The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 1135 Giant Equipment

Chapter 1135 Giant Equipment
"A hunting game?"

Lu Yan looked at the surrounding environment thoughtfully, but he didn't feel any sense of urgency due to time constraints.

To his surprise, this is clearly a bustling city, but the streets are extraordinarily deserted.

Cars were parked all over the road, and there were no people in the shops with lights on.

He rubbed his chin and muttered, "It seems that my opponent this round is a reincarnation. Is there really such a strong reincarnation?"

Which of the two choices is more difficult, offense or defense, is a matter of opinion.

But Lu Yan is very aware of the terrifying gap between himself and the vast majority of reincarnations. Normally, he would not be surprised if the other party entered Resource Planet 28 a full day earlier.

But now, it was only an hour ahead of him.

This means that under the judgment of the reincarnation system, even if he is stronger than this round's opponent, he is still limited.

A bright light flashed in Lu Yan's eyes.

He had a guess, but he wasn't sure yet.

"Let's confirm what's going on here first."


Beep beep!

In the control room of a battleship platform, a series of prompts sounded.

This is a message sent back by a self-styled submarine with strong concealment.

"[Doomsday] has been discovered, and its coordinates are latitude 36.384, longitude 72.037."

Hearing this report, a Sanye man in military uniform quickly walked to the console.

He said into the microphone: "The high-altitude bombing devices currently in service in the Western Hemisphere will immediately go into the air, keep in touch, and rush to the designated location quickly. The giant equipment will delay the time. After the high-altitude bombing devices arrive at the scene, they will immediately carry out a saturated attack on [Doomsday]."

In the valley west of the city where Lu Yan is located.

Two giant mechs, one black and one red, tens of meters high, slowly rose from the ground.

"The giant machine KI03 and the giant machine KI06 are starting..."

"The simulation control system is calibrated, the joint lock is turned on, and the horizontal torque is increased by 23%..."

"The heat dissipation of the body is turned on, and the charging check is completed."

"Start launching!"


Clover Federal Building.

in the chamber.

Yu Wulin leaned leisurely on the leather seat with a half-lit cigarette in his mouth.

With his relaxed appearance, the tight-faced Clover councilors present frequently turned their heads to look at him.

"Your Excellency, is this really effective?"

The head of the Sanye people couldn't help asking Yu Wulin.

It is really because the Lu Yan described by Yu Wulin before is too terrifying, which makes these Sanye people feel uneasy.

Yu Wulin exhaled a puff of smoke slowly, causing a burst of smoke to surround him.

"Effective? What are you referring to? Didn't I say that that person cannot be killed? The purpose of this series of measures is just to delay time."

"Is it really necessary to do this to this extent?"

A member of the Clover Councilor wiped the sweat from his forehead: "Can you reduce the area of ​​attack?"

Although they had notified the public in advance and started to evacuate people in advance, the time was still too tight after all.

It is impossible for the vast majority of people who have taken refuge to escape too far away, and such a large-scale saturation bombing will definitely cause great losses in the lives and property of the people.

"7403 million people."

Yu Wulin gave rough figures lightly.

He didn't care about the loss of the Sanye people, and he didn't even bother to hide his attitude.

Hearing this, the faces of the Sanye councilors present suddenly turned pale.

It's not that they haven't made psychological preparations in advance, it's purely because the number is too large, and they can't accept such a heavy burden for a while.

"Heh~ If the strike area is not enough, with that person's moving speed, he can easily leave."

Yu Wulin sneered: "According to the data, according to the No.20 six census results, the number of Sanye people in the world is 750.

Can you not tell which is more important than 700 million and 100 billion? "

The difficulty of the trolley problem lies in the ethical aspect.

However, this kind of trolley problem is obviously not a difficult matter for the decision-making level of a race to make a judgment.

It is undoubtedly worthwhile to abandon the more than 700 million Sanye people within the strike range and retain the vast majority of Sanye people.

The question is, can this really achieve the purpose of delaying time?

The Clover councilors present looked at the large display screen in the center with apprehensive expressions, and they still had to face reality after all.


After this period of time, two huge machines, numbered KI03 and KI06, have entered the urban area where Lu Yan is located.

While wandering aimlessly on the street, Lu Yan activated his perception ability, planning to ask a nearby unlucky person first.

Suddenly, two huge sources of energy entered his perception range.

By the way, in addition to the life perception provided by [Symme], Lu Yan also has the serious perception ability of [Old and Long Bell].

It's just that the perception effect is not so obvious because it doesn't look like an old man.

But no matter how inconspicuous it is, it doesn't mean that even those two huge clumps of energy can't be noticed.

His sight was blocked by the building in front of him, so Lu Yan simply stepped on his feet and rose into the air.

At the edge of the city, two giant machines facing upwards of 50 meters appeared in Lu Yan's field of vision.

"What kind of Gundam is this?"

His eyelids twitched, and he couldn't help complaining about this giant machine.

Realizing that their side had been exposed, the drivers of the two giant machines decisively chose to do it.

They carried out this mission with the determination to die.

When this task was received, the fate of these two giant machines was already doomed.

Regardless of whether this existence code-named [Doomsday] would kill them on the spot, even if it didn't.

It is impossible for them to survive the large-scale saturation blow that followed.

The propellers under the feet and behind the two giant machines ejected high-temperature blue fireworks at the same time.

Although choosing the development direction of giant weapons is indeed full of slots, in any case, giant weapons are the most representative weapons in the cutting-edge technology of the Sanye civilization.

The destructive power after launching is not weak.

Almost in a blink of an eye, the two giant weapons were within a distance of hitting Lu Yan with a single punch.

The hurricane caused by the movement of the giant machinery immediately lifted the roofs of several nearby buildings.

This seemingly cumbersome giant can actually accelerate from a standstill to Mach [-] in an instant, giving people a very strong sense of fragmentation.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yan froze for a moment.

"Is this a technology of seconds per [-] kilometers?"

(End of this chapter)

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