The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 1125 Intervention

Chapter 1125 Intervention
Lu Yan's straightforward answer made Feng Feng speechless for a moment.

Fortunately, although the wind is thick and thin, it is also thick-skinned.

His expression froze for less than half a second, and he quickly laughed awkwardly.

"Hahaha, what, it's really a little thing."

Gu Feng tried to find a place to sit down while talking.

However, Duan Jianhui's house usually doesn't have many guests, and the sofa is not too big.

After sitting three people, if you want to sit one more person, it will appear crowded.

And neither Lu Yan, Yu Wulin, nor Juvenile Hua had any intention of giving up their seat to let Fengfeng sit next to him.

Looking around on the sofa, Gu Feng had to give up the idea of ​​sitting down.

I can only stand in front of the coffee table like a primary school student being trained.

Kuang Feng rubbed his hands together, and said, "Boss Tyrannosaurus, you all should have seen the notice of this urgent mission, right?"

Lu Yan raised his voice and signaled Kuangfeng to continue.

"I just don't know, have you accepted this urgent mission?"

Holding the instant coffee, Lu Yan tapped the wall of the cup lightly with his left hand, shook his head towards the strong wind, and said softly, "Let's get to the point."

Hearing this, Feng Feng glanced at the young man's painting calmly.

He still hasn't figured out what the origin of this boy who looks like a high school student is.

It's fine if it's a reincarnator, but if it's an ordinary person or a certain starry sky race, then he has to think carefully about his words next.

Such an obvious little move by Kuang Feng naturally couldn't escape the eyes of the three present.

"Your worries are unnecessary."

Yu Wulin took out a cigarette from nowhere and put it in his mouth, a cluster of small flames appeared from his fingertips and lit the cigarette.

Feng Feng hesitated for a moment, and then continued: "You can probably see things that are happening around the world from the Internet, so I won't go into details..."

"According to what we have found out, the purpose of the starry sky race that invaded Blue Star is to bind all ordinary people as reincarnations."

"The situation in our Dragon Kingdom is not bad..."

"...So if it's convenient, I hope to use the strength of the two of you."

Now that he opened his mouth to explain the situation, Kuangfeng didn't mean to hide it, and directly revealed all the current information.

With such a sincere attitude, it is difficult for people to make a negative answer.

Yu Wulin took a deep puff of the cigarette, and his whole body was surrounded by smoke.

"In a sense, this can be regarded as the environment determines morality."

After all, after the restriction task is lifted, the overall strength of the reincarnation is not inferior to that of most starry sky races.

Although there are many invading starry sky races, they are all expeditions, and it is impossible to send the entire race over at once.

According to the wind, except for those weak countries and regions with a population of tens of millions, other slightly larger forces were basically a little chaotic at the beginning, and it didn't take long for them to stabilize again. situation.

If you really want to be ruthless, it is estimated that the operation to clear the remaining invaders will start before dawn.

Unfortunately, reality did not develop in this direction.

No way, when the decision-makers of those organizations realized that they were not completely opposed to the starry sky race, it was hard not to feel a little nervous in their hearts.

It is precisely because those powerful organizations and forces have channels to figure out the purpose of the starry sky race, which has led to the gradual intensification of wars around the world.

It is different from Longguo's emphasis on people-oriented.

For major overseas organizations, the lives of ordinary people and even elite soldiers at this stage are far less valuable than those of reincarnation.

You know, even though there are various mentally stimulating drugs to assist in binding the reincarnation system.

However, under the appeal of so-called human rights and freedom, even if the decision-makers of those organizations have the idea of ​​increasing the number of reincarnations, they dare not make it clear that ordinary people become reincarnations.

If it is carried out secretly, it is obviously difficult to improve efficiency.

And this time the starry sky race's invasion just happened to meet the ideas of many decision-makers.

They don't even need to intervene deliberately, as long as they reduce the number of people sent to resist reincarnation, and keep the intensity of the war at the current level.

And this approach also means that bad money drives out good money.

Even if some forces have a little bit of conscience, when they find other forces doing this, they must keep up.

Because if they don't do this, it means that they will fall into a disadvantage in the future competition.

"Exactly, so if something went wrong, just to be on the safe side, I hope the two of you can take action to maintain the stability of the situation without accepting urgent missions."

The wind let out a long sigh.

There is no doubt that under the influence of those careerists, the casualties of ordinary people will be extremely heavy this time.

Yu Wulin had a vague smile on his face: "If they want to play like this, you won't add fire at the last moment?"

Kuang Feng was stunned for a moment, and then quickly realized: "You mean, find a way to make their emergency mission fail?"

This is not impossible.

Don't forget, due to the severity of the situation, reincarnations in many countries and regions are forced to accept urgent tasks.

The time limit for this urgent mission is seven days.

In order to convert ordinary people into reincarnations as much as possible, no matter how you say it, it will take the fifth or sixth day before the invading star race will be seriously eliminated.

If you intervene and make the emergency mission fail.

Those reincarnators who accepted the task were all wiped out by the reincarnation system.

"That's what you said, I don't know anything."

Yu Wulin drooped his eyelids, with a look of compassion: "What a cruel proposal."

Gust: "..."

The corner of his mouth twitched, and he turned his head to look at Lu Yan stiffly.

Kuang Feng felt that it would be more convenient to communicate with the Invincible Tyrannosaurus Rex God of War.

Lu Yan nodded, but did not intend to refuse.

After all, Kuangfeng's proposal was a piece of cake for him.

If any starry sky races that are difficult to solve appear within the mountain city, he doesn't mind cleaning them up.

After getting an affirmative answer, Kuangfeng left with satisfaction.

As the head of the Shancheng branch, he has a lot to do.

After watching the gust of wind leave, Lu Yan turned his gaze back.

Compared with those starry sky races that infiltrated, in fact, juvenile paintings attracted him more attention.

As if he could hear his inner voice, Hua frankly stated this point.

"Do you think that I am considered an intruder by the reincarnation system?"

(End of this chapter)

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