Chapter 1152 Shock
After Lu Yan finished speaking, the originally noisy conference room suddenly became quiet.

Representatives from various countries, security personnel, etc. all looked at Lu Yan with surprise on their faces.

After a while, the representatives looked at each other and couldn't help discussing again.

"Your Excellency, do you know what you are talking about?"

"This is no joke."

"Who is your Excellency?"

After all, in the world of adults, it is hard to believe that there is such a good thing as a pie in the sky.

What's more, they are all representatives of various countries, so it is naturally more difficult to accept help from such unknown people.

Lu Yan also knew this well, and would not feel any dissatisfaction.

He smiled and said, "Do you have any other options?"

But in the center of each piece of the picture, there is an imposing god.

He hurriedly turned around and shouted to the secretary at the side: "Immediately transfer the satellite surveillance images of those six gods to the big screen in the conference room."

"Your Excellency, we hope to believe you, but you should also understand our concerns..."

A representative checked the latest news and nodded heavily towards everyone.

Most of the time, Lu Yan is just lazy to use his brain, which doesn't mean he has no brains.


And when it comes to the second stage of the god's recovery, it cannot be solved by human's conventional means.

All of a sudden, the elites, whose psychological endurance was far stronger than ordinary people, didn't know what to say.

But I don't know why, this method is now invalid.

Suddenly, the diplomat seemed to remember something.

"That is how the matter?"

It was such a scene, too shocking, and too incredible.

The diplomat suppressed the ecstasy in his heart, and said quickly: "From now on, treat it with the highest standard...uh."

Above the ruins of a demolished church, an angel with two pairs of white wings and a bare upper body flew out.

After handing over the materials of the earliest batch of revived gods to Lu Yan, Lu Yan disappeared out of thin air under the eyes of everyone.


At this stage, there will be gods coming out of the dense light, and the gods at this moment already possess unimaginable power for human beings.

A rickety old man with a gray beard almost dragging to the ground was walking out of a dilapidated earth temple with a cane.

At this stage, you can rely on physical means to forcibly demolish the temples and churches where they are located to limit the birth of gods.

"Collect this information and give it to me."

"Those gods, shouldn't be so boring as to do this kind of thing to amuse us?"

It is impossible for them to trust strangers of unknown origin so easily, but the current situation really does not allow them to hesitate.

Seeing this scene, the representatives of various countries in the conference room woke up like a dream.

Everyone couldn't believe what they saw.


In the conference room, there was no sound at the moment.

What Lu Yan has to do is to prevent any god... from fully recovering!

After a long silence, someone sighed in a daze.

Not long after, Lu Yan's figure appeared on another surveillance screen. Using the same method and the same relaxed posture, he turned a god who could slaughter tens of millions of human beings into a shining streamer.

In the only piece without the figure of a god, there is only a stream of light that gradually dissipates.


He didn't even stop, and disappeared from the satellite's monitoring screen in a flickering figure.

He can also understand the meaning of these words.

" this really something humans can do?"

It was as if he tore off a weed while passing by, and patted the god on the head casually.

"As of now, six reports of the recovery of the gods have been received."

Lu Yan glanced around, and asked in a gentle tone, "Should the gods have recovered by now?"

Although the diplomat did not say the latter words, everyone present could hear the subtext.

According to past experience, the recovery process of the gods can be roughly divided into three stages.

The capital city of Italy.

There is no pity in the eyes, but only the desire for blood.

On an unknown mountain in the southwest of Longguo.

The diplomat lifted it up, pointed to one of the monitoring screens, and said in shock, " don't need to play it back, just watch."

No, to be precise, only the five satellite monitoring screens have gods.

"Play it back."

Within ten seconds after the order was issued, six different monitoring screens were displayed on the large screen in the center of the conference room.

After doing all this, Lu Yan didn't even feel that he had done anything extremely shocking.

"what happened?"

In the conference room, the representatives from various countries who watched the whole process with their own eyes fell into a long silence.

In desperation, the diplomat jumped over the encirclement of the guards and came to Lu Yan.

He flew in mid-air, looking down at the humans in the city.

The first stage is to light up dense light out of thin air, and the duration is not consistent.

Just under Lu Yan's seemingly inadvertent slap, it gradually disappeared into a stream of light.

Ordinary people would have uncontrollably weak legs just by standing in front of Him.

If it weren't for the hole in the ceiling that was violently dismantled, one couldn't help but wonder if everything that happened just now was an illusion.

During this stage, the revived gods will begin to devour humans to fill their own shortfall.

"Ah... yes."

The efficiency of this secretary is quite good.

Not only did the opponent not have time to react to Lu Yan's appearance, but he also didn't have the slightest strength to resist.

It was only at this time that the representatives of various countries remembered that they didn't even know Lu Yan's name until now.

The resurgence of gods like this is happening all over the world.

However, such a kind old man exudes a terrifying coercion.

Lu Yan rubbed his chin, and continued to add: "Just use these six gods as proof..."

In the picture, some are urban areas, and some are in mountains and forests.

Representatives of several big countries exchanged glances with each other.

According to the power of each god, the number of humans that need to be devoured is also unpredictable.

Only when the gods have devoured enough humans can they be considered to have entered the third stage of complete recovery.

In the picture he pointed to, Lu Yan appeared above that god.

But this does not affect their inner excitement and joy.

There is no way, no matter how high their status is, the gods will treat them equally.

Not to mention how much impact the revival of the gods will have on society, the safety of oneself alone cannot be guaranteed.

The appearance of Lu Yan changed everything.

(End of this chapter)

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