The immortal who travels the world

Chapter 1166 Awakening the Storm

"My lord, is this the right direction?"

Anubis traveled across a sea area, and his goal was the direction of the White Elephant Kingdom.

Lu Yan glanced up, hummed, and continued to operate the satellite phone in his hand with his head down.

Anyway, Anubis is also a revived god.

Although Lu Yan didn't think that these conventional anti-aircraft weapons could cause damage to Anubis, it would definitely be better to avoid these troubles.

Anyway, it was just to inform them through this satellite phone.

It is worth mentioning that, as the savior launched by the Global Alliance of Nations, the authority it possesses is even more exaggerated than Lu Yan imagined. At least there will be no hindrance in mobilizing conventional air defense forces in such an area.

After all, it is the only hope for mankind in the case of the collective recovery of the gods.

Suddenly, Lu Yan's tapping action on the screen paused.

"Why did you start moving again?"

The sonic fluctuations spread, causing an exaggerated and extremely violent storm to erupt in this sea area in a very short period of time.

At this moment, the eyes of these people are all focused on the large screen in the center of the conference hall.

The wind speed is greater than 51 meters per second, and it is called a super typhoon above level 16, which can easily set off super huge waves of more than ten meters.

"Can we help here?"

The most important thing is that he also noticed the black spot standing above the coastline.

Anubis explained tremblingly.

Anubis said cautiously.

It wasn't that he doubted Anubis, he just asked a symbolic question.

As Lord Shiva raised his left forearm, the conch held by that arm emitted a breath similar to sound waves.

In the largest conference hall.

Even saying that this is a super typhoon is a bit underestimated the wind power.


Lu Yan nodded.

"The rainbow snakes in Australia have all come out, and it's not surprising that Lord Shiva will recover."

As the distance draws closer, it can be clearly recognized that it is a recovery god with four arms.


Thousands of people sat densely, either representatives of various countries, experts in mythology, or military leaders.

The sudden hurricane completely darkened the sky, and the blue ocean became extremely dark.

"Have you waited for a long time?"

Therefore, as soon as the bamboo man started to move, he was aware of it, but the speed of the bamboo man's movement was not fast this time, and he was still in the territory of Baixiang country.

The shock of hundreds of meters of waves is beyond words to describe.

Thick accents are kind of funny, but luckily no one cares about that at this time.

Global League of Nations building.

The Desert God of Death sounds very powerful, but if it is placed in various gods around the world, it is actually nothing.

"Which recovery god came out to help?"

There is no essential difference between a typhoon and a hurricane, but they are called differently in different regions.

"Judging from the descriptions in ancient books, Lord Shiva is absolutely capable of destroying this planet, so why don't we just look at it like this?"

"My lord, we are almost there."

A middle-aged man in the military stood up suddenly: "I apply for immediate calibration of the nuclear bomb silo, and a saturation strike if necessary..."

It's normal for some resuscitating gods to not believe what he said, or believe but don't care.


Four primitive utensils appeared out of nowhere in His hands, namely the trident, the conch, the jug and the drum.

Lu Yan reached out and patted Anubis's bald head: "Didn't you inform the other recovery gods?"

No matter what, it is a recovery god, and it will not take too much time to cross a large ocean.

With such an obvious feature, and the fact that he is the revived god in the territory of Baixiang Kingdom, the identity of the other party is obviously ready to be revealed.


Everything looks like nothing special, nothing special.

The smile on Lu Yan's face grew brighter: "Then, are you here to sacrifice your life to stop me because of that stick insect-like guy?"

But without exception, they all represent a horrible natural disaster.

In human history, the frequency of super typhoons is not much.

Saying this, Lord Shiva raised his four arms casually.

"I can only trust the [Savior]."

He clasped his hands together, and said without joy or sorrow: "As long as you can see the [Savior], the wait is worth it."

Shiva's eyes only stayed on Anubis for a moment, then shifted to Lu Yan.

"My... my lord, I have already notified you. ... Even... I don't dare... I can't guarantee that all the gods will believe the news I said."

Seeing this, Lu Yan twisted his neck: "This is to come directly."

Although it is difficult for him to accurately judge the wind speed, what he can be sure of is that the wind speed is not much worse than the speed of sound.

"It doesn't look too good."

Fortunately, the place where the battle took place was at sea, otherwise the number of people affected by the disaster would be estimated at hundreds of millions just because Lord Shiva came here on land.

But things like speed are often relative.

Lu Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, looking in the direction of Baixiang Kingdom.

"If you have the ability to do it, you can naturally take my life."

But this only looks like a sonic wave, in fact, it is evoking a storm.

The representative of Baixiang Kingdom shook his head, his face pale: "I didn't expect that even a god of this level would recover...Humanity is really doomed."

Lu Yan rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

Even though the clarity was not too high, it was still possible to distinguish between Lu Yan and Lord Shiva who were facing each other.

It's just that the Susu God dared to stand up and help the Bamboo Man, which obviously didn't take him seriously.

"Shiva, right? One of the three main gods in the mythology of the White Elephant Kingdom, who is responsible for destruction."

A few hours have passed, and it is normal for a powerful god to revive.

The flying speed of Anubis was much worse than the explosive movement speed of the Bamboo Man before.

But at this moment, Lu Yan is in it.

The reincarnation system only limited his perception of the revived god, and did not affect his judgment of the bamboo man's position.

A smile appeared on Lu Yan's face.

Hearing Lu Yan's question, Anubis shuddered subconsciously.

In fact, there was no need for Anubis to remind, Lu Yan had already seen the land.

What is displayed on the big screen is the monitoring screen of the satellite in low earth orbit.

Even so, such a bad celestial change will inevitably cause a large number of casualties.

Lord Shiva's movements have not stopped.

The trident on his right arm was also lifted by him, and the space around the trident quietly emerged dense cracks in the shape of a spider web.

And in these cracks, there is also a purple-black dazzling luster.

Seeing this scene, Anubis was terrified and almost couldn't help turning around and running away.

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