Chapter 1139
Except for the most exaggerated goat-eater and the ninjas who assisted the goat-eat.

The eight-in-one demon showed a brutal strength that he hadn't had time to show at the beginning.

After all, this is a special creature created by the law of the balance of good and evil. Although it is called a collection of eight demons, in fact, this ugly monster also possesses the power of eight undead gods.

The power of the eight demons alone is enough to toss this planet to pieces, not to mention the special effect that can replace the undead gods.

If it weren't for worrying that the noise would be too loud and damage the ecology of this planet, there would be no need to move at all.

The aggregate appeared in a nearby city, and the terrifying aura emanating from its ferocious body made all the Sanye people in the city breathless.

With a wave of his hand, a large amount of seawater surged out of the air, submerging the entire city in a very short period of time.

After confirming that none of the three leaf people survived, the group rushed to the next city without stopping.

No matter how many Sanye people there are tens of billions, this kind of efficiency is still somewhat unsatisfactory based on the base of tens of billions, not to mention that there are still many Sanye people who do not live in cities.

The Collective realized this too after quickly destroying half a dozen cities.

It raised its head and let out a long howl, and suddenly several extremely obvious protrusions appeared on the body covered with dragon scales.

Then, like ripe fruits, they fell from its body one after another.

If Lu Yan had been present, he would have found that these fallen meat balls contained a lot of vitality.

There was a toothache tearing sound.

I saw these fleshy balls growing limbs in an extremely unsuitable manner, and people stood up.

In the end, it gradually became the same as the aggregate.

After all, they are not avatar abilities, they are not as powerful as the main body.

However, if it is just to eliminate the Sanye people, such a huge force is not needed at all.


the other side.

The transcendent who left Lu Yan's side has arrived at the capital of the Sanye people, which is also the largest city on the planet.

Just by looking at the appearance, one can tell that the transcendent is not a Sanye.

Therefore, shortly after the Transcendent appeared, a large number of Sanye soldiers quickly surrounded him.

There was no communication, and no capitulation.

To greet the transcendent, there is only a dense hail of bullets.

The higher-ups have repeatedly emphasized that [Doom] is extremely dangerous. Ordinary Sanye soldiers are very weak in front of [Doom], and they cannot be harmed by conventional weapons.

If it is inevitable to encounter [Doomsday], you can only delay the opponent's progress with the determination to die.

It has to be said that the alien effect also exists at this time.

Even though most of the Sanye soldiers had seen Lu Yan's image, it was still difficult for them to distinguish the difference between Lu Yan and the Transcendent.

The moment he saw the transcendent, he directly acquiesced that this was [Doomsday].

A large number of Sanye soldiers fired with all their strength in panic, and the muzzles of the guns were spitting out flames, as if they were pouring out the panic and despair that they had nowhere to release.

"Die! Die for me!"


Such dense gunfire could not completely cover up the hysterical voices of the Sanye soldiers.

The transcendent is indeed unable to achieve the level of omniscience and omnipotence, but it will not be reduced to be injured by these ordinary firearms.

He raised his right hand high in an exaggerated manner, and snapped his fingers playfully.

In the next second, the crazily pouring firepower stopped instantly.

The Sanye soldiers turned their guns uncontrollably with both hands, aimed at the comrades beside them, and pulled the trigger in mutual panic.

All the guns fired at the same time, and the Sanyemen soldiers fell one after another like cutting wheat.

The heavy armed forces who just arrived saw this strange scene, and immediately lost their courage to connect with the transcendent.

It's a pity that they didn't dare to do anything, which doesn't mean that the transcendent will just watch like this.

He leaned back slightly, closed his eyes, and stretched his arms.

This painting is more like a performance artist than a lunatic.

Not long after, he slowly waved his arms like the conductor of a large symphony orchestra.

And following his movements, the heavily armed vehicles surrounding the street started to move in unison.

The muzzle of the black hole flipped and aimed at the surrounding buildings.

For a while, the cannons roared and the flames shot into the sky.

The lethality of these heavy weapons is obviously not comparable to that of firearms. The shock wave generated by the explosion alone shattered the windows of more than a dozen nearby streets.

Ordinary Sanye people would never have imagined that their army would turn their guns around and attack them, and they would all frantically flee in the opposite direction.

The Transcendor didn't have the idea of ​​helping the Sanye people save ammunition, and dumped all the ammunition carried by these heavy armed vehicles in one go.

There were still Sanye soldiers who survived on the street, but they all had dazed faces and even forgot to run away.

clap clap ~
There was a burst of sparse applause, which was particularly harsh on the extremely quiet street at the moment.

"What a wonderful symphony."

Yu Wulin clapped his hands and walked towards the transcendent with a smile: "This is the first time I know that Lao Lu has this kind of summoning ability."

Hearing this, the transcendent pouted.

However, he still made a graceful exit towards Yu Wulin with a pretentious gesture.

He straightened his back again, and patted the non-existent dust on the leather jacket: "It seems that the person that guy asked me to find is you."

"That rascal?"

The smile on Yu Wulin's face became brighter and brighter: "I really appreciate your unique summoner."

Transcendent looked cold, these words sounded too harsh to him.

"Is it a summon?"

With a wave of his hand, a heavy road roller smashed towards Yu Wulin.

Just when it was about to fall on Yu Wulin's head, a space wormhole quietly opened and swallowed the steamroller easily.

"Don't be so angry, how about talking to me more about your 'master'?"

The Transcendent obviously couldn't tolerate Yu Wulin's vicious remarks.

His figure disappeared instantly, and when he reappeared, he was behind Yu Wulin.

A foot lift is a kick sweep that can destroy mountains.

Yu Wulin moved his feet, and took two steps back lightly, narrowly dodging the blow.

From the fierce wind that was raised, one could feel the heavy power contained in the attack.

Yu Wulin raised his hands as if surrendering.

"Hi, I'm sorry, sorry, I have a stupid mouth."

(End of this chapter)

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