The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 1140 Can Kill You

Chapter 1140 Can Kill You

Yu Wulin spoke convincing words, but there was no trace of guilt on his face.

Such an attitude exudes obvious irony.

The transcendent itself is not tolerant, and he can't help but want to tear the guy in front of him immediately.

Putting his hands together in the middle, an invisible force emerged, and frantically began to squeeze the area where Yu Wulin was, trying to lock him in place.

It's a pity that the transcendent is not in the Marvel world now, and the power he can exert at present is still far from the level of omniscience and omnipotence.

Facing this level of confinement power, Yu Wulin seemed to be able to handle it with ease.

He didn't even change his expression much, he raised a finger unhurriedly, and two space wormholes appeared on both sides of him.

The two space wormholes instantly spewed out an unimaginably huge repulsive force, destroying the imprisoning power released by the transcendent like a catastrophe.

"You don't seem to be very good at it." Yu Wulin teased with a smile.

Hearing these words, the Transcendent felt inexplicably aggrieved by being bullied by dogs.

But he still retorted with a cold face: "It's enough to deal with you."

He crouched down and pressed one hand to the ground.

Afterwards, this concrete-like street suddenly twisted and surged like a tide.

The ruined walls on both sides collapsed directly under such a change in the ground.

The transcendent didn't expect this kind of turbulence on the ground to hurt the arrogant guy in front of him.

His attack will start next.

Soon, the churning ground was reshaped.

One after another, huge sculpture giants stood up and surrounded Yu Wulin.

Each sculpture giant is more than ten meters high, exuding an extremely powerful sense of oppression for ordinary people.

The most important thing is that these sculptural giants are rooted under their feet and integrated with the earth.

Unless the entire land can be pushed away, there is no way to limit the actions of the sculpture giants.

The transcendent looked at Yu Wulin, who was covered by the shadow of the sculpture giant, with a smirk on his face: "Tear him apart."

Boom boom boom!
Every step of the sculpture giant can cause the ground to tremble.

Compared with these ten-meter-tall sculpture giants, Yu Wulin looked extremely weak.

However, there was no panic on his face.

While taking out a handful of complex parts from his pocket and rubbing them together, he said insincerely, "It's terrible, please spare my life."

"You will really beg for mercy soon."

It is really difficult for the transcendent to understand what kind of brain circuit Yu Wulin is in, and he has no intention of stopping.

The sculpture giants waved their palms, trying to hold Yu Wulin in their hands.

Yu Wulin didn't even look at the sculpture giants, but moved around seemingly randomly.

The strange thing is that he obviously doesn't move fast, but so many sculpture giants have been unable to catch him completely.

Many times it seemed that he was about to be caught, but in the end it was still a little bit short.

In a short period of time, it can still be said that Yu Wulin is lucky, and it has always been like this. It is impossible for the transcendent to continue to use the reason that the other party is lucky to fool themselves.

It's just that before the Transcendent could do anything else, the pile of parts in Yu Wulin's hand had already been assembled by him.

The result of the assembly looks like a metal cylinder.

Yu Wulin also took the time to smile at the transcendent before throwing the cylinder into the sky in a calm manner.


A crisp metal collision sound came from inside the cylinder.

In the next second, the cylinder fell apart as if falling apart.

But in fact, it formed an impenetrable metal net.

Cover all these sculpture giants present, including the transcendent.

The large metal net is in a state of natural fall, seemingly loosely covering the bodies of these sculptural giants.

At first glance, this appears to be harmless.

But in the middle of these metal grids, there is an extremely chaotic waveform.

All substances that enter the metal grid are decomposed and reconstructed from the microscopic level.

These ten-meter-high sculpture giants were worn away bit by bit as the net fell.

Most importantly, the process is not slow.

It's almost like letting this metal net fall into free fall, and nothing can stop it.

The transcendent decisively created a hurricane on the spot, trying to blow away this weird metal net by physical means.

Unfortunately, this still has no effect.

When these wind forces come into contact with the large metal mesh, they are also decomposed by the special waveform in the mesh.

All substances are treated equally in front of this technology.

If it is in the Marvel world, the transcendent may be able to tell what kind of method this is, and then take measures to deal with it.

But not now.

Without being omniscient and omnipotent, even if the transcendent wants to destroy this metal grid, they will not be able to find a suitable way in a short time.

In desperation, the transcendent could only choose to abandon the sculpture giant and move the figure out of the range covered by the metal net.

The metal net finally fell to the ground, and what happened next was just as the transcendent imagined.

In that area, except for Yu Wulin himself, all the matter was easily disintegrated.

Yu Wulin was holding this metal net bag in his hand, like a hardworking fisherman, sharing the net with both hands.

While tidying up, he smiled at the transcendent: "Could it be that the summoned beast is still afraid of being killed?"

The transcendent remained silent, frantically searching for a solution to Yu Wulin in his mind.

"Well... If you really don't want to talk, then there's nothing you can do."

Yu Wulin shrugged, and used an incomprehensible way to reunite the big net in his hand into a metal ball.

At this moment, a gentle voice came from above the dilapidated street.

"Let me talk to you."

According to the reputation, Lu Yan sat cross-legged in mid-air with his chin in one hand.

He looked Yu Wulin up and down with great interest, and said with a smile: "So your name is actually the leader of the martial arts."

"Damn, isn't this a temporary brain twitch, and I can't get rid of it."

Regarding Lu Yan's sudden appearance, Yu Wulin didn't seem too surprised. Instead, he scratched the back of his head and added shyly, "Don't tell anyone else about this."

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone."

Lu Yan showed a smile in line with society's expectations.

"But in exchange, you can also answer my question by the way."

Having said that, a pale flame appeared in Lu Yan's palm out of thin air.

"Can I kill you?"

(End of this chapter)

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