The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 1159 Abstraction

Chapter 1159 Abstraction
The invisible blocking force instantly covered the entire desert temple.

Although on the surface, nothing noticeable has changed.

But as the owner of this desert temple, Anubis clearly felt that everything outside was cut off by an inexplicable force.

Obviously He is the god of death in the desert. He could easily set off an overwhelming sandstorm, but now he can no longer control any grain of yellow sand.

It's like losing your divine power all of a sudden.

Anubis has never seen such a strange method, and he is not even sure whether his loss of power is temporary or permanent?

Anubis's face was ugly, which made the jackal's head look extraordinarily ferocious, and a fierce light flashed in his terrifying pupils.

Under such circumstances, He definitely couldn't sit still.

Without waiting for Lu Yan to take the initiative to enter the desert temple, he eagerly broke through the temple and rushed into the air.

"what have you done?!"


After passing a few more islands, Anubis couldn't help asking tentatively.

Lu Yan stroked his chin and murmured thoughtfully, "So my opponent this round is the starry sky race?"

"No, no, I left a long time ago."

"What do you want to know?"

Anubis was only silent for a moment, without thinking too much, he put away the death scepter from his heart.

Fortunately, Anubis is still a god no matter what, it just has such a head, and it doesn't have the stench of wild beasts.

The reason is probably because Australia's animal populations are so unique.

The population density of Australia is very small. Compared with humans, all kinds of animals are more like the masters of this land.

"I have to remind you that the gods in this place are not easy to communicate with."

Anubis nodded first, then quickly shook his head.

What does it mean to be too lazy to solve yourself?

Lu Yan did not have the slightest mood swing.

It's as if he can solve it as long as he wants to.

To be honest, these things look like myths that should exist in Shan Hai Jing.

Unfortunately, what Lu Yan said was indeed true.

Anubis added cautiously.

"My lord, are you really going to meet the Rainbow Snake? According to that bastard, wouldn't you still win if you didn't kill him?"

Lu Yan was lying on Anubis' wolf head, with his hands behind his head, lazily basking in the sun.

"There are many?"

Anubis felt as if he was smashing a thick iron wall, no matter how much divine power he erupted, the scepter remained motionless.

"It's just how you feel."

This part of the power is still there, so he will naturally not tolerate Lu Yan talking nonsense in front of him.

He quickly changed his words: "Let me ask for you."

The marsupial lion, the ancient monitor lizard, the Cowonabi snake, the giant short-faced kangaroo, the basalt-like horned turtle and so on.

"Where did he go?" Lu Yan asked.

He recalled what the bamboo-knotted man had said, and the situation that he thought was extremely absurd at first seemed to be... true.

He really didn't care too much about the outcome of the death match, and he didn't think any opponent could pose a threat to him.

It consists of a huge land and nearly [-] islands, large and small.

He didn't think that just because he killed a starry sky race that looked like a sausage, he thought that these starry sky races were chickens.

When Anubis rushed over, he looked at the other's jackal head, and unconsciously held his breath.

"Don't want to answer?"

Not to mention letting people lie on their heads.

Lu Yan patted the dust off his hands and asked with a smile.

Looking at the sparsely distributed islands below and the endless blue ocean, Anubis felt distressed.

Lu Yan gently moved the death scepter to the side so that he could face Anubis directly.

In the roar of Anubis, there were faint howls of wolves.

If it were an ordinary person, just looking at Anubis' tall body of more than ten meters, he might be so frightened that he couldn't even stand still.

Facing this scepter that was as thick as a pillar, Lu Yan just casually raised his hand and stood in front of him.

But compared to the more or less familiar reincarnation, those various star races will obviously cause more variables.

Anubis tensed up, and he began to regret it.

Anubis grinned at Lu Yan, as if he was about to jump directly at him in the next second.

"That... it's almost there."


As the god of death in Egyptian mythology, even if Anubis lost the power to manipulate the desert, he was still stronger than most ordinary recovery gods.

However, the situation was stronger than others, and he really didn't have the courage to resist Lu Yan's manipulation, so he could only endure silently.

It was Anubis' thick death scepter that answered him.

It is worth mentioning that the mythology of each region is different, so the gods born are also completely different.

At this time, the desert god of death had to calm down.

Who can guarantee that there are no real powerhouses among the participating star races?
Lu Yan sorted out his thoughts, and asked Anubis, "Still in this temple?"

Lu Yan hummed to show that he knew.

Afraid that Lu Yan might have misunderstood something, he quickly explained, "No, it's not a human being. That guy looks like a humanoid bug."

What about Australia?

"We must meet my opponent this round." Lu Yan smacked his lips.

In continents such as Europe, Asia, Africa and the United States, the cats, canines, bears, elephants, crocodiles, etc. living on them are basically changing the soup without changing the medicine, and more is the difference in body size.

"I'm not so sure either……"

"That's it."

"Did someone ask you to notify the gods to hibernate?"

As the god of death in the desert, he himself doesn't like this kind of humid environment. Normally, it is impossible for him to come here.

Compared with other regions, the mythology of Australia will be more strange and abstract.

Anubis was halfway through speaking, and accidentally glanced at Lu Yan's kind smile that met social expectations, and his heart skipped a beat.

After a dull sound, the death scepter could no longer advance an inch.

Lu Yan shrugged, and said casually: "I'm too lazy to deal with you, tell me first, why did you tell all the gods to hibernate?"

The primitive worship of the power of animals by the aborigines has led to the gods in Australian mythology, which are all animals, and these gods basically only act on instinct.

If there is no such thing as the resurrection of the gods, Australian mythology is nothing more than a special type of mythology.

However, when the gods recovered one after another, the living environment in Australia was in dire straits without exaggeration.

After all, it's hard to be cool with a Komodo dragon...

(End of this chapter)

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