Chapter 1126
"Do you think that I am considered an intruder by the reincarnation system?"

When Hua said this, he still had a clean smile full of youthfulness on his face.

If Lu Yan hadn't clearly known that he possessed such terrifying power, he might have really regarded him as a handsome high school student.

"It doesn't matter to me whether you count as an intruder or not." Lu Yan shook his head.

This is not some kind of self-exalting rhetoric.

Considering that the reincarnated people in the Dragon Kingdom all choose to accept the mission independently, this also led to the fact that even if the last emergency mission fails, not too many reincarnated people in the Dragon Kingdom will be obliterated.

As for the foreign reincarnation... Whether they die or not has no effect on Lu Yan.

Suddenly, Lu Yan paused.

He suddenly realized something was possible.

The reincarnated people in the Dragon Kingdom were not forced to accept urgent tasks, perhaps not because there were too many invading starry sky races, but because of the existence of juvenile paintings?

As soon as this speculation came out, it was out of control.

If you think about it carefully, it's not impossible.

After all, the reincarnation system has never issued a mortal mission, even if it is a difficult mission, there will be such a glimmer of life.

But the underlying operating logic of the reincarnation system has never been very humane, and it is the style of this system to kill it at every turn.

Is it true that the mandatory missions will be modified because of the small number of starry sky races in the Dragon Kingdom?
It seems more reasonable to say that it is to detect the existence of juvenile paintings, and then adjust the mandatory tasks to accept them independently.

Thinking of this, Lu Yan couldn't help laughing.

If this is the case, those careerists are afraid that they will die without knowing how to die.

"Do whatever you want, I won't interfere with your mission."

Juvenile Hua probably really has the ability to read minds, he added with a smile: "I'm still waiting to see how you guys plan to deal with me."

Hearing this, Yu Wulin raised his eyebrows, then turned around and walked towards the balcony.

While walking, he casually said: "Such expectations are really stressful. I can only say that I will try my best not to let you down."

He had just stepped out onto the balcony when this passage was finished.

Yu Wulin didn't say what he was going to do, neither did Lu Yan and Boyhua, they just watched him skillfully jump off the balcony and disappeared from sight.

After confirming that Yu Wulin's breath of life was no longer in the range of perception, Lu Yan chose to take out his phone again, and slumped on the sofa like a salted fish to browse the reincarnation forum.

"He looks like he's ready to hunt me."

The boy Hua tilted his head and looked at Lu Yan: "What about you? Don't you want to prepare?"

"Are you in a hurry?"

Lu Yan didn't raise his head, and continued to swipe his fingers on the phone screen.

"Let's wait until dawn."

Although he hasn't officially tried it yet, he knows in his heart that with his current self, he probably still can't deal with juvenile paintings.

During the time waiting for Yu Wulin's return, instead of fighting meaningless, it's better to pass the time by scrolling through some posts.

Lu Yan just sat beside Juvenile Hua calmly, completely ignoring this supreme being.

He wasn't worried that Juvenile Hua would suddenly change his mind and attack him.

After all, whether it is him or the juvenile painting, time does not mean much to them.

In a sense, they are a kind of people.

In their long and dull years, if they came across an interesting thing, they were naturally willing to wait for a while.

That's exactly what happened.

Juvenile Hua didn't have the slightest thought of blaming, just squinted his eyes lazily, leaning on the back of the sofa.

Lu Yan didn't even pay attention to the other party anymore, his eyes reflected the appearance of the mobile phone screen, and he browsed the forum without squinting.

Time passed minute by minute.

Due to the short days and long nights in winter, the sky outside the window gradually turned white until it was almost seven o'clock.

Dim light poured into the living room from the balcony, heralding the sun's imminent rise.

Unexpectedly, the invasion of the starry sky race did not make the ordinary people in the Dragon Kingdom feel much change.

On the foggy streets, sanitation workers in orange vests are already at work.

The number of vehicles on the highway also increased one after another, and the piercing whistle sounded from time to time seemed to wake up the city.

Except for the school's notice to suspend classes, the lives of most ordinary people are as usual.

Only the occasional special service personnel who are in a hurry are reminding people that there is still such a thing as the starry sky race.

"Although I haven't slept all night, there is still a sense of ritual to wake up."

Duan Jianhui straightened his hands and feet, as if stretching with all his strength: "Oh~"

In the end, I shivered all over, lifted the quilt in a dull way, and went to the bathroom to wash up.

After such an interruption, Lu Yan, who had been browsing the reincarnation forum all night, also seemed to have recovered, and squinted to look at the scene outside the window.

The young man Hua pressed his temples slowly, and said unhurriedly, "It's dawn."

Lu Yan hummed casually, then turned to look at the boy's painting: "I actually have a question."

"What method does the starry sky race plan to use to take advantage of the reincarnation system? Can you explain it to me?"

At the beginning, because the movement was too loud, it was easy to be ignored.

But calm down and think about it, how can such a large-scale reincarnation maker as the starry sky race ensure that they can definitely get what they want from these reincarnations?

"You didn't know?"

Juvenile Hua glanced at Lu Yan amusedly: "Like I said before, the operating procedures of the reincarnation system are extremely rigid. If you want to ensure that you can get benefits, you naturally need the help of the reincarnation system."

His voice just fell.

All reincarnations in the world, including those who have just been bound to the reincarnation system and have not even completed a training mission, all heard a series of mechanized beeps at the same time.

【Ding! 】

【warn!warn! 】

[Based on the current situation, the emergency mission is cancelled, and the first emergency plan will be launched soon! 】

[Every reincarnation person, please return to your reincarnation space immediately, and wait patiently! 】

[The specific situation will be announced in 10 minutes! 】

Lu Yan frowned slightly.

Speaking of which, this was the first time he encountered the task of modifying the reincarnation system, and it was still in such a short period of time.

Seeing Lu Yan's reaction, Juvenile Hua also chuckled lightly: "Is the modification task so early this time?"

While speaking, he raised his finger and swiped twice in front of him.

Suddenly, his movements stopped abruptly.

There were even obvious mood swings in the pupils.

"How could it be the first emergency plan?!"

(End of this chapter)

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