The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 1151 Cooperation

Chapter 1151 Cooperation
"What twelve hours?"

"Who is Your Excellency?"

"Where are the guards?!"

Although everyone present is a representative of various countries, they all have excellent psychological qualities.

But in the face of Lu Yan, who suddenly jumped from the ceiling more than ten meters away, he was unavoidably caught off guard.

Fortunately, the incident of the revival of the gods some time ago has greatly improved everyone's ability to withstand these supernatural forces, and many representatives did not show serious gaffes.

Even before the guards arrived, the spokesperson had the courage to ask Lu Yan, "Why did you break into the meeting without authorization?"

It is worth mentioning that those revived gods will exude a coercion that is extremely unique to human beings.

Even some wild gods in the mountains who do not have incense to worship, also have such coercion.

That is the sense of oppression that higher life naturally exudes against lower life.

Not to mention finding three generations of Lu Yan's ancestors, even Lu Yan himself seemed to have popped out of a crack in the rock suddenly, and there was no sign of this person's existence before.

Naturally, these guards didn't care what Lu Yan was talking about, they just scolded him.

A representative wearing glasses asked in a calm manner.

Lu Yan didn't bother to explain to the guards, so he just spoke with the microphone in his hand without much fluctuation.

Another representative of a big country spoke.

"That's not true, I don't know much."

Although the venue for the deathmatch this time was projected exactly like the real world, it is obviously impossible for Lu Yan to fully understand how many gods there are in this world.

Because incidents of such a nasty nature must be carefully investigated.

He didn't know why he treated it so solemnly, but there was a voice in his heart telling him that this mysterious person who suddenly broke into the meeting scene might be the turning point of the revival of the gods.

Lu Yan spread his hands and added with a smile: "I just want to ask you for some information about the gods, um... I need all the information about the gods around the world."

And because of the targeted measures taken by several major powers before, no information in this regard can be found on the Internet.

But for the representatives from various countries present, they didn't feel this divine aura from Lu Yan.

As representatives of various countries, they naturally know better than ordinary people what kind of power these revived gods possess.

Hearing Lu Yan's words, the diplomat raised his hand to the guards beside him, signaling not to evacuate for now.

"With all due respect, what do you intend to do with these materials?"

The casual smile on Lu Yan's face was slightly restrained: "I am a human being."

"Find out and solve it, how can it be so light!"

A series of hurried footsteps sounded in the corridor outside the meeting room door.

"What I mean is that it doesn't take 24 hours. From the beginning to the end of the full recovery of the gods, there are only twelve hours in total."

Probably because Lu Yan jumped from the ceiling of more than ten meters, but was not injured, so the representatives of various countries present could not regard him as an ordinary person.

However, there is a distance of nearly a thousand kilometers from that street to the meeting site.

In his view, anyway, the demands of the two sides are consistent to some extent, and it is logical to rely on the help of these official forces.

Who knew that someone could break into the conference venue in such a blatant manner. Someone must be responsible for such a bad incident.

It's like a hare standing in front of a Siberian tiger weighing nearly one ton. Even if the tiger doesn't make any movement, it will still make the rabbit tremble with fear.

But before anyone could open their mouths to question, a message was sent to the mailboxes of the representatives.

Therefore, during this period of time, the intelligence agencies of various countries responded quickly and planned to verify Lu Yan's origin.

"Hold your head in your hands and squat in place."

He smiled lightly and said, "Why is the reaction so intense?"

In fact, the person in charge of security was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot at the moment.

A large number of heavily armed guards filed in.

Fortunately, intelligence personnel soon noticed a detail, that is, a few minutes ago, Lu Yan had appeared on a street.

He really couldn't figure it out, he obviously already attached great importance to this meeting, and the security level was carried out according to the highest standard.

Then he asked Lu Yan, "Who is Your Excellency?"

However, when these words fell on everyone's ears, it was like a muffled thunder on a sunny day.

These guards couldn't help being nervous.

"Your Excellency, do you know what you are talking about?"

There were nearly twenty guards armed with guns, surrounding Lu Yan in the middle.

Following the hasty orders issued, these heavily armed guards quickly controlled the scene.

Such a similar question has been asked before, but this time, the diplomat's attitude seemed very solemn.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yan's expression did not change significantly.

Lu Yan had no choice but to come to these representatives.

Even if Lu Yan's behavior doesn't look like an ordinary person...

The door of the meeting room was kicked open.

As a result, someone suddenly appeared and said boldly that he would get rid of the gods, which is really unbelievable.

"Your Excellency is here, should you want to tell us something?"

Lu Yan answered very easily, just listening to his tone, it was as if he was talking about eating scrambled eggs with tomatoes at night, it was a matter of course.

"Take the suspect under control immediately, and if he resists, he is allowed to fire."

After all, there are hundreds of representatives in the conference room, all of whom are the heads of various political entities. If they are taken over by someone, there may be chaos all over the world.

"Don't act rashly!"

"Find out the gods and deal with them."

Deliberately suppressed discussions suddenly sounded in the meeting room.

"Each group escorted the representatives to leave according to the original plan."

Since they are human beings, they will naturally not be too afraid.

It is also this kind of coercion that makes most human beings unable to make any resistance actions when facing the revived gods, and can only be slaughtered.

The consequences are simply not something these guards can afford.

He glanced at the countdown on the reincarnation interface. To be precise, there were eleven hours and 47 minutes left.

This speed of movement exceeds any means of transportation known to man.

If it is not shocking to say that jumping from ten meters without injury, then covering thousands of kilometers in a short period of time is enough to prove how incredible strength Lu Yan possesses.

Amidst the exclamation, Lu Yan said with a light smile.

"You guys provide information, and I will be responsible for solving the gods."

(End of this chapter)

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