Saturation strike

Without any intention of communicating, the giant red-painted machine was the first to punch Lu Yan.

The shadow of the fist had already covered Lu Yan's whole body, and under such circumstances, he didn't react at all.

"good chance!"

The driver of another giant black machine couldn't help but growl when he saw this scene.

If the giant machine can defeat [Doomsday], there is no need for a follow-up saturation attack.

In this way, not to mention that the surrounding people can survive, at least they themselves will not be buried under the saturation blow.

As giant machine drivers, they are well aware of the heavy power contained in such a punch.

Just the hurricane induced by punching is enough to blow a building upside down, let alone hit it head-on.

A normal carbon-based creature would be blown up into a cloud of blood mist by this punch.

However, the imagined picture of flying flesh and blood did not appear.

He didn't even see Lu Yan take any defensive measures, Juji's iron fist, which was the size of a car, just passed through without any hindrance, without any feedback from hitting any objects at all.

One couldn't help but suspect that Lu Yan, who was standing in mid-air, might just be a projection.

A blow at the physical level is obviously difficult to affect the rules.

After ignoring Juxie's attack, Lu Yan showed a kind smile that met society's expectations.

He slowly raised his finger and swiped it horizontally in front of him.

In the next second, this huge and exaggeratedly expensive machine was directly cut off in the middle.

Even the best sculptors can hardly cut such a smooth cross-section.

Amidst the crackling and flickering of the electric arc, the giant machine that had been split in two fell to the ground one after another, and even collapsed several buildings.

"Warning! Warning!"

"The power core is damaged by 79%, the power supply system is out of operation, the control core is abnormal, and the body is damaged by 53%. It is recommended that the driver activate the escape system..."

Fortunately, the cockpit and the central control system of the giant machine are both at the head, and after being divided into two, they have not completely shut down.

However, it was obviously impossible to continue fighting after being damaged like this, and the constant sounding of alarm signals in the cockpit also verified this point.

The driver of another huge black machine saw the tragic situation of his comrades, and while he was horrified, he did not choose to run away.

Anyway, they all came with the determination to die. Since there is no hope of defeating [Doomsday], at least they must complete the task of delaying time.

Soon, the torso of this giant black machine opened like a double-door refrigerator, revealing a huge high-heat energy barrel inside.

It has to be said that a caliber of [-] millimeters can be called justice to some extent.

The black muzzle exudes a unique military aesthetic.

"Lock the target and recharge the energy."

With the mobilization of energy, the center muzzle gradually lit up with a dazzling white light.

The extremely high temperature distorted the air around the muzzle.

"The multi-spectral temperature measurement data is [-] mixed light, ready to strike at any time."

The units are different, but the meanings are similar.

It is equivalent to a high temperature of six thousand degrees Celsius, and most importantly, this is only the air scattering caused by the light source of this laser cannon.

When this thermal laser cannon is fired, it can directly vaporize ordinary people even if it is separated by hundreds of meters.

Faced with such an attack, Lu Yan did not advance but retreated, and slowly moved to the muzzle of the gun.

He raised his hand and made a gesture of pressing on the muzzle of the gun.

"Don't you understand? Your attacks are meaningless to me."

Reality is not a game, and there is no mandatory deduction of a drop of blood when attacked.

The same is true now.

With Lu Yan's [Serious Dodge] activated, as long as he can't solve the problem of the rules, he can't even consume his physical strength.

There may be a more developed civilization on the technological side that can fight against the rules, but with the current technological level of the Sanye people, it is obviously impossible.

The power of the two sides is not in the same dimension at all.

The thermal laser cannon that had been brewing for a long time was finally launched, but it had no effect, and instead caused the giant machine to dissolve.

Because at the position of the cannon muzzle, there seemed to be an invisible air wall, which forcibly suffocated the laser cannon that was trying to pour out in the cannon barrel.

Lu Yan stepped back a certain distance, admiring the large firework made by himself in front of him.


At this moment, the high-level meeting room of the Sanye people fell into a deathly silence.

Even though they were mentally prepared for the defeat of the giant weapon from the beginning, when they saw Lu Yan destroying two three-generation giant weapons in such an understatement, they still had a strong sense of unreality in their minds.

A trembling voice broke the dead silence of the meeting hall.

"Can the mighty power of an individual really be exaggerated to such an extent?"

The leader of the Sanye people clenched his fists and swallowed hard.

"I can't even delay the time..."

"No, it's been long enough."

Yu Wulin still had a relaxed and freehand attitude. He raised his finger and looked at the monitoring screen displayed by the low-earth orbit satellite: "The long-range strike has arrived."


A series of piercing sounds came from far and near.

In Lu Yan's sight, more and more intercontinental missiles appeared in the sky.

At a flight speed of Mach [-], for ordinary people, as long as they hear the sonic boom caused by the missile, it means that it is impossible to escape, and they can only pray that the target is not themselves.

However, Lu Yan didn't care much about these missiles.

What he was curious about now was, what was that unknown opponent thinking?
With the popularity of the Invincible Tyrannosaurus Rex God of War among the reincarnation community, everyone should know that Lu Yan has the ability to ignore the rules of attacks.

Coming to this planet an hour earlier than myself, is it possible that he has been doing such useless work?
Do you still want to win?

While he was pondering this question, a large number of intercontinental missiles had already fallen like a storm.

There were deafening roars one after another, and the shock waves generated by the explosion turned the city into ruins in a very short period of time.

Guaranteed that every square meter has a saturated strike with a missile falling, whether it can hurt Lu Yan said, anyway, the city will definitely not be able to keep it.

The high-intensity missile attack lasted for a full ten minutes before stopping.

Although the duration is not too long, but within this short period of time, at least millions of missiles exploded within the city.

The city was in a mess, and the diffuse gunpowder smoke piled up over the city like a thick cloud, as if it was telling everything that happened 10 minutes ago.

Lu Yan still stood in the air unharmed.

"If this continues for a while, it will affect the ecology of the planet, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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