory of the Dragon Kingdom did not have a large number of starry sky races invading like other continents.

Basically, they are all such sporadic infiltrators.

(End of this chapter)

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