Chapter 1158


The god who looked like a little old man became hesitant after hearing Lu Yan's question.

Naturally, Lu Yan couldn't fail to see such obvious concerns.

The gods who wanted to deliver this news, even among all the recovery gods, belonged to the stronger group.

But Lu Yan didn't care.

After all, for him, no matter how powerful the recovery god is, it's just that.

"It's fine if you don't say anything, I'll ask other gods."

Lu Yan stood up slowly, and a divine light condensed in his hand.

Looking at this divine light that is as light as the dust, the little old man's god only felt a strong sense of crisis welling up in his heart, as if he was about to dissipate completely in the next second.

Putting the satellite phone back into his pocket, he smiled at the police officers present, "Thank you for your hard work."

Such a change made the corner of Lu Yan's mouth curl up in a playful arc unconsciously.

In the face of one's own survival, how can one still care about keeping a secret.

Suddenly, a strong energy fluctuation appeared in his perception range.

After gaining an accurate direction, his flying speed suddenly soared, and bursts of sonic booms pierced the sky.

Lu Yan felt that this courage was indeed not small.

So now, we don't have much information about the desert temple, and we still have to find a god of the level of Anubis, so we'd better be more cautious, right? "

A gust of wind blew up, forming a jackal-like face in front of him with yellow sand: "It depends on whether you have the qualification to come in."

Seeing that the matter here was almost settled, the young policeman came over hesitantly and said.

After receiving Lu Yan's approval, he quickly turned into streamers and returned to the wooden doll in the shrine.

In order to ensure fairness, the reincarnation system limited Lu Yan's perception of these recovery gods, so it was difficult for him to determine the location of these recovery gods.

In this way, it is not surprising that he is strong enough to test Lu Yan's depth.

In less than a minute, all the information about Anubis and the desert temple was sent over.

This desert is really too big. If Lu Yan searched inch by inch, even if Lu Yan searched for half a day, he might not be able to find Anubis who was actively dormant.

Even if there is a gust of wind blowing, the wind is steaming.

It can be seen that this pyramid temple is 300 meters high, and two gates of about ten meters are ajar.

The young policeman was hesitant at first, probably due to nervousness, but he spoke more and more smoothly as he got to the end, finishing such a long call in one breath.

After a brief glance, Lu Yan had a basic understanding of Anubis, the god of death.

For humans, such a living environment is undoubtedly difficult.

"Anubis? In the desert?"

In Anubis' eyes, Lu Yan was running around like a headless chicken, and he didn't look like a strong man.

Hearing this, Lu Yan frowned slightly.

The little old man's recovery god's face flushed red, obviously he was extremely nervous.

Of course, there is a little misunderstanding in this.

In short, since the other party took the initiative to show up, he was naturally happy and relaxed.

"Does this mean that I want to go in?" Lu Yan tilted his head and smiled lightly.

After all, this one is the god of recovery, and the other is the savior. These ordinary little policemen present did not have the guts to interject at all.

That kind of intensity, compared with the recovery god who looks like a little old man, is simply heaven and earth.

It can almost be said that the pyramid temple is still intact.

Even if he will be punished by that powerful recovery god later, that will be later.

The desert is always sunny and dry.

According to the information he received, the so-called desert temple was quite large, and because of the harsh environment, the demolition of the desert temple was not carried out.

Lu Yan dispelled the divine light from his hand, and then patted the shoulder of the revived god with a gentle expression.

Lu Yan took out the special satellite phone from his pocket, pressed the call button and said, "Please send me the approximate location of the desert temple."

It took only a few breaths to reach the sky above the pyramid temple.

But Anubis took the initiative to reveal his location at this moment.

Seeing this, the suspenseful heart of the little old man finally let go.

Lu Yan raised his brows slightly: "You can communicate with each other after such a long distance... okay."

In addition, he didn't trust the bamboo people too much, and he was more willing to believe what he saw.

Especially after connecting with modern civilization, as the number of oases in the desert became smaller and smaller, most of the aborigines chose to leave this land and live in the city.

"It's okay, I don't need transportation."

Lu Yan flew around the desert and didn't even see a single person.

Time passed by every minute and every second, when Lu Yan was getting a little restless from walking around.

"You are so brave."

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

Lu Yan didn't know what Anubis's mental journey was, and he didn't care.

"No, wait, I said I said..."


"Go back and rest, don't come out again today."

"Mr. [Savior], are you planning to go to the Temple of the Desert God of Death next?"

The police officers around looked at each other in blank dismay, but they didn't dare to interrupt their conversation.

Although it is insignificant compared to the entire desert, at least it is not the kind of small site that is easily overlooked.

Even if there are traces of human activities, these traces will be covered up by a random sandstorm.

"That, that is, the temple may not be easy to find... The main desert, once any vehicle enters it, it will immediately lose control, and the yellow sand is flying all year round, and it cannot be observed with satellites.

The recovery god with the appearance of a little old man threw out all the news he knew in one breath, and then sat down on the ground with a sigh of relief.

Lu Yan nodded of course.

"Ah, yes... yes!"

If there is no one to lead the way, Lu Yan can only choose to wander around like a headless chicken and try his luck.

And these data are provided and sorted out at a glance.

Before these police officers could give a symbolic answer, Lu Yan had already soared into the air, and disappeared into the sky under the stunned gaze of the police officers.

"I'm very glad that you can take the initiative to show up."

As he spoke, he stretched out his right hand, pinched the face formed by the yellow sand in front of him with his index finger and thumb.

"But with your attitude..."

Before the words fell, [Suotian] unfolded directly, covering the entire desert temple in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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