Chapter 1141
This pale flame spread from Lu Yan's palm, gradually covering his entire arm.

It is worth mentioning that Lu Yan's words were really not a threat.

He was really curious if he could kill Yu Wulin in this deathmatch mission.

After all, Lu Yan has basically seen all powerful reincarnators.

No matter what terrifying abilities those powerhouses at the pinnacle of reincarnation possess, they still cannot escape the control of the reincarnation system.

Still afraid of punishment like obliteration.

In a sense, they can only be regarded as puppets under the control of the reincarnation system.

Only Yu Wulin was able to ignore the punishment of the reincarnation system over and over again, which is unbelievable.

You must know that Lu Yan was able to ignore the various restrictions of the reincarnation system because of his own special situation, which the reincarnation system could not erase.

But why did Yu Wulin do this?

Obviously all abilities are obtained from the reincarnation system, but they can escape the control of the reincarnation system.

This is like a fruit farmer planting a fruit tree, but the fruit tree ran away by itself before the harvest.

No matter how you think about it, this is not in line with common sense.

"Hey, what you said, Lao Lu, is that you don't show any sympathy."

Yu Wulin deliberately put on an exaggerated and sad look.

Probably because he had been in contact with him a lot, Lu Yan was quite able to accept Yu Wulin's nonchalant attitude, and of course he could draw conclusions from it.

Whether it was confidence or something else, at least Yu Wulin was not worried that he would die in this deathmatch.

"How did you do it?"

Lu Yan muttered to himself, and then conveniently condensed the pale flame under his control into a ball, and threw it towards Yu Wulin below.

Seeing this, Yu Wulin casually snapped his fingers, and a space wormhole opened in front of him.

This group of pale flames containing multiple regular powers was directly swallowed by the space wormhole.

"Such a terrifying power, I dare not take it hard."

Yu Wulin chuckled, and took out a cigarette from somewhere and put it in his mouth.

Lu Yan rubbed his chin: "In this case, why don't you let me see your real strength."

Although it was three hours before the task time limit, there was only a little over an hour left.

But Lu Yan is not worried that he will not be able to meet the winning conditions. After all, he released those hardworking "summoned beasts", which is enough to clean up the Sanye people during this period of time.

It didn't need him to worry about it at all.

Moreover, it seems that Yu Wulin did not provide any powerful assistance to the civilization of the Sanye people.

Based on this premise, Lu Yan can definitely "communicate" with this guy during this period of time.

Yu Wulin lit the cigarette in his mouth, and said with a half-smile.

"If you insist, it's not impossible..."


St. John's duel.

The vast spectator seats were already full of noisy noise.

Not all reincarnated deathmatch, like Lu Yan and Yu Wulin, use an entire resource planet as a battlefield.

Most of the deathmatch duels between reincarnators are relatively simple, and the winner can be determined in a short time.

Nearly two hours passed, and most of the duels had already ended.

As the third round of deathmatch that can be withdrawn after the end, the lucky survivors can finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Even in this process, a huge number of lives have died.

But for these winners, there is not much feeling of hurting their own species, and some are just the excitement of surviving.

The samsara who thought they were not strong enough decisively chose to quit halfway.

And those reincarnated people or starry sky races who still plan to continue the death fight belong to the category that has confidence in their own strength.

All of a sudden, the heavy atmosphere in the spectator seats was swept away.

Most of the contestants are finally in the mood to pay attention to the ongoing death match.

Among them, the unfinished duel between Lu Yan and Yu Wulin can be said to have attracted the attention of most of the contestants in the spectator seats.

Yu Wulin was fine, not many people knew him.

But Lu Yan was different.

As long as the contestants intend to continue the death fight, it is absolutely impossible to ignore this recognized strongest among the reincarnations.

"How did the two of them meet so quickly?"

Kuangfeng looked at the death fight scene in the center of the spectator stand, with a troubled expression on his face.

In his opinion, whether it is Lu Yan or Yu Wulin, they are both reincarnations of the Dragon Kingdom, and he knows them all.

No matter what, he was one of the group of reincarnations standing at the top, and it was not what he wanted to see any one of them die in this duel.

"No way, it's a random match after all."

Zhong Gongliang sighed: "It's a pity for Yu Wulin."

In his words, he did not think that Yu Wulin had any hope of winning.

The main reason is that compared to the crushing level of strength that Lu Yan once displayed, Yu Wulin's performance is very mediocre most of the time.

Of course, the mediocrity here is among the most peak group of reincarnations.

It is worth mentioning that even though a lot of flags were planted before the start of the third round of deathmatch, the minister did not match any strong opponents, but won more easily than the first two rounds.

"Is it a pity for Yu Wulin?"

Yun Changge was also following the death fight between Lu Yan and Yu Wulin.

"Frankly speaking, I always thought Yu Wulin was dangerous."

He has no proof, just a hunch.

He had been in contact with Yu Wulin during the divisional confrontation.

The guy who behaved inconspicuously most of the time could always make him feel an inexplicable sense of crisis.

It seemed that in the next second, Yu Wulin would take out a set of tools and dismember himself.

If Yun Changge had to choose between Lu Yan and Yu Wulin, he would actually prefer that Lu Yan survive.

"Let's keep watching, it's useless to guess for a long time."

Teacher Da Luo patted his belly and smiled like a Maitreya Buddha: "The two of them have already faced each other head-on, and it is estimated that this duel to the death is coming to an end soon."


Lu Yan's figure fell from midair and came to a position less than ten meters away from Yu Wulin.

However, he didn't attack Yu Wulin immediately, he just stood there, intending to see Yu Wulin's methods first.

Yu Wulin didn't intend to delay any longer, he just threw most of the remaining cigarettes on the ground.

Lift your foot and step on it.



Almost at the same time, hundreds of space wormholes unfolded behind him...

(End of this chapter)

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