Chapter 1124
To be precise, the mission of this kind of starry sky race that infiltrated into the territory of Dragon Kingdom in advance should be to collect information and step on the ground for a large number of teams that formally invade later.

But these star races that infiltrated in advance are not robots with pre-programmed programs after all.

They are subjective.

There are indeed extremely cautious star races who have been secretly poking and gathering information.

But don't forget that the humans on this planet, including the reincarnations, are just lucky upstarts in the eyes of most starry sky races.

With this kind of mentality, most of the star races who descended on the earth will not be too careful in their behavior.

The same is true for this female Ghost Clan.

Relying on her strength at the level of a ghost general, she didn't pay attention to the human beings on the earth at all.

That's why when she was treated with such contempt by Lu Yan and others, she became uncontrollably angry.

The female ghost slowly raised her head, and veins of blood vessels gradually emerged on her pale face that could be called sickly.

"It seems that they are some lunatics who don't know the heights of the sky and the earth."

Her suppressed and deep voice seemed to be squeezed out of her throat.

As her voice fell, the dimly lit living room began to change.

A cold ghostly air filled the entire living room.

If ordinary people stayed in this living room, they would probably be shivering from the cold.

It's just that in front of Lu Yan and others, the power of this female ghost clan is as funny as a child playing around.

"Ouch, you are so noisy."

Yu Wulin waved his hands with an exaggerated expression, then his tone suddenly turned cold: "Forget about killing me."

Two extremely deep space wormholes opened out of thin air on his side, and it was difficult to see clearly what was inside.

Seeing this scene, the female ghost's expression sank.

Only then did she realize that these guys present were not ordinary people.

But before the other party made a move, she couldn't perceive the other party's energy fluctuations at all.

What this means is simply self-evident.

Her first reaction was to leave here immediately, but it was too late.

This female ghost only felt that she had entered a state of frequent death in an instant, and she didn't even understand what method the other party was using.


The severe pain caused by his bones piercing through his flesh flooded his reason like a tide.

Ribs pierced her ribcage and pierced her lungs, making her too heavy to keep standing.

His mouth kept tasting the rusty taste of minced meat and blood, and his vision was covered with a rich foggy red.

Pain, fear, panic...

This female ghost completely lost her basic thinking ability. The unbearable pain made her want to scream hysterically, but she didn't make a sound.

Yu Wulin looked at the ghost race in front of him who had basically turned into rotten flesh, grinned nonchalantly, and said.

"The method I am best at, but I can't bear it..."

"Clean up quickly, this is disgusting."

Lu Yan interrupted Yu Wulin's emotion, he inexplicably felt that his painting style was like a big villain.

The young man took a sip from his cup with a calm expression.

Speaking of which, with his ability, even if this ghost has been turned into a pool of rotten meat by Yu Wulin, he can easily revive him in full state.

But he just watched quietly the whole time, and he didn't intend to stop it.

Yu Wulin probably also felt that his method was a bit heavy-handed. He opened a space wormhole with his hand and sucked the ghost clan into a puddle of rotten flesh without leaving even a trace of blood.

The living room lights came back on.

If it wasn't for the dilapidated appearance of the TV wall, it would be as if everything that happened just now was an illusion.

Lu Yan didn't pay attention to Yu Wulin's follow-up treatment, but turned to look at the juvenile painting.

"Is this a coincidence?"

Compared with the war-like conflicts on other continents, there are actually not too many starry sky races that have infiltrated the Dragon Kingdom.

According to common sense, as long as you stay in the house honestly, the chance of encountering the starry sky race is absolutely slim.

The most important thing is that before the female ghost appeared just now, Lu Yan didn't even feel the slightest breath.

With the strength of this ghost, it shouldn't be possible to shield his perception.

Juvenile Hua replied with a smile: "It's just a coincidence."

Regarding this answer, Lu Yan was noncommittal.

He turned to look in the direction of the balcony.

There, a group of dim flames hovered over the guardrail out of thin air.

"What a coincidence." Lu Yan smiled.

Lu Yan was not sure about Yu Wulin's situation, but at least he could confirm that his perception was obviously affected.

If he blocked his perception of the surroundings, he would definitely realize that something was wrong.

This kind of misjudgment that made him feel that everything around him was normal was obviously not an ordinary method.


Juvenile Hua's attitude is particularly loose, and he doesn't seem to mind being slapped in the face by reality at all.

Of course, the flame also realized that it had been spotted, and the flame became more and more subdued, so dim that it almost merged with the night, and quickly moved away in the opposite direction.

Lu Yan unhurriedly raised his hand a little, and Suotian's ability was activated.

Suotian is not a space or confinement ability similar to the air wall. It is essentially a means of cutting off contact, so it is difficult to prevent and crack in advance.

Even though the flame-like starry sky race was at the warrior level, they were locked in mid-air before they could make any resistance.

Lu Yan was planning to summon this flame-like starry sky race to ask.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.

"Why are you here again?"

Yu Wulin turned his head to look at Juvenile Hua, and then added: "You really want us to deal with you now."

The teenager Hua raised his eyebrows, but did not explain.

The door slowly opened.

Kuangfeng turned sideways and sneaked his head in.

Then, under the gaze of the four pairs of eyes, his body shook a bit in a daze.

"Cough, ahaha, I don't think the door is closed..."

Kuangfeng scratched the back of his head, smiling to hide his embarrassment.

"Boss Tyrannosaurus God, hey, the martial arts boss is here too, haha, long time no see."

He waved at Duan Jianhui, and before the latter could speak, he pushed the door open and walked in.

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at the dilapidated TV wall, and finally landed on the boy Hua sitting on the sofa: "Who is this?"

"It does not matter."

Lu Yan conveniently put the dim flame into his pocket: "What are you doing here at night?"

Hearing this, Kuang Feng slapped his thigh immediately and laughed loudly: "Boss Tyrannosaurus, what are you talking about, I can't come to you if I have nothing to do."

Lu Yan pondered for two seconds and said.


(End of this chapter)

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